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Mistborn Mafia: The Hemalurgic Spike


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Day 3 Vote Count:


Maw (11): Razen; Blackhoof; Mynd; Song; Graendal; Christine; Lenlo; Meesh; Aiel Heart; Player; Sakaea; Wombat

Wombat (3): Mynd; Des; Blackhoof; Mynd; Sakaea

Razen (1): Mynd; Mynd; Maw

Aiel Heart (0): Wombat


Not Voting: Turin; Christine; Ishmael; Lenlo; Aiel Heart; Player; Tina; Meesh


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Deadline: Wednesday, 5:00 PM (GMT-6)

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confirms razen and kills him at the same time!


i was right though- he spited the town with his last breath.





Hoof did you just have a Clinton moment? Very weird defense of your words there. Did someone just spit in a spittoon? Cause I just heard a ping


no.... what was wrong with my words?




confirms razen and kills him at the same time!


i was right though- he spited the town with his last breath.




Hoof did you just have a Clinton moment? Very weird defense of your words there. Did someone just spit in a spittoon? Cause I just heard a ping


no.... what was wrong with my words?


Did the mafia just call my cell? Cause I just heard a ring!


Y'know, I wanted to get upset at Maw for killing Razen, but really the only people we have to blame for Razen's death are the people on his train. He was third party after all, and if I was him I woulda taken out the guy that fingered me, after all. Really I think Razen might have been a little too bold with his role, he revealed to help protect a townie, which isn't really smart to begin with, and if he hadn't revealed then it seems he prob would've revealed just to get Maw lynched. In general, a sloppy day for town. At the very least, we can take a look at his train and see if any bandwagon votes stand out or anything, I would suspect scum lurk in there.


lol You are scum, right?


Wth Tina? Why are you focusing so much on me this game? No, I'm not scum. And the fact that you're ignoring everything else in the game just to get tunnel vision on me really makes me start to think you're scum. Plus, you're trying to set up for a lynch tomorrow, and with weak casing at that. You're looking very anti-town right now.




confirms razen and kills him at the same time!


i was right though- he spited the town with his last breath.




Hoof did you just have a Clinton moment? Very weird defense of your words there. Did someone just spit in a spittoon? Cause I just heard a ping


no.... what was wrong with my words?


First of all, mock outrage duly noted. As for your words, you were dancing around them, and your explanation didn't make much sense in the end. I guess what you were trying to say was that you forgot to put a comma in your sentence, but the way you went about doing that seemed really strange, like you were stumbling in your defense, or that you were stammering cause Meesh caught a slip of yours.


Day 3 Vote Count:


Maw (11): Razen; Blackhoof; Mynd; Song; Graendal; Christine; Lenlo; Meesh; Aiel Heart; Player; Sakaea; Wombat

Wombat (3): Mynd; Des; Blackhoof; Mynd; Sakaea

Razen (1): Mynd; Mynd; Maw

Aiel Heart (0): Wombat


Not Voting: Turin; Christine; Ishmael; Lenlo; Aiel Heart; Player; Tina; Meesh


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Deadline: Thursday, 5:00 PM (GMT-6)


Is this vote count right Mod? You have 3 votes on Wombat, but only two names.


Gee, Maw, slick.


Re: the Hoof thing, I don't know why a couple of you are making such a big deal out of what he said in response to my question; it made sense to me.


Despo, that vote count also has me, Christine, Plater, Meesh and Heart labeled as not voting when we all voted for Maw/are labeled as voting for Maw.

Just thought I would say in case you hadnt noticed it.


Ever notice in mafia games that those who tell everyone they are doing a re-read before night is over are usually mafia?


Yes. The false reread is one of my favorite scumtells actually. Ask Meesh.




Tis true. After hearing a rant about it once, I now look for opportunities to announce a convenient reread whenever I play with Womby or in a game he's modding. :tongue: <3


Well as has been previously noted I have not been about as much as I would have liked. I thought that I would finally get caught up and try to be productive. My work schedule has been a (pick a word) lately so I took the opportunity when I had it. Day, Night whatever. Make of it what you will.


Tina rubbed her eyes. Was there any hope at all? Every day, they awoke to new dead bodies. Who would it be this night? Her? A couple nights ago that thought would have sent her into a fit of fearful tears. But now she was resigned to the fact that she wasn't going to make it out of here alive. It was only a matter of time.


The door creaked. Time's up.




Ishmael lay on his bed, trying to stay awake. He couldn't afford to sleep when he might be attacked at any moment. But after barely sleeping the past three days, staying awake now was difficult. But they could be coming. He needed to...needed to...Ishmael's mind began to lose focus and drift. Needed to sleep...Ishmael's eyes sprang open. No! He couldn't afford to lose it now. The bed was too vulnerable a place for his mind; he needed to get up. But his muscles didn't move. One night couldn't hurt, could it? Besides, he had to sleep some time. What were the chances that he'd be the one attacked tonight? His eyelids drooped.


A moment later, he was fast asleep. Shortly after, the door opened for several brief seconds and then closed shut, leaving Ishmael to his eternal rest.




Tina, Good Guy, has been killed.


Ishmael, Good Guy, has been killed


It is now Day


Feruchemic Storage Deadline is 6:00 PM Sunday (GMT-6)


Day Deadline is 6:00 PM Tuesday (GMT-6)


With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.


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