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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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X men first class wasn't that good in my opinion. I think the movie was written to pander to the audiences expectations and the dialogue was poor.


My favorite (sarcasim) scenes: Someone mentioning mutants being enslaved and the camera going to the lone black guy. "Next thing you know I will be going bald" I wanted to slap the shit out of the writer for throwing that line in. Emma Frost in Diamond form which makes her almost invunerable to anything... well... except a bed frame that cracks her diamond exterior.


I also cared very little for most of the characters. Magneto and Azrael were awesome.. and to a degree I enjoyed Bacon's character. Xavier was boring... as were most of the other "X men".


The plot is nothing original. You have your training montage and then when the big battle ensues of course you have each person responsible for a bad guy. There were no real twist or turns and about 30 minutes into the movie you can figure out exactly what is in store for the rest of the movie. Like most prequels/origin stories the movie feels the need to go down the check list to please the viewer.

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X-men Orgins: Wolverine. I loved it and I hated it. I'm not an expert on the story but it seems like what I know of it from the comics that they pretty much got it wrong, which doesn't seem necessary. I was really dissapointed in Gambit, though the initial scene with him charging the cards was pretty spot on.

It is one of those movies that I'm glad I watched but will never sit through again.

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Hangover 2. It was very entertaining and what I expected. Not much new or original over the first Hangover movie but I really didn't expect it to be. Very funny and I will watch it again. biggrin.gif Two thumbs up!

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First Class is a decent action movie, but I can not see it as an actual X-men movie, only inspired by X-men.


I don't see how you mean?


The powers was mostly there, but pretty much all characters seemed off. Granted, i am fully aware that adapting from comic books to movies requires a bit of change, but here they are taking it way too far.


I think it is very much down to the difference between Marvel doing their own movies, and some random studio (like Fox in this case) doing their versions. marvel has an interest in staying as true as possible to the characters and the immense backstory. Whereas outsiders only wants to make a movie that makes more cash than it cost to make.

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finally got around to watching Inception i liked it, though like Avatar i think it was blown up in the press. the idea and concept were sort of original and the CGI was oustanding, i hate the cliffhanger ending though.

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So over vacation I broke down and read Girl with a Dragon Tatoo and then watched the movie.




I am not sure what all the hype was around this movie. Sure it was a pretty good story. I was impressed that the movie was able to include as much as it did, even if it cut out some important parts from the book... or in some cases changed pivotal plot points. Netflix seems to think I would 4 star this movie... which is big coming from netflix because I rank rather harshly (I am a movie snob). I think I would give it 3.5 if I could.... which I round down to 3. I am not sure how the American remake will fair.

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I enjoyed the movie much more for the scenery and the location than anything else. The copy I watched was sub titled and I had a hard time getting use to that but having read the book found that I could follow along well enough. So it was a weird combination for me. I watched most of The Girl Who Played With Fire, which was dubbed, but didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the book, which really surprised me.

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One thing about subs vs dubbing. With the exception of movies and telly aimed at young children, Sweden always goes with subtitles. And that is one of the key contributors to why everyone in Sweden speaks English. One of the hardest things when it comes to learning a new language is getting used to actually hearing it. Take any language you are not familiar with, at first just picking up where one word ends and another one starts can be quite tricky. ith subtitles, your brain gets used to hearing the language spoken, while you can still follow what is actually being said. And eventually you will start connect the words you hear to the words you read.


As for The girl ith The dragon tattoo, I found it quite overrated, with the exception of Noomi Rapace, whose performance was amazing.

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I too prefer subtitles to dubbing, I always get the feeling I'm missing something when it's dubbed. Aside from the fact that it just looks wrong. Plus I get to learn new words in different languages if I listen closely enough, I can figure out what's what.


I haven't watched a subtitled movie in the last week or so though.


I did watch Full Metal Jacket. 10/10, that film is just class.

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I just watched The Express, the biopic of Ernie Davis, first black player to win the Heisman Trophy in American collegiate football. It's a good story, although I've seen a great deal of stuff on how the historical accuracy was bunk. I doubt I would have bothered if I weren't a Syracuse fan, however.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Battle LA


Ok I went into this movie expecting something on par with Skyline... which if you haven't seen the film was pretty terrible. I was actually quite surprised how much better Battle LA was than I expected. I mean it isn't going to win any awards and there are some obvious flaws but overall the movie was enjoyable. I would give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.


The Adjustment Bureau


Ok the first half of this movie was quite good. We all know Damon can act and the first half really depends on his skill. Then something happens the last half of the movie... the film slowly slips off the rails. It never really becomes a disaster but you do start to wonder how the movie derailed itself after such a promising start. I would give this one a 2.5 out of 5.


I rewatched The Town again... man I really liked that movie. Probably will watch it again this week.

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