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A Game of Thrones - Mafia by Darthe and Ithillian - Game Over, Mafia Wins!


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Yeah, those dang Euros and their "FOOTBALL" which is really just soccer but more barbaric and homo-erotic. I'm thinking about trying to get NASCAR to catch on in Europe. Could you imagine? They'd of course have to drive the other direction around the track.


All I gotta say is Tyrion vs Stannis in the episode before the last of Season 2 made my pants tight.

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I haven't seen it and I refuse to give up. It will come on at some point I'm sure. I don't watch football by the way, but I do follow NFL :)


Isn't NASCAR just where they drive round and round and round. I think that would make me feel sick just watching. We have formula one.

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NASCAR certainly is, and it started about an hour from where I am sitting. My grandfather used to be involved. Anyhow, I personally prefer F1 as well but NASCAR seems to be reaching out past the south now. Seriously, it could go international in ten years or so I think.

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I'm here, but I've had something horrible happen, and my head is not in this game right now. I don't want to be replaced, and am going to try to keep up.




I don't think he's faking the PR. Bout all I've got right now.

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I will not be near a computer today but will do my best to check in from my phone.


Not really sure what to make of the VC. I haven't voted yet because there is still plenty of time before deadline. That & I was waiting to see peoples reactions to what's going on.


I should be able to get on later to posts thoughts.




We learned that there is plenty of time before deadline! OMG!!! You are right!!! Why I was so nervous that deadline was in an hour, or in like two hours, but now that Kaylee has dug deep and scum-hunted hardcore, we have discovered this NEW INFORMATION that we have plenty of time before deadline!!!!


Thank the gods that she has a phone that she can check from, or her epic scum-hunting would have been thwarted!!! I shall drink to the man (or woman) who invented Dragonmount Mobile so that Kaylee can continue to provide us with keen insights and jaw-dropping observations about the game!!!!


I know the VC is hard to grasp as several of us don't know what to make of it, but we have shared some opinions. Kudos to Kaylee for not knowing what to make of it and withholding any guesswork as to not confuse us all. But the cunning lioness that she is, like a predator waiting for scum prey, she is sitting back and pretending to be inane and inactive as to lure the scum out into the open.....for that's when LIONESS KAYLEE will strike with a ROOOOOAAAAAARRR!!!!!!


Best. Post. Ever.


So... vote controlled on Day 1 seems a might odd to me. Seems doubtful that someone would fake that on Day 1. Scum may be using it to vet a teammate, but such is life, either he truly is vote controlled or he is scum. For now I'm inclined to say town.


I didn't really feel the need to get involved in Mynd vs. Turin&Despo too much. No reason to insert myself into that line of fire, though I gave an opinion on the matter.


Right now though, I'm thinking an interesting place to be looking at is the Basel Gill vote because it has two newer players making a Jack sandwich on the vote count. Rand and Nightstrike tend to still follow Occam's Razor which is a good thing most of the time, though sometimes a bit naive. Jack on the otherhand usually is the exact opposite of that and so I find this lump of people voting together interesting. There have been various other people on the Gill vote on and off (Despo and EP) as Gill has made responses to Jack's case on him but Striker here follows up way later and follows Jack's original reasoning.


Well, after this round of discussion, my current list of players to watch is this:







I am guessing that two of these are scum, and the others are aomg the ones that haven't drawn heavy suspicion yet. Turin's overreaction to Mynd is drawing the most interest from me right now, so I will vote Turin.


No offense, but it's really to early to narrow your sights that much with this little information. It's fine if you'd of said those are the best nets for scum today, but saying 2 out of 4 people you suspect are scum is really interesting to me. You have given yourself a pretty wide net and potentially started ground work on future lynches. If you are mafia and one of those are your teammates then you've also left yourself room to vet yourself. Yeah that post pings.


Unvote and vote Basel


I didn't interpret the list Basel made at first as scummish, but the exchange between Basel and Jack gives me a dictinct feeling that Jack has the right ideas and Basel the wrong ideas. I think Basel is more interested in pushing for any lynch, and Jack is more likely to be genuinely interested in finding scum. The list Basel made wasn't something I could agree on at the time, either. So I think I must vote Basel .


Check out the time stamps. Two full days between and 10ish pages. Seems an odd timing to follow up on Jack's initial vote. So for now:


Vote Nightstrike

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"Those things" would be both the list that I disagreed on and the rest. Basel first said that 2 out of 4 would be mafia, and then when it looked like he got no followers (or too few, anyway), he changed his victims altogether.


Also, the discussion they had later was no 2 days ago. It was just a few hours ago I read it first, and it was written perhaps a day ago or something.

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Fair enough. I accept that explanation.




My intuition still tells me there is still something odd going on though with that Basel thing but it isn't clicking together in my brain right now. Could be you are right, Basel is scum and the odd thing is EP distancing a little from Basel before flipping and going after Jack the main antagonist to Basel at the time. I'll think on it some more and review EP and Basel's interactions.

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I really think that Basel and Jack are town, and this whole vote change business is a red herring.


What do you think about EP?


I think he really was vote controlled. He went out of his way to hint at it. It is interesting that Peacesells figured his cryptic message out so quickly while I'm still trying to decode it.

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And with a dozen non-voters on Day 1......that REEKS of a cautions mafia. Or perhaps mafias. There could be Lannisters, Stannis and his Firecrotch Queen, and Khalessi and her dragons, not to mention White Walkers.














































































----> Baguette

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Mynd by constantly pointing out the people who arnt voting your creating a no win situation. If they vote then you will most likely peg them for voting just to get suspicion off of them but if they dont vote then you peg them for not voting. Perhaps some of them just want to think abit more these cases and dont wish to toss our vote out needlessly.

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I am going to burn the bread of the next person to make a baguette joke.


How dare you :angry:


I'm procrastinating as best as I can but over the next week I'll be scarce in this game since I've got final year exams. Life sorta depends on these marks so bear with me.


Side note: I'm sticking around in the FF game since we're already far along and I'm up to date with everything there.


unvote since that isn't going anywhere.

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