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A Game of Thrones - Mafia by Darthe and Ithillian - Game Over, Mafia Wins!


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First of all, I'd like to add that I'm curious about how everyone just accepted that Turin's reaction to Mynd's prodding was because he "Hit a nerve" THAT NEVER WORKS OTHERWISE..

And Turin lost alot of heat, alot of heat... And everytime someone tries to bring it up again, ther person is ignored.


Secondly, I'm pissed at Kaylee... She always does this in games.. "Sorry I haven't been following the game, I will do my best to BLASLBLABLALBABLALBLBAL"

ALWAYS. Scummy lurky play with excuses all the time!


Sorry for being so harsh Kaylee, but it's annoying the frick out of me.

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Mynd by constantly pointing out the people who arnt voting your creating a no win situation. If they vote then you will most likely peg them for voting just to get suspicion off of them but if they dont vote then you peg them for not voting. Perhaps some of them just want to think abit more these cases and dont wish to toss our vote out needlessly.


Also, Captain Kirk disagrees. There's no such thing as a No-Win situation.

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First of all, I'd like to add that I'm curious about how everyone just accepted that Turin's reaction to Mynd's prodding was because he "Hit a nerve" THAT NEVER WORKS OTHERWISE..

And Turin lost alot of heat, alot of heat... And everytime someone tries to bring it up again, ther person is ignored.


Secondly, I'm pissed at Kaylee... She always does this in games.. "Sorry I haven't been following the game, I will do my best to BLASLBLABLALBABLALBLBAL"

ALWAYS. Scummy lurky play with excuses all the time!


Sorry for being so harsh Kaylee, but it's annoying the frick out of me.


wait for it...

















keep waiting





























hence.. --> bagel


(because it is not a baguette joke, I am good)

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Quit with the big spaces and non funny spam :dry: Funny Spam may continue of course.




Official Vote Count:


Basel Gill (3): RandA lThor, Jack, Nightstrike


Blackhoof (1): Tress


Jack (3): Kudaran, Basel Gill, EP


Myndrunner (2): Blackhoof


Tina (1): Despo


Tress (1): Tina


Turin (2): Myndrunner, Peace



Not voting (10): Alanna, Arez Al'Loke, bgrishinko, Kae, Kaylee, Lenlo, Razen, TheMasterDude, Tiinker, Turin



BG also Voted and Unvoted Nightstrike since the last official Vote Count.

With 22 alive it takes 12 to lynch.



A Time Has Been Selected: Night Begins on Wednesday, June 27th at 18:00. Here is a countdown timer:




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Next thing we know you'll be calling Mynd "Son."


Both of you, claim..or don't. These soft claims are scummy and leave too much wiggle room to back out of. You aren't saving yourselves from a NK by soft claiming and you know it. Therefore it looks awfully scummy.


Peace, no flat out reveal here. Have you seen the movie Brave? Great flick but the girl in that should have been more ladylike.


Basel, I'm not your son.


@Mynd: I had been thinking you were my father, in fact... up till you made the comment about "I am not my father", which struck me as a disclaim of Ned. I've been leaning toward you as my sibling since then. Or at least my half-sibling, although all the Stark hints indicate that you are named Stark. And that you aren't a Stark who has a metal electronic suit that can fly and shoot badass weapons. (Now there's one way to make the war go better for Winterfell...) From your blued line here, I am guessing that you are my sister.


@Peace: okay, if that's the way you want it. I am Robb Stark, Ned's son and heir to Winterfell. I actually wasn't soft-claiming to protect myself from an NK, I was hoping to get Mynd's attention. I've been thinking for a while now that as a Stark, he is trying to find his family. All we have to do is find Ned, Cat, and the other kids, and hope that Ned surviving the game doesn't create some kind of catastrophic paradox made by Sean Bean living through something.


And I'm also open to the possibility that Mynd is scum and was laying groundwork for a fakeclaim of Robb, or any other Stark child. But I think it's more likely that he is telling the truth here. That's what my gut tells me.

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That is because.....


































.....he is coming......






......our friend.....

















..... hence ...-> Senor Baguette!!!

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Sean Bean doesn't live through anything. I think the world would explode if he did.


The spy series he had on ABC this spring was an interesting twist on that. He got blow'd up in the opening scene of the pilot, and then turned out to be faking his death. I rather liked the show and was hoping it would get picked up for more.

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