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In the beginning, the Nomads roamed the land.  And the Eternal Wanderer lead the way.


And Innos spoke to the Eternal Wanderer, "lay aside your staff!"  And in its stead, Innos gave him a scepter. And the Eternal Wanderer became His servant.


And Innos gave him a part of His divine power, so that he might curb the doings of Beliar.  And the power was fire, and he controlled it as he saw fit.


But some among the Nomads would not follow Innos. And the people of the Nomads were divided.  And those who followed Innos erected great temples, and they became the people of Varant. And the scepter became the token of their rulership.


And Innos spoke to His servants, “erect a portal for me, so that I might reign over this world in all eternity.” And His servants did as they were bidden.


But when Beliar saw what the servants of Innos were doing, He screamed with rage.  And a Being of ancient power heeded His call, and arose from the earth. And some other great beings arose as well.


But the time of the great beings had come to an end, for thus was the will of Adanos. And Adanos called a flood, and the Being was washed off the earth.


When the servant of Innos realized what was happening, he had the five divine artifacts brought into the temple.  And the people of Varant perished, staff and scepter sank down into the waters.


And Adanos said to His brothers, “nevermore shall you set foot in my land, for it is sacred.” Thus shall it be.


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