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First month of the new year. 5 points for signing in. 5 points for telling about your first experience of the WoT. Post only once.




I have read the books so many times that I can´t remember what I felt when I read them the first time. I know I got sucked into the story immediately and it was hard to put down the books. I was most interested in Egwene in the beginning but that changed after some books. I liked Rand, Perrin and Moiraine but was irritated on Nyn and Mat. Nyn is now one of my favorite characters. My favorite female character is Min and I know I liked her right away and hoped she would return, which she did. :biggrin: I like to read how authors handles different kind of magic and I liked how Robert Jordan has made up the WoT magic.




I was on a church retreat and a friend of mine was reading this really big book before bed and kept laughing. So I was interested then. Eventually (don't ask why it took so long--I'm not sure) she lent me the first few books and then I was hooked :)


I was in Barnes and Noble, looking for books to read until the next one in A Song of Ice and Fire was out, and picked up EOtW, thought it looked interesting, bought the first two books, and then was addicted.


I started reading it like right before I started high school. It got me through a lot of stupid high school drama, and I've loved it ever since.




I was on deployment in the Mediterrean Sea. A friend from the ship lent me his copy of EotW. I read it in like 3 days. I was able to wait for the first 5 books to come out in paperback. After that I had to get the hard covers right when they came out.


I live.


I read EotW after my Primary school librarianrecommended it, then at high school I saw one of the books and remembered how cool the first one was and kept on reading them from the high school library, but I bought my own copies of TGS and ToM


Here! (wow!)


I got... interested when my father and Nya kept going on and on, discussing this and that (WoT related) So one day I was so frustrated in ignorance that I took matters into my own hands and started reading, loved it! Kept reading, Still love it!


I am here


I started reading WoT a long time ago, I think only 3 or 4 books had been published at the time. It was the cover art that captured my interest. I did find it a little hard going at first - but stuck with it and was swept along to the end. And then I had to get all the other books :biggrin:


I was in 7th grade and a friend of mine told me the books were really great. He lent me EotW and it sat on my desk for months collecting dust. For my English class we were requires to read and write a book report on a fantasy novel. I procrastinated until a few days before it was due and forgot. Then I realized I had about 48 hours to get it done. I'm a fast reader and the book was there on my night stand so I marathon read it and pumped out a book report... But then I was hooked.


The year before I graduated from high school, I took a creative writing class. We had a pretty cool student teacher, and for a couple of weeks she actually took over the class instead of just assisting the normal teacher.


Well, anyway, one assignment we did was "Rent-a-Character." Basically, we had to take a character from a book, movie, TV show, anything like that, and borrow them to write a story. I borrowed Mogget from Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy (those were my absolute favorite books at the time), and the student teacher was so impressed that she asked me where he'd come from. After I told her about the Old Kingdom books, she suggested I read the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. She said they were "excellent, but they will suck years of your life away." XD


I ended up finally getting around to looking them up that summer. I don't remember what was going through my mind when I saw how many there were or the size, though I imagine it was excitement--I hadn't found encountered that many stories that were so long, so many pages to lose myself in. XD


I pretty much fell in love when I read the prologue of EotW. I finished Knife of Dreams September/October of that year, when I was a senior in high school...


It's been too long for me to remember too much about my thoughts. I just loved the books. I was blown out of the water. They've changed my life, directly and indirectly...


Present :biggrin:


Lets see...we had just moved and my mom was going through all our books because we had doubles from my stepdad. I was looking for a new book to read from our mini library and she handed me EotW. She told me I'd like it but there were many different plot lines. So I started reading and I've been hooked since


One of my friends said I should read Eye of the World, so I borrowed it from him. Then I borrowed the Great Hunt from him. Then I got the rest of them out of the library. Yes, all at once.




I had the series recommended to me on several occasions and eventually just decided to try reading it during my breaks at work, and got hooked!


Signing in.


Well, for the longest time, I worked at a bookstore and the fantasy section

was always crowded. I would randomly look at the books but none really

stuck out particularily until I saw the cover of The Eye of the World.


There was this huge knight-like guy and this small dainty looking lady

riding on a horse. I could tell she was the leader though. I looked at

the back of the book and discovered a glossary....a book with a glossary? :unsure:

So, I started reading with the idea that I was going to just force myself

to read it and the rest was history. I read New Spring and EotW at the

same time. I still remember being hooked ever since Winters Night with

the Trollocs.


I am somewhere in the world right now maybe >.> (or I might just be in your head)



All the books were at the book store and just decided to buy them *shrugs* I like to read


I remember searching for a good book to read in the library, when I came across EotW. I loved it and became a fan of WoT





tho will be away for the next 2 wks must SURF!!!!!!



i have this nasty habit of picking up book 2 or 3 of a series when im hunting for something new to read then having problems finding the rest of the series


well true to form I picked up Dragon Reborn first then couldnt find the Eye anywhere!! found TGH but wanted Eye first. took about 2 months of hunting. finally got it. by this point i had already read the shadow rising lol!!


been hooked since line up on release day got MEGA P'd last time cause i preordered and the thing didnt turn up on the day so i went and bought it somewhere else and then when it did turn up i gave it to my brother


Did I already post here? It seems I did not.


My first experience with WoT was when I was at the home of my brother, who had the books. There were 11 back then. And I remember it as a load of big books, and that he told us that the writer had died, and that there was another one who would finish it. Around a year later, on holiday, he had brought a few with them, and I started reading New Spring. I liked it, but I did not really start with the Eye of the World yet. But, on the way back home, I was looking in the glossary of TDR (we always go on holiday in the Alpes, 8 hours with the car), and I saw that Siuan was Amyrlin, and I wondered how that happened. And when I had read that, I could not stop anymore.


I got it as a (Christmas/birthday/gift of some description) when I was young(er than I am now lol) and it stuck with me. Used to have an arrangement with my father that I would get new books frequently to encourage my reading and while I didn't come into the WoT early I caught up fairly quick.





I picked it up in the library in seventh grade because I was looking for a book that would take me longer than a few hours to read. Read it, liked it, forgot about it. Found the second one about a year lateer in a bookstore. Bought it, read it, fell in love all over again, am now hooked.


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