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  On 9/13/2012 at 5:17 AM, chongjasmine said:
  On 9/11/2012 at 4:57 PM, Red2111 said:

*smiles fondly* i remember my first read of WoT. its more than worth it to keep reading and i'm sure you'll be finished either a bit before MoL comes out or just as its being released. the middle books of this series can be hard to get through, but after Path of Daggers it picks back up :happy: well worth it imo.


I am reading about 100 pages a day. It is my holiday and I read about half of the day. I enjoy the middle books even though they are slow. Glad to hear that it picks up after path of daggers.

Aww I remeber those 9 hour WOT days!!!! and then you think,... well ive alreay read this much whats one more chapter gonna hurt.....4 in tha morning bedtime...

Like many others, I'm going through a WoT reread. Having got very excited about the release date, I thought very carefully about the number of books, the other commitments I have and started tEotW mid-August. I'm now on the Fires of Heaven, and am thus at least 1 book ahead of where I should be to time it with the release of a Memory of Light. Suspect that after this (full reread) I may read Feet in the Clouds again, although that's a long way off, as it will hopefully convince me to start running again after the Winter break.


The Man in the high castle by Philip K Dick

Ravens Shadow by Anthony Ryan

Railsea by China Mieville and also Kraken

Pines by Blake Crouch


Just finished:

The Turing Test by Chris Beckett and also Dark Eden

Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi

Desert Spear by Peter V Brett

King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

Divorcing Jack by Bateman


I just finished Brother, I'm dying by Edwidge Danticat. I'm feeling a little depressed, now.


I'm also juggling a few other books, though I'm finding little time to continue them at the moment. I'm rereading A Dance with Dragons by George RR Martin, reading Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson, and The Poincare Conjecture by Donal O'Shea.


Finished King of Thorns, not a huge fan of the whole "4 years earlier" model. Hope the next one (presumably Emperor of Thorns) wont do the same.


Currently reading The Many Deaths of the Black Company and so far I'm surprised by how engaging Water Sleeps is. The books had taken a turn for the worse in the last few entries but these are great.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just finished "Telegraph Ave" by Michael Chabon. Solid new book and set in the Bay Area so it is cool to see local landmarks. Vivid characters and a strong sense of place stand out. It's about two friends that own a record shop and the neighborhood characters that hang around. A larger mega store is moving in with implications that go much deeper than you would think. Very well written as you would expect from Chabon...


Nat climbed back onto Mr. Jones's stool with his glass of burning wine, put on A Love Supreme. Reliably, it destroyed him. Yes, it had passages of lyric majesty, passages that embodied the modernist union of difficulty and primitivism, and some kind of groove beyond groove, funk beyond funk, and yes, it had been intended as a kaddish of sorts, an expression of praise in the face of all sorrow for the creator of John Coltrane, with thanks from His magnificent creation; but to Nat it had always come off as music that was—like Nat himself—secretly powered by currents of rage... the saxophone bashing itself over and over against some invisible barrier, a bee at a windowpane seeking ingress or escape...


His gifts for observation and dialogue are highlighted throughout as well. Can't recommend it enough.

Edited by Suttree

finished "Damned" by Chuck Paliniuk (sp) *author of Fight Club* recently and was very happy. after Pygmy i had lost faith in this author, but Damned has sense revived that :laugh: was a great Chuck book.



currently reading 2


"The Mark of Athena" by Rick Roidan. i've sorta put this on hold because well, i'm finding that alot of what their talkign about i'm not remembering, so i'm thinking a re-read of the Percy Jackson series and then this series is in order. i might wait until the next book is released to do so, that way its all fresh for the 5th and final release.



"50 Shades of Grey" don't recall the name of the author. just started this one, and picked it up cause i'd heard lots of good things about it. its an Erotic Romance, so i'll not go into depth about it. interesting read though, cant say the author is that great at wrting aside from the naughty scenes. the dialouge and the pose is about on par with a juvinille lit book imo; but the main character is likable


At the moment I'm reading The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, and I'm now on book 5. I'm not a huge fan of King in general, but i'm enjoying it, and at least at this point I don't have to wait for him to finish it :p


oh did king stop with book 8 in that series then?? i read the first 3 in that series, but lost interest in the 4th. i loved Gunslinger though *nods*



finished "50 Shades of Grey" and moved onto its sequel "50 Shades of Darkness".



okay, so i learned this series started out as a fan fic to Twilight. which explains why the writing style is on par with juvinille literature. infact the writing style, voice, characterisation and pose is very much like Twilight in comparison. not a compliment in any means.


this series, tbh, doesn't diserve the hype its been given. the erotic scenes are nicely written, very sensual and visual and well give you the desired effect. but honeslty, i think that really the only good thing i can say about this series.


the main character is likable still, but i cant say shes someone that one should admire. infact i'd say shes pretty much the anti-romance star that one comes to expect. i see a big resembalance between her and bella swan from the twilight series, both in demeanor and how she loses her self identity for that of the man she comes to love. its not a quality that should be encouraged or admired in female characters and was one of the main issues i had with the twilight series tbh.


Christian Grey ... tbh i want to liek him, but find myself unable to. i want to pity him, becuase i understand how messed up his childhood is. but his controll aspect, and the sadist aspect to his character as well as the controlling aspect i just can't vibe with. i resent him mostly in this series, and find him rather distasteful.



its a different series to be sure, and (leaving out the erotic scenes) not what one expects from a romance novel nor what one desires to read in romance. i'll finish the series, but its not a novel id read again or i'd suggest to anyone unless they wanted to read for the erotic scenes.


I'm pretty sure King wrapped the series up in book 7. I enjoyed book 4 a lot, mostly because I like Cuthbert. I can certainly see why long time fans of the series were irritated with a flash-back novel when they're waiting for the end of the story though. As much as I enjoyed New Spring I remember wanting to pound my head against the wall when it came out because it didn't advance the primary story. I've been on board with WoT since The Eye of the World was released in paperback, but The Gunslinger came out in 1970. Geeze that's a long time to wait to get closure on the series.


Finished The Dragon Reborn re-read a few days ago and started The Shadow Rising. Have a little more time now to read so maybe this will go faster. I'm hoping to finish before the last book coms out. We'll see I guess.


Wrapping up "The Likeness" by Tarna French. Man what an awesome detective thriller. She has such assured prose. All of the best aspects a thriller but very high literary quality as well.


Reading Forge of Darkness which I'm finding to be really really good. Can't wait for Fall of Light. It's really putting an interesting spin on the whole Malazan series, and I love learning more about these characters who I loved, but were so mysterious in the main series.


Need to finish it up though cause I have 14 WoT books I have to plow through and a little over 2 months to do it. Jesus, January's right around the corner!


I just finished my WOT re-read. Now, I am re-reading two at the moment. I am reading the Magic series by Ilona Andrews. A fun, new and interesting urban fantasy series written by a husband and wife team. And I am re-reading my Eddings. Just some light reading after the WOT!


I am in desperate need of new reading material. *begs* Any good recommendations? Doesn't have to be fantasy. I'll read most anything. (Well, almost. I felt my brain die a little when I read Twilight because all my sisters told me to.) Thanks all!

  On 11/3/2012 at 8:17 PM, vampirate said:

I am in desperate need of new reading material. *begs* Any good recommendations? Doesn't have to be fantasy. I'll read most anything. (Well, almost. I felt my brain die a little when I read Twilight because all my sisters told me to.) Thanks all!


Have you read anything by Neil Gaimon? How about China Mieville? If not they're both awesome. In particualat I'd start with American Gods by Gaimon and Perdido Street Station by Mieville. Outside of sci fi and fantasy Aztec by Gary Jennings is one of the wildest rides you'll ever come across.

Posted (edited)

I just finished The Half Orcs Omnibus, by David Galgish, last night. It was actually a fun little series. Not up to the caliber of Robert Jordan, Steven Ericson, or Goerge Martin, but he crafted a fun tale. I still have the Confessor trilogy and The Omen Machine from the Sword of Truth. So the goal is to read The Hobbit quickly, since the moviue is coming out, and then try to finish the Confessor trilogy before A Memory of Light is released. Then Omen Machine. Next, I am going to start the the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. So that is my next 3-5 months of Fantasy reading, since I probably won't get around to updating this thread regularly, its easier just to give the books and timeline.


That is on top of my own work and classes, so my schedule is not short of Fantasy.

Edited by Apoc81

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