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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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Maybe you thought it was boring because you were dozing off and missing all the good stuff? Just saying, no offense, but to somebody who has never posted on this thread before and I have no idea what your tastes are in movies...I'll kindly just push your opinion off the table..

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Maybe you thought it was boring because you were dozing off and missing all the good stuff? Just saying, no offense, but to somebody who has never posted on this thread before and I have no idea what your tastes are in movies...I'll kindly just push your opinion off the table..

I like movies about ancient Greeks, and those movies are always exciting, except Immortals.

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Pirates 4:


Watched maybe the first 30 minutes and began to feel my brain shutting down. I rarely stop watching a movie once I start it, but this one was just awful.




This makes the original look like a best picture oscar winner. Don't get me wrong, I actually like the original for what it was. Now take the original, give it a lame villian, bad dialogue, awful fight sequences and eye liner for Conan and you have the remake. Unlike Pirates 4, I did watch this one to the end so ....errr... there was that.

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Pirates 4:


Watched maybe the first 30 minutes and began to feel my brain shutting down. I rarely stop watching a movie once I start it, but this one was just awful.

I agree

I fell asleep during most of it in the theater

the only time I really watched was the fight scenes but those were pretty boring too

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Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows


I had low expectations when I went to see the first movie and actually really liked the movie. The sequel was basically the same as the first movie. I thought overall the movie was ok. I would prefer to see Sherlock do actual detective work over being Captain America. Really the movie made me long for the upcoming BBC Sherlock to come back.


Crazy Stupid Love


Most romantic comedies are bad. I moved this one up my list of movies to watch based on some reviews from friends and was really pleased that I did. Ryan Gosling is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors and Emma Stone is growing on me as well. Overall a much better movie than the trailers let on.


Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows: Part II


Finally watched this movie and glad I did. I really enjoyed the darker overtones and basic nonstop action.

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Jackass 3..ugh easily forgettable


Resident Evil Degeneration. This is an animated RE film, but not your typical animated cartoon style. I thought it was actually pretty well done, a little predictable, but definitely worth it if you're a fan of the series at all.

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Tinker, Tailer, Soldier, Spy


First movie of the year where I saw people walk out in the first 15 minutes. How do you only sit through 15 minutes of a movie and make up your mind?


The movie is slow, but in a good way. What I mean by that is that the movie takes it's time unrolling the mystery. No... it doesn't start with Tom Cruise swinging through the jungle in Pandora being chased by Decepticons.


I really liked the movie's pace and the story that unraveled. It was like reading a good book that you can not put down (well some people put it down in the first few pages).




I started this movie on Saturday morning which is usually my time to barely watch what I percieve to be bad movies. The trailers were awful and completely unappealing to me. However somehow this movie drew me in. It was much better than I thought it would be and that is all I could ask for from this movie. Is it better than the original? Hell no but name a movie that is.... other than Batman Begins... or True Grit... or Oceans 11... ok... it could happen but it is rare.



Midnight in Paris


I am not a huge fan of Woody Allen. Owen Wilson in a film is usually a red flag for me. Luckily I forgot Wilson was in this when I netflixed it. If you do not know what the premise of the movie is... well you are in for a surprise that I do not want to ruin. This movie's real strength is the dialogue.. which you come to expect from an Allen flick and probably why it is currently in my top 10 of 2011 (probably temporary though).

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