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So it's April already! Spring is here, regardless of when you believe it started, and just like the world around us, the Black Tower is experiencing growth and revitalization with new members, classes, and epic One Power battles among members! What are some areas of personal growth that you are looking forward to this Spring? What are you spending your personal life points on this Spring? Myself, I bought an electric keyboard (a Yamaha P-115), and I'm trying to learn the piano.


Also, here. :tongue:




Learning  how to yell less at the kids and focus on the good things. I still discipline, but trying to not make that a focus. It's less stressful on me so far and the kids seem happier. It's a slow start. 


I am trying to make progress on my decluttering project this spring, and hopefully finish a blog series I started a year and a half ago :unsure:


Also, 10 points from my personal pool to Ben for taking the initiative to start the roll call :wink:




I start training for a job on April 9. I'm hoping this is a start of good things to come. Thankfully it will be 8-5 for 8 weeks, which should get my son through the rest of the school year. Then the schedule is 10-7, which I'm not thrilled about, but it's a start.


I'm still writing, which is a big thing for me. Trying to get this new story ready to submit in a couple weeks.


Patience with children, new jobs (yay!), cleaning things up, being productive, maintaining current levels of awesomeness, and going to concerts! What a great Spring so far! Also, points for me! :smile:


I'm looking to put some serious effort into writing. Got some great characters, just today had a positively amazing idea for the magic, and to top it off I have some unique worldbuilding. All pieces are in place. :smile:


Good luck, Leyrann.


I know I'm still trying to work out a magic system I'm happy with. Right now enjoying the development of my elven race and their splits....I do like drama.


I am trying to pass the finals too (most of my classes have 50% weightage on finals so...), especially electrical technology. I have no idea why my college thinks that it's a good idea for everyone to study that.


After that...wait, it'll be summer before I have time for myself :(

  • 2 weeks later...

Here, better late than never.


Lately I've been trying to take small steps to be healthier. With the weather nicer planning on lots of walks with our new dog


Here. Paying off bills, buying some extra equipment for the band. A few extra mics, speaker cables, pedal board for my bass. Music stuff

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Niniel unpinned this topic

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