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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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Blue Valentine


From what I had read about this movie, I expected some soft core porn (the big news is that when this came out it was going to get a NR rating). While there are a few sex scenes (like two) they are not more than I have seen in other movies. I must admit, I really liked this movie... moving into my top 10 of 2010. Sometimes you go to a movie to escape reality and just want loud explosions. Othertimes you want a performance driven movie that explores concepts of real life happening around us. This is a movie that explores the idea that love is nice and sparkly in the beginning but sometimes fades away (something we can all relate to). I would suggest all movie lovers to put this on their list and let me know how your thoughts.

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I just watched Priest. Crap movie IMO. Misleading trailers, horrible cliche dialogue, and a plot thinner than Paris Hilton after Gastric bypass. Again, IMO.


=/ Really? Crap.. and I was planning on seeing it next week when it comes out in the Land of hard stale bread and rotten fish. I watched the trailers as did you, and it looked really good. I even like the first book...


I watched Xmen-First Class yday and I thought it was really good. But I´ve always had a week spot for the mutants and their "Bow down filthy humans" vs "We can coexist man next to mutant kinda man". And Fassbender was just awesome in this movie. I <3 him =)

Edited by Logains Pet
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Green Hornet


I thought this was a pretty terrible movie. I hated the main character. I know he was suppose to be a rich boy brat but I think they over did it a little. I probably put this movie up there with Kazaam.


Resident Evil Apacolypse


Ok this movie was worse than Green Hornet. I hate 3D and this movie uses all the tricks. Things happen just to exploit the 3D. I would appreciate 3D if the movie isn't written just to fit the technology. Oh... the plot was bad too.

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I just watched Priest. Crap movie IMO. Misleading trailers, horrible cliche dialogue, and a plot thinner than Paris Hilton after Gastric bypass. Again, IMO.


=/ Really? Crap.. and I was planning on seeing it next week when it comes out in the Land of hard stale bread and rotten fish. I watched the trailers as did you, and it looked really good. I even like the first book...


I watched Xmen-First Class yday and I thought it was really good. But I´ve always had a week spot for the mutants and their "Bow down filthy humans" vs "We can coexist man next to mutant kinda man". And Fassbender was just awesome in this movie. I <3 him =)


Yeah, I thought it was terrible. It just could have been more. I thought the whole "Priestly abilities" was gonna be more than a less cool ripoff of some matrix shit. But again, that's just me, it's only an hour and a half so you may still enjoy it. :]


I'm going to see X-men first class and I have high expectations for it. Or at least it should be better than the original trilogy or Origins:Wolverine.


There are other ways of watching movies though without having to wait. *shifty eyes*

Edited by Ashaman Kovan
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Gosh my past few reviews make it seem like I hate movies. But keep in mind I try to see any movie that seems to have redeeming value. Of course most of them make it to my netflix. I have had this movie at home for a few months and finally slipped it into player last night. This movie is basically Mr and Mrs Smith minus the acting talent and try to throw in funny one liners. Katherine Hiegel is probably one of the worst female leads out there right now. Ashton Kutcher... ok I am going to say it... I don't hate him. I actually kind of like him. I mean this movie was not his best work but still not too bad. Mainly I recommend staying away from this movie unless it is on TV and you are bored.

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I just watched Priest. Crap movie IMO. Misleading trailers, horrible cliche dialogue, and a plot thinner than Paris Hilton after Gastric bypass. Again, IMO.


=/ Really? Crap.. and I was planning on seeing it next week when it comes out in the Land of hard stale bread and rotten fish. I watched the trailers as did you, and it looked really good. I even like the first book...


I watched Xmen-First Class yday and I thought it was really good. But I´ve always had a week spot for the mutants and their "Bow down filthy humans" vs "We can coexist man next to mutant kinda man". And Fassbender was just awesome in this movie. I <3 him =)


Yeah, I thought it was terrible. It just could have been more. I thought the whole "Priestly abilities" was gonna be more than a less cool ripoff of some matrix shit. But again, that's just me, it's only an hour and a half so you may still enjoy it. :]


I'm going to see X-men first class and I have high expectations for it. Or at least it should be better than the original trilogy or Origins:Wolverine.


There are other ways of watching movies though without having to wait. *shifty eyes*


Priest was written before Matrix, so I dk about rip-off. People get inspired and lend from one another, it´s all cool. Hmm then I guess ima skip Priest or watch it the same way you are gonna do... the other way! :tongue: Asha´man Kovan, you are not gonna be disappointed. I hope not, I think the story was good and you get a background story for Eric and Xavier. Plus you get to see a really cool Azazel.. I think he is the same creature as Wagner but blue oO

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The Hitcher, 1986 version with Rutger Hauer. I rarely watch modern movies as I don't like the sleek production values and political correctness contained within.


Also, in the past few days, I watched Creepshow 2, From Dusk til Dawn, Pulp Fiction, and Maximum Overdrive.

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I just watched Priest. Crap movie IMO. Misleading trailers, horrible cliche dialogue, and a plot thinner than Paris Hilton after Gastric bypass. Again, IMO.


=/ Really? Crap.. and I was planning on seeing it next week when it comes out in the Land of hard stale bread and rotten fish. I watched the trailers as did you, and it looked really good. I even like the first book...


I watched Xmen-First Class yday and I thought it was really good. But I´ve always had a week spot for the mutants and their "Bow down filthy humans" vs "We can coexist man next to mutant kinda man". And Fassbender was just awesome in this movie. I <3 him =)


Yeah, I thought it was terrible. It just could have been more. I thought the whole "Priestly abilities" was gonna be more than a less cool ripoff of some matrix shit. But again, that's just me, it's only an hour and a half so you may still enjoy it. :]


I'm going to see X-men first class and I have high expectations for it. Or at least it should be better than the original trilogy or Origins:Wolverine.


There are other ways of watching movies though without having to wait. *shifty eyes*


Priest was written before Matrix, so I dk about rip-off. People get inspired and lend from one another, it´s all cool. Hmm then I guess ima skip Priest or watch it the same way you are gonna do... the other way! :tongue: Asha´man Kovan, you are not gonna be disappointed. I hope not, I think the story was good and you get a background story for Eric and Xavier. Plus you get to see a really cool Azazel.. I think he is the same creature as Wagner but blue oO


No yeah, I know the book or whatever came out before. I just expected them to be able to do something other than heightened reflexes and sortof super human strength. More like be able to use spells such as a D&D Paladin or Priest would lol. They keep putting that guy in movies that they make look so awesome and then it's just a total let down. Legion specifically I was disappointed with too.


Yeah, Azazel is a demon type thingy. He's Nightcrawlers dad.

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First class was actually a pretty solid movie. The Action was good, there was some decent 'this is how the character got there' moments with Beast, Mystique, Prof X, and Magneto, January Jones is a gorgeous young lady and a fantastic actress from Sioux Falls, SD (I put on for my city), and I thought the dude who played Professor X was very entertaining.


Of the x-men movies I'd say I enjoyed it more than most of the others so far.



oooh, new emoticons :whitecloak:

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Yeah, Azazel is a demon type thingy. He's Nightcrawlers dad.


:ohmy: That was a surprise for someone that doesn´t know any Xmen-Lore lol. Although Azazel was way cooler <3

I think Fassbender was really good, I liked his portrayal of Eric.


On tuesday you can get a review of Super8. Ima see it then =)

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What do you mean "you people"?



That's the theme song from the Jeffersons!


Just cause it's the theme song don't make it not true.





Mother Nature just sh*t her pantsuit!




I killed it! I killed what I love most in this world!


Oh god you've killed a hooker!


No, a panda. I killed a helpless little panda!

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