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I really thought episode 3 was the best easily so far of what we've seen, and the funny thing is it ventured furthest from the books than the other two. Not in big ways, just in subtle ways and in dialogue and character interactions that ended up really working. I especially like Jaime and Ser Barristan's scene together. Since they're spending so little time relatively on Daenerys character/part of the world, I hope they move it along really quickly. If those episode descriptions are accurate though, I guess I won't get my wish. Can't wait for episode 6 now though for

Viserys' payment



I have to admit that I'm still reading the series, on book 3 right now, and I feel like I'm just going through the motions reading it. I've been able to call the past

6 major character deaths, and the manner of Robb Stark's falling was just cruel IMO. He was old enough to know what it meant to break his oath to the Frey's, and he wouldn't have been so innocent after spilling so much blood that he'd screw himself over by marrying that highgarden chick or whatever house she was from. Then aside from that, Catelyn knew Walder Frey well enough to know he wouldn't accept an apology like that. And there were so many red flags that should have gone up when they DID arrive at the wedding it was ridiculous. Overall I feel like GRRM just has his fun killing off major characters to keep things interesting or something, or maybe because he's trying to make them supposedly more realistic but this stuff aint supposed to be that realistic anyways. Sansa shouldve gotten killed a long time ago if he was in such a rush to kill off characters. I'm ready for this series to be over so I can start on one I'll enjoy more.


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Not much action compared to the other two, but hot damn Viserys got severely owned by the Dothraki dude. Nice to see Dany come into her own at last. Although I haven't read the books, I did read how Dany and Drogo's first night together was supposed to go down, and I really would like to know the rationale behind changing it. If they hadn't changed it, their exchanges in the second and third episodes would make much more sense. :|


I also really liked that scene with Robert, Jaime and the other kingsguard guy. On a side note, poor Lancel, he's so abused. I really didn't expect such a deep voice from such a feminine looking character. *_* -fangirling about background characters-

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I am pretty sure they ventured from the books with Dany's wedding night because they wanted to show the viewer how she actually changed. She was weak/scared and is transforming into someone that controls her own destiny and has confidence.

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I am pretty sure they ventured from the books with Dany's wedding night because they wanted to show the viewer how she actually changed. She was weak/scared and is transforming into someone that controls her own destiny and has confidence.


Which makes it quite weird that they changed the scene with Viserys, having the Dothraki dude telling Viserys to walk instead of Dany. In the book, that was perhaps the most powerful show of how she is changing at this time, and now we missed out on that.

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i liked the 3rd episode as well. much more hapy about Danny & Drogo's relationship; i actulaly cheered when i saw them being sensual & cuddling instead of just going at it. PERFECT!! :happy:


the part they changed with Viserys, it fit for the story and didn't really effect me either way. i understand their excuse for the wedding scene is to show a change in Danny, but had they followed through with more interaction between Danny & Viserys instead of focusing on the sex potential given with the Dothraki, they could have accomplished it in the same light the books did. they took a different route to gain a broader audience though; and by doign so, will confuse some people on exactly how important to Danny it was for her to finally overcome Viserys brutal and abusive nature. not to mention confuse them as to having her in love with drogo now.



the rest was good. they added backstory with Jamie & Ned in the throne room



I was like "whoa" talk about blast from the past for Ned. i acutally thoguth they were gonna do a Flashback scene of when Jamie killed the Mad King.




as well as the banter with Jamie, Kingsguard (his name is Mormount right, the guy whose in charge of the Kingsgaurd right now) and Robert. i got shivers when Jamie answered, with a somber face & voice "the same thing he was screaming hours before, 'Burn them all'." and then i went on sympathizing with him more than ever. just for that scene alone, i love the actor playing him even more than ever!!



i have to say, there are two things i dont like



1st is the mystery surrounding the Dagger. in the scene between Cersi & Jamie this episode, it leads the veiwer to believe Jamie is taking credit for the assassin attempt on Bran. i thought in the book, when they have this convo, Jamie denys it saying if he were to finish the job, he'd have gone himself. at which point they suspect Tyrion; and begin to wonder if Tyrion knows their secret.


2nd was with Mormount in Dothraki. the "i have to go" as soon as he learned Danny was preggo. it makes it easier for the veiwer to put 2 & 2 together abotu his abrupt disappearance, knowing about the assassination attempt on Danny and the suspected spy over in the Dothraki that was a major shocker in book 2. i feel a bit cheated in that aspect honestly, as it was a major WTF moment.


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Barristan Selmy is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, not Mormont. Mormont #1 is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Mormont #2 is the knight with Dany, in Essos.


On Jorah Mormont and his leaving at news of pregnancy:



The reader of the books knows that Mormont is spying from the beginning. They mention it in a Small Council meeting, though attention isn't called to this fact, nor does Dany learn until book 3. No problem with them making his betrayal more obvious to viewers since it was explicitly stated in the book by around this point (well next episode)


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so they added alot in this episode. even so i still liked it; it was a nice way to get some backstory in there and the characters they used to do it made since. i suspect since they took the time to add Viserys telling about the Dragon Skulls instead of leaving it for later and having Tyrion doing it; we'll certaintly get to see them with Ayra in the next episode when she chases the one ear black cat.



so far, my complaints really disappeared about the show when they righted the relationship between Danny & Drogo :happy:

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So we finally got to see Ghost in the fourth episode (mutters). I guess they're being sparing with the direwolves. Training issues perhaps? Or maybe the dog that played ghost doesn't naturally look like an albino?


Still, I would like to have seen my favorite animal in the series. You know, the one that goes,







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i was actually. i knew it was a rumor floating around within the series that people suspected those two were lovers, but i didn't know GRRM had confirmed it.



i was a bit sketchy on that, but now that i know that GRRM had confrimed they were lovers years ago its just another example of HBO taking the time to add in back story and set up future events in the series while they can and in places where it has a smooth and non-forced feel to it.




i have to say my new gripe is how their treating Cersci; their making her character WAY too sympathetic, and this lie about "we lost our first born child" crap she's spewing is making me want to barf. :rolleyes:




i'm totlaly on pins & needles for the next episode!! anyone use HBO Go here??? your supposed to be able to view epi 7 right now!!!

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I kinda got the whole Renly and Loras gay thing in the books, but i was kinda annoyed at how they portrayed Loras. Yeah, he is a pretty boy, but he was always a knight and fiery like Jamie (as it says in the book).


I dont mind the gay scene itself, its just that Loras acts like a little nancy boy, its kind of annoying.

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see i could have went either way with Loras. for me i picked up both the "love" connection with his sister as well as the hints at him and renly. i think it's in the 3rd book were a few characters reflect on the rumor of Renly & Loras being lovers. it's said breifly and jokingly as i recall so is easy to overlook.

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Yeah I was surprised to see the scene between Renly and Loras as well. However, I think they made Renly look a lot more of a pansy than Loras. I never really thought that it was Loras and his family connections and ambitions that would convince Renly to consider being king though.


I also thought that duel between Ned and Jaime dragged on for WAY too long. I didn't remember a soldier ending it either, though I did like Jaime's reaction to it. "No, he was mine to fight! pommel!"


Anyway, that was an AWESOME episode I thought!! Can't wait to watch the sixth one next week :D

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I agree what some people said about Loras he does look a bit skinny I thought. Surely all the jousting is a pretty physical activity.


It's funny though I never suspected Loras and Renly were together but the first time I heard his nickname "The Knight of the Flowers" I thought God, how gay is that!


I also think its funny how women are all supposed to go weak at the knees at the sight of him.


The next episode should be interesting. Judging by the title I think we book readers have an idea whats going to happen. :wink:

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I also thought that duel between Ned and Jaime dragged on for WAY too long. I didn't remember a soldier ending it either, though I did like Jaime's reaction to it. "No, he was mine to fight! pommel!"


In the books, Ned fell off his horse and the horse landed on top of him, crushing his leg. He then had to watch his men die without helping them. The spear in the back leg came later. I guess the TV show people thought that was pretty lame and a sword dual would be better since they have been playing up the Ned vs. Jaime battle for a while now.

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I also thought that duel between Ned and Jaime dragged on for WAY too long. I didn't remember a soldier ending it either, though I did like Jaime's reaction to it. "No, he was mine to fight! pommel!"


In the books, Ned fell off his horse and the horse landed on top of him, crushing his leg. He then had to watch his men die without helping them. The spear in the back leg came later. I guess the TV show people thought that was pretty lame and a sword dual would be better since they have been playing up the Ned vs. Jaime battle for a while now.


Yeah, they've played up Ned's swordsmanship in general. He's not considered that amazing in the books, second-tier at best. That's why he had to take 7 men to go against 3 of the Kingsguard at Tower of Joy, and why it was Howland Reed that actually killed Arthur Dayne and saved Ned's life.


I kinda facepalm a bit at Ned suddenly being Jaime's near equal with the sword. He's meant to be a battlefield commander, one that's a veteran of a number of campaigns. Not a fantasy hero. But, eh, you got Sean Bean. Might as well make use of him, amiright?


I like Loras pushing Renly into acting. It fits what we know of his family, if not him personally. I can see that, as the series unfolds, him arguing with the Queen of Thorns or his father at some point about how they got Renly killed. Many miss him and Renly being together until the fourth book I bet. Then, with his interaction with Jaime, the relationship becomes more clear ("or else I'll stick my sword into places not even Renly found, etc").


ETA: I really liked Lysa's face. She's not meant to be attractive, not at all. They got the madness/creepiness of her and she looks like she may be related to Catelyn. That's good enough for me, even if she isn't perfectly right.

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ETA: I really liked Lysa's face. She's not meant to be attractive, not at all. They got the madness/creepiness of her and she looks like she may be related to Catelyn. That's good enough for me, even if she isn't perfectly right.


Yea, what off set me wasn't that she wasn't 'pretty' but the fact that in the books, she's described as a 'fat sow'.


Course I guess they'd probably have a hard time finding a good-fat-actor with a nice rack for HBO. :P

(I'm wondering how they did the scene with the kid... CG super-imposed? did he 'know' what he was supposed to be doing?)

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The scene with the kid (Robin as HBO has renamed him) was done with a fake breast.


And I don't see that much of playing up Neds swordsmanship. Look at Jaimes and Neds faces. Ned had the look of a man who is fighting for his life. Jaime? Looked like he was just having a good time, toying a bit with Ned while figuring out how much he could hurt him without risking Tyrions life. Granted, Ned takes out 4-5 guards a bit too easy, but I never saw it as him really standing up to Jaime.

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The scene with the kid (Robin as HBO has renamed him) was done with a fake breast.


And I don't see that much of playing up Neds swordsmanship. Look at Jaimes and Neds faces. Ned had the look of a man who is fighting for his life. Jaime? Looked like he was just having a good time, toying a bit with Ned while figuring out how much he could hurt him without risking Tyrions life. Granted, Ned takes out 4-5 guards a bit too easy, but I never saw it as him really standing up to Jaime.


I didn't either but I'm going off what I read on the Television Without Pity forums from new viewers. They all seem to think Ned had the upper hand. I don't know if my impressions are colored by the book as far as who was winning, or if the viewers are due to what the show's done in a few of its lines.


I did see one non-reader, with a background in fencing, say they thought Jaime was winning though.

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