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krak you have GOT to catch up on this season.




okay, so after all the teasing you HBO GO veiwers gave us, the epi lived up to my expectations. i have very little complaints about the last episode, Drogo really came into his own and showed just how much of a literl BA he is with his whole stomping around and declaring savage war on Westeros after the assasination attempt. i really like who they casted for him.


with the sex scene and Littlefinger; again i thought the addition for this scene to give back story was great, especially for character development. i have to wonder if the audience who haven't read the books figured out who Littlefinger was talking about though.



Ed's arrest scene was awesome! i still would have liked them to end it with Cerscie eating pig, but the point they ended it was good as well. it was a very dramatic and peak point for the book, especially since GRRM drops it off with the auidence wondering if he was just arrested or killed in the book and moves onto another character, only to come back to that plot point later.



i'll tell you, HBO did one thing wrong with it though. in the book, i had thought Ed had been killed there and was very surprised to see him again in the Dungeons. i do think that if they had left out the sneak peak of Ed in the Dungeon that it would have given alot more suspense to the up comming plot point for his character



edit --- btw, YAY for them finally showing Cerscie as the true bitch she really is!!! i guess the only other complaint i have is they haven't corrected this farce they have of her being sad she "lost" a child by Robert. i woudl have liked to see her admit to Ed that she aborted the fetus "becuase she couldn't stand a child of Roberts mutilating her body like that" when Ed confronted her in the Gods Wood. also, the whole "i loved him and admired him" bit she told Ed in the same scene concerning the wedding day bewteen her and Robert was a farce as well.


hopefully, now that she wont have to put up the scharade of loving Robert or ever having loved Robert, the show's writers will drop the whole sympathizing angle and get her character right.

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So I've been watching this show and enjoying it immensely. I've read some minor spoilers on the character bios on wiki and stuff, but nothing I didn't really feel I already knew was coming. So I'm wondering at this point do you folks who have read the books think I should read them or should I wait? Like...Are you guys able to enjoy the show as much knowing what's going to happen or do you feel like you'd be enjoying it a bit more if you hadn't read them?

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Stannis has been mentioned in passing by his brothers.


I am a timewarner customer and have the same issue with HBO GO so have to wait until this week to watch this episode.


There are other ways to watch it, you knowcool.gif


This is extremely true. Only way I even watch tv shows. *shifty eyes*


*cough cough* *Secret Handshake*


My ancestors were vikings, I'm just honouring their memory, in a slightly updated waybiggrin.gif


Pirates, Vikings, it's all the same really. :biggrin:

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So I've been watching this show and enjoying it immensely. I've read some minor spoilers on the character bios on wiki and stuff, but nothing I didn't really feel I already knew was coming. So I'm wondering at this point do you folks who have read the books think I should read them or should I wait? Like...Are you guys able to enjoy the show as much knowing what's going to happen or do you feel like you'd be enjoying it a bit more if you hadn't read them?



Reading the books hasn't diminished the experience. If anything, it has helped it since I know what is really going on and the little things to look for as the tv show protrays it. I'd recommend reading the books.

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This might just be me, but is anyone else thinking that Aidan Gillan is almost trying too hard to play Littlefinger? It was a sneaking feeling that this episode really kinda confirmed, he just seems to be making him out to be a little too wormy and arrogant. I know that might not make much sense, but I feel like anyone who hasn't read the series wouldn't have been surprised at all when

he betrays Ned with the gold cloaks



If you read the books, there's an obvious sort of rivalry between Varys and Littlefinger, and I couldn't truly make out if whether both of them were just selfish and conniving, if one of them had good intentions, or if both of them did but had different philosophies until much later on in the series. The show has done a good job of showing this rivalry, and the actor portraying Varys (Conleth Hill) has been excellent in keeping the audience guessing as to if he can be trusted or not. I don't feel Littlefinger has done the same thing, it's pretty obvious that you shouldn't trust him. Incidentally, I honestly think Varys in the books really is truthfully looking out for the realm with everything he does, and even though it's very difficult to trust him you actually can rely on him in general when he says something, he just knows how to dance around words very well. Littlefinger just generally seems to enjoy planting the seeds of chaos and anarchy, and is purely motivated by his own selfish desires. Thoughts?

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They obviously have to simplify the story, boil it down to its basics, as with the general public, they like an 'established' bad guy in a series like this. If your constantly second guessing between two characters, ratings go down, and kills the show. So they obviously boiled little finger down to make it 'obvious' he shouldn't be trusted, and I do agree with you they made it a little to obvious.


Also seems to me that the Maester guy's role has been squahsed alot more than it really was. Its been a while But I recall some scenes regarding his... crappiness at his own 'job', as well as obvious 'bribing' and 'coercing' attempts... Though, those may have been in later-books...

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So I've been watching this show and enjoying it immensely. I've read some minor spoilers on the character bios on wiki and stuff, but nothing I didn't really feel I already knew was coming. So I'm wondering at this point do you folks who have read the books think I should read them or should I wait? Like...Are you guys able to enjoy the show as much knowing what's going to happen or do you feel like you'd be enjoying it a bit more if you hadn't read them?


i always suggest reading the books no matter how well their potrayed on screen. this series though is being done wonderfully, theres very little left out, and the stuff that is, isn't darastically important to the up comming plot. if anything, having read the books and knowing whats comming, and seeing how well the actors and director are treating the series, it makes me that much more anxious to try and remember whats comming next and to see it on screen :happy:



you might want to finish out the remaining 2 or 3 episodes and then pick up the series after the Season concludes. some people find it harder to read a book after they've watched the show or movie, some dont; so thats a personal preferance thing. but as it stands now, if you've watched the show beginning to end, then pick up the second book and start reading, you wont be lost at all. and any back story you might be confused on, you can always ask a question over in the GRRM thread over in the GD forum and someone will answer it for you :sleep:

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as for Littlefingers potrayal; i do think that a little of the confusion surrounding him will be gained back later on in the series, especially in season 4 when his motives & aims become less obvious and worse peoples who are in no question definate bad guys rear their heads.



i do think that they are trying a bit hard with Little Finger now, and making it very obvious that he's a slimy git; but thats only because imo they've missed the opportunity to


A. showcase the Lannisters in a really bad light, like the book does at this time

B. lack of any other bad/unlikable characters available. the more unlikable guys aren't really developed or introduced on the main scale until the 2nd book; to HBO is being forced to work with the Littlefinger until a better character present theirselves.




my mom is watching the show, and hasn't read the series. she picked up on who Littlefinger was talking about in the whorehouse which made me proud; but then she also reminded me that i had let slip who Littlefinger was totally infatuated with earlier in the season as well. on a side note, she picked up on this left field idea, which i had to giggle at and keep my lips sealed



She said "I can't wait till the Eggs hatch"




i'll ask her what she thinks of Littlefinger, and if she sees him as the villan of the series.





with Vary's, he hasn't really had enough screen time to make a determination on his charcter, we've really gotten more 2nd hand thoughts of him from other characters rather than actions from him. i think this will change in the comming episodes ofcourse, but as it stands i don't think peopel who are watchign the show really know what to think of him. but i agree with the rivalry, Littlefinger has commented about the rivalry a few times, so there is that, and well as the little interaction the two have done; you can see the being nice is a facade and their actually looking where to stick the daggers in eachother :laugh: which is wonderful that those two actors can play that well off eachother with so little screen time.




SD - with the Maester in King's Landing .... he's only been really on screen once with lines, and he wasn't really front stage at all like that in GoT's that i recall. all that comes later in the series. right now, if people did notice him, i do think they would get the sense he either is too old to do his job (ie: falls asleep alot) or is just tired of his job; as thats the perception the actor has given the very few times he's been on screen to me.

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Did they cast Walder Frey? I didn't see that announcement.


David Bradley is playing Walder Frey. Pic of him in action here.


Bradley played the totally incomprehensible farmer in HOT FUZZ as well as Argus Filch in the HARRY POTTER movies. In the UK, he's the go-to guy if you need a 'cantankerous old git' actor.


It looks like, at the moment, that the Blackfish may have been cut from the show altogether. GRRM said last year he'd still be in it, but since then characters who haven't been cast yet but will definitely appear have appeared on the HBO website, and he hasn't.

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Hmmm..That's probably what I'll do then. Wait till this season is over then start reading them. I've only had two experiences with book into tv show and that's Trueblood, which I'm a fan of (books and show) and Legend of the Seeker, which was horrible. The general consensus here of hating TG aside lol. Thanks for the feedback folks. :]

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so in comparision to other episodes this season, this last one written by Martin was rather dull in action and events. while i enjoyed the episode emmensly, i think i enjoyed it so much because i know whats goign to happen and can see the pieces being set up for future events. for a person who hasn't read the books, i think they'd probably find the only interesting part to be the White Walker scene.



i loved seeing more of the Direwolves, though thats not how i remember the White Walker scene going down honestly. Robs, as a character is starting to grow into his own and becomming a man like in the books, which is nice; though i did expect to see the Frey's in this Episode. i guess it will be next episode if they show it at all; though according to the errand boy in the Lannister camp, they've alreayd crossed the Twins.



the dismissel of the Knight was great, as was Sansa's plea for mercy and Joffs reaction. HBO is doing great with the upcomming twist and keeping the audience guessing as to what will happen.


the Mountain clan was great, though i expected the chick (i forget her name) to have been bigger and gruffer looking. and i was glad to finally see Rickon, though i woudl have liked to see Summer & Shaggy Dog in that scene as well; as Shaggy Dog isn't locked up in the Godswood yet in the book. it's not an importnat point, but just speaking to my lack of heart concerning how the show seems to avoid using the Direwolves unless it's very important to the plot.



the fight with Syrio and the Lannister goons was awesome as well



i like how they leave his "death" open ended like they did in the book. as all of us readers know, unless we physically see the character get killed, theres no telling if they are truely dead; Bubba thinks Syrio is still alive and set to come back, while i could easily roll either way, but woudl love to see a flash back on how he defeated the armed knight if he is still alive


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I thought this was the best episode of the season. Loads of action with Robb declaring war, the Wight reanimating, Dany being awesome, Drogo getting an awesome fight scene, Arya getting her first kill, etc.

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I´ve only watched a couple of episodes but read all the books. I think they did a great job of filming the books. When I saw Littlefinger and Syrio I was amazed. They were exactly as I portayed them, both looks and mannerisms. The guy playing Syrio is spot on, and he always makes me laugh, like he did in the books. I agree with some that commented that the Lannisters are not as bad in the tv-version as in the books but I don´t mind. I´m sure we are gonna see more of their ugly faces.


Jaime is hot... although hotter in my mind, but oh well, I thoroughly enjoy Coster-Waldau and his performance. I can´t wait for the other seasons, when he experiences some changes! I love Jaime =) Oh and Tyrion is badass.


John looked nothing like I imagined, neither did Sansa. Daenerys and Khal Drogo was spot on.

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I think one of the best things HBO has done is the change in Daenerys from young, naive girl to hardened Khaleesi. I didn't think she would look the part when it began, but she's really pulled it off. Even to the point that when we first see her, she's really pale but progressively she gets tanner and tanner and more like a true dothraki khaleesi or whatever. I may have said it weird, but there you go.

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Ok, so the only thing that bothered me about this episode was how they added the fight between Drogo and that Dothraki rapist. That just didn't happen. I'm not gonna say anything else cus I can't do a spoiler code for some reason. Those of you who read the books know what I mean.

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I've more or less caught up and for some reason I just can't bring myself to really enjoy this show.



Krak gets allergic reactions when he's exposed to too much awesome. It's why we had to stop hanging out.



Hax is like a cream-filled donut, but instead of cream at his center, it's pure awesome.

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Ok, so the only thing that bothered me about this episode was how they added the fight between Drogo and that Dothraki rapist. That just didn't happen. I'm not gonna say anything else cus I can't do a spoiler code for some reason. Those of you who read the books know what I mean.



for the spoiler code, if you look in the top of your reply box you'll see a drop down box labeled "other Styles". it's right next to the Font box. if you click on it, you'll see the word "Spoiler" listed, clicking on that word will give your the spoiler code and post it into your reply :happy: but the code itself is [ spoiler ] insert text [ / spoiler ] without the spaces.




i didn't mind them mixing it up too much; it cemented Danny's authority within the group which will make the furture events much easier to happen; it also grows her character and gives light to the Dothraki culture and showed that (liek in the book) not all of the Dothraki or Drogo's Blood Riders accepted Danny or the authority of her position.



the fight itself, while added, was a good addition. as they've only got 2 episodes left, they need Danny's story line to progress and him recieving that wound now versus later or in another way both shortens the time, keeps to the up comming plot lines and gives them a chance to expound on ideals or issues the reader woudl have already been introduced too. for me, it's like Littlefingers sex scene in the previous episode, an added bonus tha covers alot of background for the characters.

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