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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Not only that, but there's actually a fair amount of players in this game that either stay up crazy late, work odd hours, or are in a diff timezone like yourself, so really you should have plenty of chances to talk to other peeps that are on at the same time

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Sorry for the absence, I was away unexpectedly all weekend. My cousin was married on Saturday and I knew I was going to it. I thought I would be back late that same night, but I didn't get home until late Sunday. Then there was some family stuff to deal with. Today I woke up and was whisked away out of province to the zoo and I just got home now.


I just now read the last 13 or so pages, so its all kinda jumbled together in my mind. I'm sure everything I have to say has been said at this point, but here we go anyway.


I think EPs hammer was premature, but I voted for the same basic reasons. Niel's actions were poor choices and negatively affecting game play. He had a pretty strong day one case against him, he saw it growing, was given ample time to reveal/explain/try to make us believe he was town so we could go after someone else. There was time to start looking for others, but Niel made it clear that he while he had the time to help us out, he wasn't going to.


I got frustrated with that when I asked him to reveal and then waited 5 hours and I saw him looking at the thread twice. I knew I would be gone for at least 24 hours and so knowing that and having the frustration of him being around and not addressing it, it just seemed like he was hiding something. I got frustrated and voted him for looking like he was avoiding a reveal and buying time to make up a cover story.


The fact that this behaviour continued to go on for so long after that, I can see why EP would be frustrated (I know I was, and I would have only gotten more). I also understand that with 23hrs left and no reveal, and no look of him being willing to reveal, it would seem like it was just gonna go to deadline waiting on the same thing. What's the point in dragging out the inevitable? I can understand where EP would feel like that and not want to drag out the game.


On the other hand, with 23 hours left if Niel had revealed there would have been time to find and vote for someone else. Personally I would have waited on the hammer, as annoying as dragging out deadline is, you can use that time to gain more info, where an enviable lynch will give you the same info now or later.


There was no real gain from ending day early, and with it being l-1 the chances were that unless he could prove he was town, he would get lynched before the end of the day. He didn't look like he would provide the proof, but there was no reason to rush the lynch, unless you didn't care who you were killing.


I don't like how EP has handled the attention coming from his hammer either. There is a perfectly good reason why he could have hammered so early, I just explained how I had thought it made sense (though even though it made sense it was still poor reasoning, just understandable). EP seemed to get erratic and melodramatic in his defense though. Perhaps that is just because he explained his reasoning and was still badgered to explain it further. I honestly don't recall if he was acting erratic before or after he he gave his explanation for the hammer (sorry read the whole 13 pages together so things are out of order in my brain).


But he admits that he started acting odd and he got into his own anti-town looking behaviour by saying its all a crazy game style play; I worry about that. It was crazy game style play that got Niel in the situation he was in, and now EP is doing it too? How does crazy game play that comes off as anti town ever help the game? Town acting anti town doesn't help town, it just distracts from the real scum hunting and helps the scum do their job. It keeps everyone's eyes on you instead of on the real scum.


It's exactly what happened Day one. Do we really want that day two too? Maybe EP is banking on this thought processing happening so that we all say 'oh, he's just doing what Niel did and Niel was town, lets not let the crazy townie distract us' and then we ignore him. If he's scum he gets to slide by longer. If he's not and we leave him we'll always have a bit of doubt about him. If he's town and we lynch him for it, like we did with Niel then we've wasted two days. None of these scenarios help us. They just waste our time. Town actin Anti Town is NOT good, whether you have a strategy or not. Sure it may help you survive, cause the mafia want people they think the town will lynch instead of their teammates, but being someone the mafia wants everyone to lynch isn't good for the collective town.


Anyway I'm rambling and should really save this till the morning light, but I think its all pretty common sense, and I just read it all so I thought I'd share my thoughts while its fresh in my mind.

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^What Kat said. Acting erratically and anti-town is NEVER good for the town, despite w/e traps you may be attempting to lay. You just draw unnecessary attention that could normally be used finding scum. Instead of trying to defend the premature hammer by pretending to have done it for reactions, just admit it was a mistake so we can move past it.


Being that it's EP we're talking about tho, I doubt we'll get that kind of concession :rolleyes:

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