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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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I'm also going to vote Niel... The "ET" vote, then switching to Arez with no explanation, followed by admitting to bandwagoning... It just doesn't sit well with me.


Vote Count:


Niel(8): Nolder, Despo, David, Arez, Basel, Turin, Mynd, Tress

Arez(2): Nyanna, Niel

Dice(1): Rand

Kat(1): Tiinker

EP(1): AJ



Not Voting(11): Darthe, Kathleen, Lessa, Peace, Dice, John Snow, Lily, Razen, Lenlo, AndrewLee, EP


With 24 alive, it takes 13 to Lynch



Deadline is Monday @ Noon CST.




Ok, I have seen Neil on twice since my post, looking at this game. It shouldn't take this much time to address this.


I'm going to my cousin's wedding now and though there is still a day before deadline, I really can't think of anything he could say that would change my mind at this point. And even if he could I don't know that we'd find someone else with a better case to go off.


Basically I tried to give you the benefit of doubt, though you looked really bad to begin with, and I tried to give you a chance to explain why you acted so scummy, then I saw you here twice but you still don't have a reply. Vote Neil.


Hmm. Agreeing with, most recently, Kat. I've been lurking, waiting for Neil to give some sort of explanation, or see if anything more likely came up. *shrug* I barely even noticed the ET thing, I'll have to go back and find that, but what mostly got me (other than the lack of reply) is that unexplained, out of nowhere vote on Arez. Not that Arez doesn't ping me constantly, but I begin to suspect that's just how the plays. Anyway, it's nothing that hasn't been said before.


And thank you Kat. I was about to spell Niel's name wrong too.



  On 7/21/2012 at 6:38 PM, Kathleen said:

Ok, I have seen Neil on twice since my post, looking at this game. It shouldn't take this much time to address this.


I'm going to my cousin's wedding now and though there is still a day before deadline, I really can't think of anything he could say that would change my mind at this point. And even if he could I don't know that we'd find someone else with a better case to go off.


Basically I tried to give you the benefit of doubt, though you looked really bad to begin with, and I tried to give you a chance to explain why you acted so scummy, then I saw you here twice but you still don't have a reply. Vote Neil.


Oh sorry I just left this page up ... I was doing some stuff for my mother ... Anyway the reason I voted for Arez was because I took his earlier remark once Mynd first voted for him as a nervous type Mafia haha ... and it seemed that Nya thought the same thing...


Vote Count:


Niel(10: Nolder, Despo, David, Arez, Basel, Turin, Mynd, Tress, Kathleen, Andrew

Arez(2): Nyanna, Niel

Dice(1): Rand

Kat(1): Tiinker

EP(1): AJ



Not Voting(9): Darthe, Lessa, Peace, Dice, John Snow, Lily, Razen, Lenlo, EP


With 24 alive, it takes 13 to Lynch



Deadline is Monday @ Noon CST.



  • Club Leader

I'm going to also vote Niel because his behavior has been erratic.


FOS on Kat because once she was called on trying to slow down Niel's train she then voted him pretty quickly. Could be something there.


Usually, votes that go quickly like this tend to be led on townies, which has me thinking that Niel is town. Kat is the only one that even mentioned taking time to slow down and think about it, but after another couple of votes, she too piled on. I'm getting the impression of a teammate that was thinking she could cause people to reconsider, but after more votes, she had to abandon that plan and then bus him to save her own skin. This seems to me to be a real easy lynch, which has me hesitating about following along.


I can understand if he meant to vote EP and auto-correct changed it to ET (although I don't know how likely that is) and it's not something I would want to vote him for. The Arez vote I'm a little shaky on as that part I do agree in that it was rather odd and the reason supplied after the fact makes it more so. I think that Turin is correct - a real defense is something that I would like to hear.

  On 7/21/2012 at 8:11 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Niel, if you have any real defense now might be the time for it.




Ithi, soup addiung extrau UUUUU's tou my wourds. :wub::smile::tongue:

  On 7/21/2012 at 8:16 PM, Razen said:

Usually, votes that go quickly like this tend to be led on townies, which has me thinking that Niel is town. Kat is the only one that even mentioned taking time to slow down and think about it, but after another couple of votes, she too piled on. I'm getting the impression of a teammate that was thinking she could cause people to reconsider, but after more votes, she had to abandon that plan and then bus him to save her own skin. This seems to me to be a real easy lynch, which has me hesitating about following along.


I can understand if he meant to vote EP and auto-correct changed it to ET (although I don't know how likely that is) and it's not something I would want to vote him for. The Arez vote I'm a little shaky on as that part I do agree in that it was rather odd and the reason supplied after the fact makes it more so. I think that Turin is correct - a real defense is something that I would like to hear.

  On 7/22/2012 at 1:18 AM, peacesells said:

Niel, can you go ahead and claim for us. I'll hold off voting until you do.

  On 7/22/2012 at 1:30 AM, RandA lThor said:

Me as well.


Yeah ... Well the reason I voted for him was because after Mynd voted him he seemed kind of nervous with what he typed and Nya agreed so those basically were my thoughts and besides that the game just started we don't have much to go off of. That's why .... And thank you Razen for that MARVELOUS piece of logic. Listen to him!!! And also sorry for the delay just came back from helping my grandparents move their new rug into their dining room...


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