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WoT Season 2 Episode 8: What Was Meant to Be

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This is the topic for Season 2, Episode 8: What Was Meant to Be

Director: Sanaa Hamri

Writers: Tim Earle / Rafe Judkins


This topic is for discussing Episode 8 only. You should expect to encounter Full Spoilers Up To Episode 8, and full book spoilers on this topic.

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Gonna require another couple of watches to really see where I end up but initially I really enjoyed it.

I did think the the big fire dragon thing was on the cheesey side but something across the sky or repeating what happened in the books would've probably been even more cheesey so I can live with it.


I knew Mat blowing the Horn would trigger his memories, I called that 2 weeks ago 🙂

Edited by Finnssss22
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All in all a very solid and satisfying episode.  I'm sure a lot of hardcore fans will hate it, but I thought it was one of the top episodes of season 2 if not the best.  Finally some of the men are allowed to be competent.  I am a big fan of what they are doing with Lanfear and her ambiguous loyalties.  I'm very excited to see season 3, sorry haters!


Intro scene is back

Ingtar-- never was not a darkfriend that we know, but he is definintely dead

Turak is dead--- I guess that is the only way the scene could play out, since Rand doesn't know how to use a sword.

RIP Hopper!  I'm sure that is going to tear alot of people up. 

Egwene is a badass and gets herself out of her predicament

Unhinged Perrin takes out Bornhald-- I guess this will set up the trial scene later in the show.

Ishamael appears to be dead, which is unfortunate.  Will he return later as Moridin, or will they give the reigns to Demandred?  

Matt using the dagger in an unconventional way was pretty resourceful

Heroes of the horn-  Uno, Birgitte, Mat, Lady Amalisa (I think?)

Forsaken are loose!--- Mogehedien and Sammael mentioned

Rand smitten by first sight of Elayne healing him

Moiraine proclaims Rand in the sky with a fire dragon?  I guess the book way could never work on screen, so I can't complain too much.

Masema looks like he is starting to build that dragon dogma.

Aviendha identifies her Car'a'carn

Moghedien looks like she will be the big bad in next season-- time to get ready Nynaeve,

First sight of a gateway

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24 minutes ago, Pandemonium said:

Turak is dead--- I guess that is the only way the scene could play out, since Rand doesn't know how to use a sword.

To be fair the only reason book Rand did not crush Turak with the power is that he was (wrongly) worried that the Damane would sense it if he did.


31 minutes ago, VooDooNut said:

Great execution up until the moment Mat almost executed Rand. Is there seriously nothing beefier Ishamael could have thrown at Egwene than fire darts?!

I think he was going for deliberately (and visibly) slowly wearing Egwene down so that Rand would have time to despair and turn to save her.

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2 minutes ago, mogi68 said:

Really sad we didn't get a good ol melee with Rand vs the Betrayer of Hope. 


The fighting scenes fall really flat for me, generally speaking. Too many quick cuts and you can barely tell what's going on. I hope next scenes have directors with more action experience.

Amen to that.  They need to bring a top action director for sure, especially with the Aiel

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Wow. Just wow. 
So initial thoughts: 


1) Much more satisfying Finale than S1. Did not disappoint. 

2) Super glad that Perrin, Lan, and Mat each finally got a big payoff/some fighting action where they looked BA. 

3) CGI was ok, but did have some parts that were kind of cheesy. 

4) Fighting scenes were ok, but too many quick cuts. But this finale was action packed. And I was thoroughly “entertained”. 

5) I think my favorite part was that Nynaeve couldn’t do anything. 

6) The Shadar Logoth dagger is lightsaber-ish? 

7) Egwene standing up to Ishy, love it, was disappointed Ishy didn’t do better there though. 

8.) Lanfear is fecking brilliant 


9) Speaking of “fecking”. So since Uno is back as a Hero of the Horn, do I count that as a fake-out death? Hmmm … 


10) My over on 2.5 fake-out or real deaths hit the over. LoL 


11) I  was wrong about Fain stabbing Rand, but they wrote that weird/screwed that up … cause a) fain would never willingly just lay down the dagger for Matt & b) in Min’s vision the person had the dagger in hand and put their hand on Rands shoulder just prior to stabbing him 


12) love that the “who are you?” was indeed Elayne. Love, love, love that. And that both Elayne and Avi looked at Rand with some awe/compassion this episode


13) Hopper 😪


14) Rand “Indiana Jonesing” Turok and Co. 😅


15) The Heroes of the Horn ❤️‍🔥


16) The Moggy ending … speechless … and hooked. 

17) Bayle Domon made an appearance! 

18) Lan caught an arrow with his bare hand?? Apparently a restored bond gives him Matrix reflexes. But I actually love it! 

19) I’m still a little peeved they cut Gaul… but I did like the Maiden hand-talk. 

20) I absolutely knew that Moiraine was going to say, “I could only say that because I’ve always known you were better than me.” 

21) I also knew Egwene would get free when Renna was collared. But I was so sure Egwene was gonna drop the line “It must be hard, thinking your whole life that you’re a person, when you’re a damane.” Mic drop. 

22) Is it just me or is Moiraine’s channeling technique wonky?? 

23) on the other hand, I love Egwene’s chest bump, no hands, channeling … 


24) none of those Damane saw a boulder coming at them and channeled to stop it??? 

25) I think it’s funny that Loial and crew just show up randomly with the horn. 

Ok… that’s all I got on the first watch. 


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Ingtar left a bad taste in my mouth that carried through the rest of the episode. I think the question of can a darkfriend be saved was an important arc that Ingtar answered.


 I liked the Heroes of the Horn and even the Mat "I remember" line.


 Nice to see Lan do something other than fail.


Lanfear playing her own games is fun.


Liked that Egwene freed herself but you cant ask too many questions or it just falls apart. Take it at face value that Egwene rescued herself,


Hopper, so sad.


Fighting scenes were a letdown.


Moiraine somehow became the most powerful Aes Sedai in millions of years.


Ishamael died so easily it was a letdown.


Moghedian was great and I wanted to see more immediately.

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Okay, wow. 


Over all, it both felt kinda hurried and I was surprised at the direction of most things, but after what they did with Siuan last episode I wasn't surprised. 


Is it bad that I'm sad Nyn didn't get a big power scene? 😂 I guess it was too convenient for her to be able to work up her anger in the books, they are making it harder here. Or she hasn't figure it out just yet. 


Disappointed that they had Eggy kill Renna. I think it was a misstep on her part, and she'll have to grapple with it. They are giving her anger more of an edge here than in the books. 


Moraine's channeling was exquisite and beautiful to watch. From the Bonding scene 😭 to the fire weaving. Just beautifully shown and performed. 


Heroes of the horn! Uno! Others! 


Oh Turak. Bless your heart. Nice move Rand lol


I'm enjoying how much more involved and manipulative Lanfear is. She's scheming all over the place!


Ishy, wow. Crispy. Felt a little too "vampire turns to dust" in his death moment....


Eggy smarty pants working defensive weaves cause she know's she's too weak for offensive. Well played. 


I'm already loving Moggy!!! I am hoping they keep the rivalry she has with Nyn! 


Didn't like Hopper's death and then lead to Perrin's rage. Could have been better played, and was more of a "revenge" kill than a "defensive" situation like it was in the books. 


Rand's got googly eyes for Elayne already.


Mat's all fine and. hero-y now. Someone get him a better coat and shirt with lace!



When's Season 3? 😆



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Uno is just embarrassing the acting is abysmal and his lines are terrible.


So the dagger can cut through metal and does leave incredibly infected wounds yet it had no effect on Loial at all? What is it a Disney wars light saber FFS.


23 hours ago, Rhaze said:

Ingtar left a bad taste in my mouth that carried through the rest of the episode. I think the question of can a darkfriend be saved was an important arc that Ingtar answered.



Ingtar scene was just a blatant key jangling moment for book readers that made absolutely zero sense in the context in the show. 

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Crap adaption.  Womderful TV.  I highly suggest gettong a few alcohic beverages in you and have your partner wear something sexy.  Distracts from the nitpicking and fast cuts.  Wife was very sad to see Ishy go.  We are both Team Forsaken.  Egwene was perfectly powerful without feeling Mary Sue.  Overall cant wait for next season.  Unlike last season trying to do a gofund me to have executives hunted down by cartel assasins.

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Long time fan/lurker on this site here.  I'm 49 years old and have read the books more times that I can remember.  For me, this book series was my generation's Harry Potter series, where I eagerly awaited every book to come out.


So as a HUGE book fan, I hated absolutely everything about the first season.  However, this second season has won me over somewhat.  I have learned to relax and enjoy it for what it is.  So here are my thoughts, take it for what it's worth:


1) Loved that Rand used the Power to mow down Turok and his posse.  My favorite moment of the series so far.

2) Never been a huge Egwene fan.  Probably because I liked Rand too much and when she left him for the tower I soured on her as a character.  I was so happy when Rand showed her up in the tower in front of all the Aes Sedai (from the books).  However, this version of Egwene in the TV show is growing on me. 

3) Loved that Mat gained his memories from the horn.  Loved that Mat got to shine as a good guy period.

4) Nynaeve was one of the most annoying characters at the beginning of the book series, and ended up being one of my favorites at the conclusion.  I would have liked to have seen her shine more.

5) Rand being overwhelmed by Elayne's beauty was a nice touch.

6) Cringed at the Car'a'Carn remark from Aviendha as others have mentioned.

7) I love Lanfear in this series, but her remark about the Light helping Rand at the end... felt off considering who she is.

😎 Lan, what can I say about Lan, he was the most manly of all men in the books and he's just nowhere near his character in this TV show.  The biggest let down of the TV series for me.

9) I am looking forward to season three now.  Despite the crazy changes from the books, its still the WoT in a visual medium and I will always take more new WoT content over having none.


Edited by Lews Therin7
grammar, proper sentence construction
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On 10/5/2023 at 9:32 PM, Finnssss22 said:


I knew Mat blowing the Horn would trigger his memories, I called that 2 weeks ago 🙂


I'm thinking it may be a trigger to the holes in his memories, though maybe I'm just keen for some fins.


On 10/5/2023 at 9:38 PM, SinisterDeath said:

I actually loved how Rand just ganked Turak. 


I was surprised at how I too thought that was great.


Couldnt help but laugh, they bigged it up in the trailers and.. lol! They bloody Indiana Jones it 😅


Notice how the all died on their knees, head bowed to Rand. If I didn't know better I'd swear there was a Tar'vareen about.


On 10/5/2023 at 10:20 PM, mogi68 said:

The fighting scenes fall really flat for me, generally speaking. Too many quick cuts and you can barely tell what's going on. I hope next scenes have directors with more action experience.


Agree, there was like a nearly 5 second cut with the lady samurai hero just slicing throught the Seanchan that looked amazing. Everything else was like they were only aloud to do one thing before the cut, quite jarring.

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