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'Towers of Midnight' progress bar


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Done!!! Wow. Great! I'm excited.


Here's a question. The progress bar was at 93%. Did that include edits or not? In other words, will the progress bar now jump to 100% because he has finished (the first draft), or will it still be around 93 or 94% because he thinks there's still about 6-7% work to do in the form of editing? IIRC he did edit a huge chunk earlier already and has many chapters in final form. So what is it?


Also, can we get an approximate word count?


this was a post he made on facebook just about half an hour ago.


Brandon Sanderson: And...it is DONE! 359,000 words, 1800 pages in manuscript form. Nobody tell Tor. They asked me to try to keep it shorter. WHOOPS.




this was a post he made on facebook just about half an hour ago.


Brandon Sanderson: And...it is DONE! 359,000 words, 1800 pages in manuscript form. Nobody tell Tor. They asked me to try to keep it shorter. WHOOPS.



He later posted that he'd still be doing his standard 10 percent edit, so that we can expect the final length to be approx. 320,000 words. Most of that will likely be excess wordage, redundancies and so forth to streamline the main story.


Awesome!!  Can't wait!  I've been reading these books since I was 15, so it's basically half my life (I'm 31 now) and it's like these characters are old friends- some annoy me (i.e. Egwene sometimes, and Faile, though she oddly reminds me of my wife at times:)  I keep going back for more.  The culimination of this series will be heartbreaking, but at the same time bittersweet.  RIP Mr. Jordan, and congrats to Brandon for a job well done so far!  Here's hoping for the ending we all want! 




And if you've been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that today I finished writing the final chapter (or rather, the last chapter I had left to write, which is not right at the end of the book) of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. Now it goes off to Team Jordan for feedback, and I start into the revisions that will be required before the book can go into production less than two months from now. It's going to be tight, but we'll pull it off.



That seems really fast for a book this size.


And if you've been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that today I finished writing the final chapter (or rather, the last chapter I had left to write, which is not right at the end of the book) of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. Now it goes off to Team Jordan for feedback, and I start into the revisions that will be required before the book can go into production less than two months from now. It's going to be tight, but we'll pull it off.



That seems really fast for a book this size.

It's definitely an aggressive schedule, but Brandon's been doing some revisions on ToM as he's been along.  If he had to do all of the revisions now, then yes it would certainly be quite a reach to get it done by 8/17.  He knows better than any of us, and I'm glad he's confident of meeting the deadline.


And if you've been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that today I finished writing the final chapter (or rather, the last chapter I had left to write, which is not right at the end of the book) of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. Now it goes off to Team Jordan for feedback, and I start into the revisions that will be required before the book can go into production less than two months from now. It's going to be tight, but we'll pull it off.



That seems really fast for a book this size.

It's definitely an aggressive schedule, but Brandon's been doing some revisions on ToM as he's been along.  If he had to do all of the revisions now, then yes it would certainly be quite a reach to get it done by 8/17.  He knows better than any of us, and I'm glad he's confident of meeting the deadline.

The fastest turnaround for a WOT book from final draft to publication IIRC was six weeks. With the Nov. 2 release date, we're looking at 10-11 weeks from the 8/17 deadline. And Tor is prioritizing the printing. So even if the final draft is a week or two off from the 8/17 deadline it shouldn't delay the final release date. I have a feeling that when Tor pushed the release date back, it was just to give Brandon a sense of having some room to breathe so he didn't feel rushed, not because they felt he wasn't going to meet the deadline (unless the REAL reason for the changed release date is because Tor doesn't want U.S. WOT fans to remember to go vote...is that black helicopter watching my house?)


Seen on Twitter:


Either way, the first draft of Towers of Midnight is done. We are now confirmed for an on-time release late October or Early November 2010.




Say one thing about Brandon Sanderson, say he's a superfast superfreak.

Yeah. New update: he's done with spell checking, which is cool because that's his least favorite part of the editing process if his various groans on the topic are to be believed. Brandon keeps on chugging away.

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The impression that I've gotten from my conversations with various parties, is that Tor wanted the extra week because Brandon will be working on editing during the WoK tour in August. It's so he can sleep at night.

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The Way of Kings. The first book in the Stormlight Archive series that Brandon is launching this year.


I hope no one gets offended by this and i know its not realy relevent because hes doing these books because he loves WoT, but what sort of money would Brandon Sanderson be making to complete this series?


He will have a deal that splits between him and RJ's estate, thats my guess. I am in the music industry, and there are some parallels. But this would be tough because each book has some new material, and some already written by RJ. Still, I am sure its a percentage and not a fee - a fee would have to be huge otherwise it would be grossly unfair on Brandon.

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Brandon declines to discuss the details of his contract with the Jordan estate, but he is compensated fairly for his efforts. And that's all I know. =)


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