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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Here, and keeping my promise:


Passive-aggressively joke voting Ishy.




I will accept it this time Roo, like I did with Kate.


Current Vote Count


Darthe - 1 (Mynd]

Len - 1 (Darthe)

Nya - 2 (Razen, Roo)

Mynd - 1 (Len)

Maw - 1 (Kate) yeah I'm counting it, but sort your coding out girl >.>

Ishy - 1 (Ironeyes)


With 22 alive it takes 12 to lynch. There is no deadline at present


I'm suddenly feeling invisible....

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Apologies Songstress, I have you voting, but then thought you unvoted. My fault and all fixed now :)


Current Vote Count


Darthe - 1 (Mynd]

Len - 1 (Darthe)

Nya - 3 (Razen, Roo, Dice)

Mynd - 1 (Len)

Maw - 1 (Kate)

Ishy - 2 (Songstress, Ironeyes)

Key - 1(Kae)


With 22 alive it takes 12 to lynch. There is no deadline at present


Nya: You really must see the films at some point.

Kate: Don't you have formatting buttons at the top of your posting box? Why bother typing out the code and getting it wrong? Just highlight your vote with your mouse, hit the B button, then hit the red color thingy.


And has anyone ever noticed in Episdoe I how Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan rescue the fighter pilots on Naboo, herd them all into the ship with the Queen and her people, and then take off... and when they land on Naboo much later in the movie, all the pilots scramble out and get a fighter for the space battle? So all the pilots were cooped up on that ship the whole time on Tatooine and Coruscant without us seeing them? What were they doing all this time, did they have an extended card game going in a cargo hold somewhere?



Kate: Don't you have formatting buttons at the top of your posting box? Why bother typing out the code and getting it wrong? Just highlight your vote with your mouse, hit the B button, then hit the red color thingy.



Oh my goodness. Perhaps she is using the mobile version on her phone?


No colours or coding on the mobile version Basel, so you have to know what coding to type out manually. I find myself typing out code even on the full version just cos I'm used to it. She is just being a slacker, or she has forgotten it because she has been on LOA so long cos of school and stuff and only came back yesterday.


I have arrived.


Vote Nolder cuz it's been so long I can't resist!


Current Vote Count


Darthe - 1 (Mynd]

Len - 1 (Darthe)

Nya - 3 (Razen, Roo, Dice)

Mynd - 1 (Len)

Maw - 1 (Kate)

Ishy - 2 (Songstress, Ironeyes)

Key - 1(Kae)

Nolder - 1 (Rhea]


With 22 alive it takes 12 to lynch. There is no deadline at present


Ok, game time. Ironeyes becomes the first person to put a second vote on someone. Minor FOS.


I would have been the first on Ishy, but Songstress ninja'd me.

My cordial greetings, to you all I do extend :tongue: hi!


Hinting Yoda much?


Here, and keeping my promise: Passive-aggressively joke voting Ishy. :wub:
Songstress, were you a Minnesotan in a past life? Because we have the passive-aggressivity turned into an art form.
So true!
Let us spread the Minnesota love! Vote: Nyanna.


Razen promptly votes for Nyanna right after she hints at Yoda. This may not mean much, as it is pretty early to be truly character hinting. Just striking me as odd.

Me hinting Yoda? Although this is only my second game and the first I plan on really getting into, this would be very unlikely since I wanna live through a bit of this! Lol :biggrin: more like my failed attempt at tryin to sound Starwarsy :tongue:



Also, roo's claim cannot be taken seriously :P and anyway what would I know about the dark side if I've not seen much of starwars!? *le sniffy* ;P


Diceto's bandwagoning on my name was to be expected :rolleyes:


And of course, Vote Key. Hi sis :tongue:


Right backatch (aka OMGUS)!


Vote Kae :tongue:


Yay, EP's here! Vote EP!



And darnit, those blasted "K" girls are here too.


Hey!! You leave my harem alone!!


Why am I in your Harem?


Just in case I get bored, EP :wink:


It's D1, and I don't feel much to go on anywhere. For now, I will vote Dice for being the third on Nya; he may have been trying to start a bandwagon. It's the best I have until someone does something really suspicious.


maw i have played once before well twice but i got NKd on the first day so i dont think that counts!!


AS for a nya Bandwagon....Nyas totally right it was either her or lenlo!!! and not having seen the movies is almost sacrilegious and worthy of a vote!! plus! i dont wanna see any force wielding unicorns or llamas!! plus its Nya!! lol


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