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November Roll Call


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erm well we live right on the water, so we get hurricane weather a lot... one time during hurricane season, there was so much rain that the park (which sits in a bowl) was filled up... my friend and I used it as a water park (still in our clothes) and it was so much fun until the cops came and kicked us out saying that we weren't supposed to do that and that the park was on top of a sewage line... :tongue:

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The Great Storm of '87 ot was the tail end of a hurricane


trees down, tiles off roofs, all over the south east of england (not noticed at all elsewhere - I mention it to people in other aread of the country and they look at me blankly!)


noted because a day or so before the wheather forcaster Michael Fish went on tv and said he had this letter from a lday who hear their was a hurricane coming and would it hit us. He read it out and said, no no, no hurricane don't worry!


Then there was hurricane! :laugh:

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Hello. I was in a river as it flooded once. Scary as anything to have water suddenly rising. Its calm, if strong, and siddenly its no longer at your ankles but instead is crawling up your leg.


Really very frightening. You get out as fast as you can.

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Here!!!    Having lived most of my life in Florida I have been through quite a few hurricanes, the biggest to hit my area was Hurricane Elena back in the 80s. Also there was a bad snow/freeze in 89 that left us stranded on the interstate with a group of kids in buses. We were on a Young Life trip =)) We couldn't stay on the buses (too cold) and the closest exit was frozen so we coudn't drive into the town there, so we had to walk into town and then all the hotels were full so we stayed in a church and slept on the floors =)) what an experience!!!

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I haven't really dealt with a lot of extreme weather as I've lived in mostly temperate places, but probably the worst experience was this one time I was on detachment with my squadron to Nevada. I was working the night shift and it got down to about 12 degrees F and was snowing pretty heavily. Trying to work on jets during that sort of weather was just miserable. Snow/cold + plus metal tools = Unhappy mechanic with numb hands and face.

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I just joined, but I am from colorado - I literally lived just blocks away from one of the worst forest fires ever. Hundreds of houses burned down. That was the fire from last year, and then again this year there was a fire in another area where I actually had worked for four years in a school. It's scary to know that you might have to leave everything and it could all just burn. Even in the winter often we get fire warnings from heat and wind. Plus, unless it is a very wet summer, Colorado almost is never moist enough to stave off fire. We also get tornadoes where I am at, so the wind can be pretty crazy sometimes. Whole huge branches and parts of trees have been know to fly off during storms where we get like 70 and 80 mile an hour winds. No ocean here, but it can be ridiculous. 

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I left all the crazy weather back in Texas, sadly. I def miss it somewhat. I prefer the rain which comes in a deluge but lasts for a few minutes as opposed to rain which lasts for days like it does here in SC. This year wasn't that bad tho.


A couple of quick weather related stories: I've been relatively close to a tornado before.... the sound that they make is just bone-chilling. Like a bunch of freight trains going into a tunnel at once. Craziest thing tho is a lightning storm I saw once. Was driving through west Texas and the rain was coming down in sheets. Wiper blades did NOTHING. We eventually stopped by the side of the road at one point, and at that very moment lightning struck beside the road, maybe about 30 feet from where we were. The crack of thunder was just devestating, and the lightning bolt itself was a lot thicker than I ever would have guessed a lightning bolt would look like. Was about 3 feet across. Researched it later, apparently the visible portion of the bolt can be about 3 feet wide, the actual bolt itself is around 18 feet wide, so we were even closer to getting toasted than I realized initially. Was friggin amazing.

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Hey all.


I went to school in Charleston, SC and we had a couple tropical storms come through.  Well, the school didn't evacuate us in time once so we were stuck on campus during the entire thing.  A few of us had snuck alcohol on campus so after a bit, we took pieces of plastic and covered the grates that drained the quad so it totally flooded.  We then brought out wake boards and broomsticks and had jousts on the quad.

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I left all the crazy weather back in Texas, sadly. I def miss it somewhat. I prefer the rain which comes in a deluge but lasts for a few minutes as opposed to rain which lasts for days like it does here in SC. This year wasn't that bad tho.


A couple of quick weather related stories: I've been relatively close to a tornado before.... the sound that they make is just bone-chilling. Like a bunch of freight trains going into a tunnel at once. Craziest thing tho is a lightning storm I saw once. Was driving through west Texas and the rain was coming down in sheets. Wiper blades did NOTHING. We eventually stopped by the side of the road at one point, and at that very moment lightning struck beside the road, maybe about 30 feet from where we were. The crack of thunder was just devestating, and the lightning bolt itself was a lot thicker than I ever would have guessed a lightning bolt would look like. Was about 3 feet across. Researched it later, apparently the visible portion of the bolt can be about 3 feet wide, the actual bolt itself is around 18 feet wide, so we were even closer to getting toasted than I realized initially. Was friggin amazing.


Pro tip: Cars can sometimes be used as Faraday cages.

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I did forget to add in to my stuff, we had crazy flooding this year, which happens sometimes. There are roads that have to still be replaces and it was really bad. I spend about half of my time in Boulder and we weren't able to go up there at all during the storms because it was super bad in that area. 

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