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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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I dont know how far back Ithi and Turin were online for. It potentially could be anything from a role that caused it to the first train to start (I doubt tiink knew about it if it was the train thing)

I get the feeling though that this will be one of those things that happen through out the game that Ithi has built in. Like the Occult game or the candyland game with the coloured cards

We will know more once everyone appears and grabs their hats




Alright, so Ed started FoSing people, but not really fosing them.


Rand called him out for that.



So far this seems a little dull, but what about Talya? Even though the game pretty obviously started, she keeps on spamming. Afaik, that's not helpful.

*Grabs hat*


Alright, so Ed started FoSing people, but not really fosing them.


Rand called him out for that.



So far this seems a little dull, but what about Talya? Even though the game pretty obviously started, she keeps on spamming. Afaik, that's not helpful.

*Grabs hat*


I think she just needs to get the spam out of her system, but I could be wrong. *grabs hat on way to work*



I mean, if Rey just grabs hat and makes an outlandish post, it will be received with a grain of salt, but if he leads up to it and maybe lets someone else actually voice it... Wait, Rey IS scum.


*Grabs hat*


I'm scum? Must've missed the memo... could you get your lackeys at the Department of Scumminess to send it over again? :tongue:





That didn't even make sense, Rand. 

Half of that sounded like you were summarizing my post. lol

Where are you finding all of these excellent SG1 gifs?


In other news, everyone seems to just be rolling with the trap. Its a very Ithiful, flavorful thing to do in this game. I'm still not seeing a whole lot of actual game-related content yet.


So pandy, basel your thoughts on the PR(ish) thing?


You mean the whole hat thing?


I honestly have no clue.. I don't know if it was specifically meant for one person who wears a hat, or if it was directed to everyone.


Yeah, Indiana jones does wear one. But I doubt that everyone in this game is Indiana jones xD


That's why I said, maybe the PR was only directed at him. Maybe everyone else who did it will get punished..


Cautiously he made his way into the dark and cobweb strewn interior, his guide pressed for speed - but he had seen places like this before. A body impaled on spears, frozen in a scream proved that.


Being cautious of the Light to avoid the killing darts and leaving his whip in place across the Pit, he carefully steps across to where the Golden Idol sits. He takes a moment to match its weight with a bag of sand and the switches it. Success!


But no. The Trap is triggered and the walls start to shake. He runs now, hoping speed will save him where caution protected previously.


He reaches the pit, where his guide has already crossed, but his whip has become unfastened. "Throw me the whip," he says. "Throw me the idol" says his guide. He hesitates and then does so, the guide catching it before laughing and dropping the whip on the floor on the other side of the pit. 'Adios' he says before leaving Indiana to his doom.


The wall on the other side of the Pit is coming down and will seal him inside forever. The expression on his face is priceless and then he backs up and leaps across the Pit, barely making it.


The stone door is almost closed.


A Trap has been triggered. Your NEXT POST must contain the words 'Grabs Hat' or you must suffer the consequences. You have 24 hours to do this.




I think we are all in on this adventure and had to avoid the trap for our personal well-being. Has everyone checked in yet? We need 13 for a lynch but not even sure that I've seen 13 people...


Official Vote Count:


RTE - 1 (Talya)

Cloud - 1 (Mish)

Mish - 3 (Cloud, RTE, Tink)

Rey - 1 (Eddie)

Eddie - 3 (Rey, Basel, Rand)

Darthe - 1 (Lenlo)

Ley - 1 (Maw)

Maw - 1 (Ley)


Currently not voting - 12 (Dice, Chuckles, Roo, Hallia, Player, Ishy, Darthe, Time, Peace, Song, Arez, Kae)


With 24 alive it takes 13 to Lynch


The current Deadline is 9pm GMT Sunday 3rd March




There are still two people who have not yet posted in the Game Thread.


Im sorely tempted to not say it and see what happens...


Naw, to risky. Unvote Vote Rand


His post about Ed made very little sense to me. Voting him because he apparently wants to get the game going and yet you barely mention Tiink who placed the 3rd vote on Mish, who it is obvious was trying to get this game going? Sounds like skimming or ignoring a teammate and hoping to draw attention to someone else.


Lol so yea he could od mentioned me too but didnt.


No sge was lovely. The first time i met her though.i didnt recognise her. But i knew i should, she gave off an air that i knew i should know her


Can you please put just a bit more attention to your spelling? I sometimes have a bit of trouble reading your posts. Not that I can't read, but on the edge.


Im sorely tempted to not say it and see what happens...


Naw, to risky. Unvote Vote Rand


His post about Ed made very little sense to me. Voting him because he apparently wants to get the game going and yet you barely mention Tiink who placed the 3rd vote on Mish, who it is obvious was trying to get this game going? Sounds like skimming or ignoring a teammate and hoping to draw attention to someone else.


And yet... You didn't say it, or dod you before already?


Oh god... I forgot to say it! I meant to but I forgot!


*Grabs hat*


Oh man... Im going to get some more tea. I am obviously not awake enough.


I am not awake enough either... Dod instead of did...


And I hope for you it won't get you problems Len. Well, except if you're mafia of course.


*Grabs Hat* Time to get this game started. 



Cautiously he made his way into the dark and cobweb strewn interior, his guide pressed for speed - but he had seen places like this before. A body impaled on spears, frozen in a scream proved that.

Being cautious of the Light to avoid the killing darts and leaving his whip in place across the Pit, he carefully steps across to where the Golden Idol sits. He takes a moment to match its weight with a bag of sand and the switches it. Success!

But no. The Trap is triggered and the walls start to shake. He runs now, hoping speed will save him where caution protected previously.

He reaches the pit, where his guide has already crossed, but his whip has become unfastened. "Throw me the whip," he says. "Throw me the idol" says his guide. He hesitates and then does so, the guide catching it before laughing and dropping the whip on the floor on the other side of the pit. 'Adios' he says before leaving Indiana to his doom.

The wall on the other side of the Pit is coming down and will seal him inside forever. The expression on his face is priceless and then he backs up and leaps across the Pit, barely making it.

The stone door is almost closed.

A Trap has been triggered. Your NEXT POST must contain the words 'Grabs Hat' or you must suffer the consequences. You have 24 hours to do this.




This is Ithi's RP where she explains that a Trap has been triggered. 



So... who else is waiting for the boulder? Got a plane ready? Gotta get away from those angry natives to.



Prior to Ithi's post Lenlo comes with this. Here he made an Indiana Jones related post by asking 'who else is waiting for the boulder', and at the end of Ithi's post you can see an Indiana Jones emoticon being chased by a boulder. This might be a little far fetched but I think that Lenlo sprung the Trap. This however doesn't mean that Lenlo is scum, especially if you look at his last post: 



Oh god... I forgot to say it! I meant to but I forgot!


*Grabs hat*


Oh man... Im going to get some more tea. I am obviously not awake enough.


...He forgot to grab his hat. 



Let's wait and see what will happen. I'm thinking that there are multiple Indiana Jones like Traps in the game, and that they are activated by the player's posts. 



Rands vote was super opertunistic. Plus it means ed is now a competing train with mish. Also he says Ed is tryiibg to seem town by starting the game, its strange he doesnt mention tiink or peace


I agree with this. 



Unvote, Vote Rand


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