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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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  • Community Administrator

Dredd. And yeah, LOTS of blood and gore. Loved the slow-mo scenes though. Looked great.



The end 'twist' though was retarded. Whoever designed the bomb was an idiot. You don't make the device send a signal to detonate the bomb. You make the device be in constant communication with the bomb and if the bomb no longer detects a signal it explodes. Might as well as have shot the device to stop it from sending a signal.





True dat



I watched Piranah DD last night...



I thought this was a b-movie knock-off of the original to get people to buy it instead of the real one. (only a couple years to late)


yea.. Turned out I was wrong, it actually WAS the freaking sequal! (Supposedly, went straight to DVD... )


There were 4 parts I liked about the movie.


1) tits... Jk. (kinda?) I liked the fact that the black guy from the first movie returned. I loved the look of pure joy on his face destroying those fish.


2) The Hoff! LOL that was awesome.


He's also got the greatest line ever.

"lil ginger moron"


3) The Professor from Back to the Future was in it.

"Great scot! the fish are evolving!"


4) That it finally ENDED!



yea it was horrible movie. As horrrible as the previosu one... But.. seriosuly i loved the Hoff in this movie, i loved the professor.. And the black guy.

Everythign else? Even the massive amounts of Boobage? Meh.

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Looper. Interesting movie, makes you think in the end trying to tie all the pieces together. Had some scenes that made you wince, others that seem to add nothing to the plot. Overall a entirely watchable action flick.




Also, HUGE plot hole.


In the timeline Joe properly kills Bruce, Bruce never escapes to hunt down Rainman, thereby never creating Rainman in the first place by killing the mother. With no Rainman in the future, Bruce would still have been sent back in time due to the 40 year thing but wouldn't have hunted down the kid because the kid wouldn't be the source of all the problems.



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  • Community Administrator

Looper. Interesting movie, makes you think in the end trying to tie all the pieces together. Had some scenes that made you wince, others that seem to add nothing to the plot. Overall a entirely watchable action flick.




Also, HUGE plot hole.


In the timeline Joe properly kills Bruce, Bruce never escapes to hunt down Rainman, thereby never creating Rainman in the first place by killing the mother. With no Rainman in the future, Bruce would still have been sent back in time due to the 40 year thing but wouldn't have hunted down the kid because the kid wouldn't be the source of all the problems.





Isn't the source of the plot hole simply the grand-father paradox?


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Looper. Interesting movie, makes you think in the end trying to tie all the pieces together. Had some scenes that made you wince, others that seem to add nothing to the plot. Overall a entirely watchable action flick.




Also, HUGE plot hole.


In the timeline Joe properly kills Bruce, Bruce never escapes to hunt down Rainman, thereby never creating Rainman in the first place by killing the mother. With no Rainman in the future, Bruce would still have been sent back in time due to the 40 year thing but wouldn't have hunted down the kid because the kid wouldn't be the source of all the problems.





Isn't the source of the plot hole simply the grand-father paradox?





No, the main part of the movie works out pretty well with the grandfather mechanics. At the end of the movie though, you realize the the main movie loop is actually just a smaller loop inside a larger loop. The smaller loop seems fine with no obvious plot holes. It's the larger loop that falls short.



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  • Community Administrator

Looper. Interesting movie, makes you think in the end trying to tie all the pieces together. Had some scenes that made you wince, others that seem to add nothing to the plot. Overall a entirely watchable action flick.




Also, HUGE plot hole.


In the timeline Joe properly kills Bruce, Bruce never escapes to hunt down Rainman, thereby never creating Rainman in the first place by killing the mother. With no Rainman in the future, Bruce would still have been sent back in time due to the 40 year thing but wouldn't have hunted down the kid because the kid wouldn't be the source of all the problems.





Isn't the source of the plot hole simply the grand-father paradox?





No, the main part of the movie works out pretty well with the grandfather mechanics. At the end of the movie though, you realize the the main movie loop is actually just a smaller loop inside a larger loop. The smaller loop seems fine with no obvious plot holes. It's the larger loop that falls short.





I'd have to actually see the movie, but it sounds to me like either way it still falls to the plot hole being a classic paradox rather than an actual plot hole. but agian, I'd have to see it to fully get why its a plot hole. :wink:




Poopie Poopie Pooopie


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  • Community Administrator

Just watched Abarham Licoln Vampire Hunter..


Uggh... It was bad, not teribad, but still bad. What makes it worse? If you read the books? It becomes teribad! Seriously... they added in scenes... that simply did not go with the book! Licoln in the books, did not have a best-black-friend! his best friend if you'd call it a friend, was a ignorant redneck bully! (I'm serious on that part!) They totally didn't even touch on the awesome scene with E.Poe!(Come on!!!) then.. they totally screw the ending in the freaking pooch!


Oh. And they used the wrong american flag.

Sure, it looked like the 35 star civil war flag, but if you look real close? Its 40 stars! (I swear i'm the only freaking person that recognized that! All the other goofs? Irrelevant to that! Freaking use wikipedia set-designers! /uggh I can only just imagine how much the civil-war history fans are reeling over the probably huge-civil war follies!)


And while the concept is inheriently cool, he did not have a freaking shot-gun-axe in the books!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally saw Prometheus, and I have to say I was disappointed. It was fun, but it could have been a lot better. Those were some of themost unscientific scientists I've ever seen, and it really stretched my suspension of disbelief.

Granted I actually saw it a number of months ago, but the last movie that really impressed me was Children of Man. That was an amazing movie.

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  • Community Administrator

I just saw Argo and Flight. Loved both. I can't wait for Lincoln.


Both movies I want to see...

and my damned local movie theatre, isn't showing them. >_<


This is whats available to me.

Here Comes The Boom


Taken 2

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Wreck It Ralph(3D)


only ones I want to see, are the bolded.

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I just watched the beginning of Blood and Chrome, which is a prequel to Battlestar Gallactica. It follows a young Bill Adama on his first mission. I got a kick out of the nod to Topgun in the first one. Fun stuff. They aren't much more than a teaser but you can watch the first two installments here:






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