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Favorite Quotes/ Moments (Full spoilers)


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Avi's trip through the columns was just plain awesome. Not as cool as Rand's trip in TSR, but pretty damn close. I hope RJ wrote that.


I have to ask ... why? Really, what does it matter who wrote it?



Many agree that the trip through the columns in TSR is one of, if not the, finest moments in the series. RJ at his finest (he agreed, btw). I think it would complete RJ's awesomeness if he were the one to write that screen (or at least script it). Otherwise, it would feel like BS challenging RJ's achievement. Saying, "Look, I can do this too".


Well, good god, let's hope he can. After all, Jordan was not Shakespeare.


I am eternally grateful to BS and like that he is trying to find his own voice within the series. In fact, I respect him a great deal for that. However, if he's just trying to ape RJ's triumph, he takes away from the work that he has done so far.


It's great that so many love the series, but that's no reason to worship at the feet of these authors or any others. In fact, that kind of idolatry is just creepy.


It's a good series, but it's far from perfect.

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Back on track please!


"They had warned him of a payment to come. For life. For Moiraine. And he would have to pay it. In that moment, he knew that he would. For he knew that if he did not, the cost would be too great. Not just to Thom, not just to Moiraine, and not just to Mat himself. By what he'd been told, the fate of the world itself depended on this moment."


I'm not very far in yet, so not reading anyone else's post, but Light willing chapter 13 is the only thing capable of making me ever tear up in McDonalds. Fingers crossed. At least I'm at home now, for any further emotional moments. So happy.


nynaeve healing the madness was just simple brilliant.


I actualy cried when hopper died.


Mat's letter to elayne was just friggin halrious.





Shame i was wrong about asmos killer though :/


Rand's Reunion with Tam Version 2.0 was the most emotional moment for me.


I agree that the Trakand family reunions didn't have the same punch but I appreciated that there was something reserved and Royal about them for the most part.


Gholam kicked through the skimming door way was cool.


I may be the only one to think this way, but after the build up, and after reading the blurb a few months ago, I thought the Tower of Ghenjei was kind of brief. Cool, just over really quickly. I remember seeing that I was up to like p750 or so and thinking it had better happen quickly... and it did. Especially considering how much Perrin training in the Wolf Dream we were 'treated' to.


Perrin's fights with Slayer and the forging of the hammer were awesome.


And Egwene continuing to tear it up in the Tower.


I'm sure I've missed good stuff.


Avi's trip to Rhuidean provoked more of an emotional response than anything in TGS, for sure (the Last that can be Done comes close I suppose). Possibly more than any part of the series since Dumai's Wells.

After the first step I had to put the book down. And after the second. And the last.


I JUST finished but my first read through was a bit quick.


  • My favorite scene has to be Mat's :mat: final showdown against the Gholam - his battle cries in the old tongue for Tylin & Nalesean and all the others fallen to it. I vividly pictured that scene more so just about than any scene in the books I think.
  • Rand's reaction to his father was so... right. I was very glad to see it and I definitely agree with other posters here. I NEVER cry reading books (seeing movies, etc.) but I did a couple times in this book.
  • Seeing Egwene defeat Messana (and how she did it) and knowing that Grendal's screwups allowed it to happen were perfect.
  • The humor was there too. Mat coming to Perrin not only talking about a badger but ACTUALLY having one.
  • I really did like seeing his last discussion with Cadsuane. Rand Sedai? Brilliant!


Could we have a least favourite scenes/moments/quotes thread?

While I would want to remain generally positive there were a few scenes that made me think of the 'Price is Right' failure music (Tuba + trombone slide) which in turn made me laugh a lot, so it wasn't all bad.


Oh! def. the part where I just finished, and facebook had a thing that said 'Asmo's killer was revealed" and i'm like WTF where?

then I remembered Moridin's chat with lady-g in the epiclogue.

Is it too much to ask for a quote from that conversation. Just the few lines between Mr Tedronai & Miss Nindar that concern Mr Roadkill and perhaps Miss Nindar's Glossary bit? Now that the cat's out of the bag, I'm just dying to know how it was worded.


I'd really appreciate it, since I probably won't have my copy untill as late as the end of November....


kay here goes, also Note my mistake, the convo was between SH and her, not moridin and her. I hope it doesn't ruin you because the conversation is a web of spoilers, inside of spoilers.


rather large spoiler....blah blah....," Shaidar Haran whispered. "Three CHosen, destroyed by your actions. The design builds, a lattice of failure, a framework of incompetence."


So that's Aran'Gar, The one from this book and who's number 3? Asmo.


Go back and read the chapter near the beginning with Moridin... I was halfway through the book and was like "whats going on with the no Asmo reveal?" and I went back. When he's berating Graendal about her getting Aran'gar killed he says that shes making a habit out of killing forsaken and says that this time it wasn't a traitor she killed (meaning she killed Asmo in service to the DO, but this time she had to actually explain herself).


I was extremely bummed though that they revealed this in such an offhand way... we have no PoV that explains why or how she killed him which especially bugs me because it doesn't explain why the DO can't or won't bring him back (mindtraps work wonders).



So many good scenes but when Rand got angry in Maradon, it sealed the deal for me. Absolute destruction at his hands and the description of the weaves was flawless... I felt like I was there.


Favorite scene:


I liked the scene in Arad Doman, when Rand set everything aright in a day. I actually really liked new-Rand, especially the scene where he talked about being 450 years old, and mentioned that Cadsuane should call him "Rand Sedai." LOL. I was worried after the end of TGS (which, frankly, reminded me of all the lame, cliche "Love conquers all" childishness from the Harry Potter books)... when Rand was all like, "OMG, love is the difference," I was worried Rand would come back lame and touchy-feely. Rand was good, and that made me happy.


Also, finally, Perrin, Rand and Mat are all acting like adults. Hurray!


I enjoyed seeing the other characters catch up. The timeline was clearer than it has been in most books, and in a couple instances, I was like "wow, are we really that far behind in the timeline?" It was nice to get my bearings. The passage of time was one thing I never had much clarity on in WOT, so I enjoyed seeing that more clearly.


The Ituralde scenes rocked... I'm a sucker for a battle.


Mmm, favorite moment would have to be Nynaeve being totally badass at her testing. I thought it was one of the greatest scenes ever. She IS the perfect Aes Sedai.


I agree. I was completely amazed with that scene, and I wanted to punch the aes sedai testing her in the vahjayjay.

Nyn's all like 'ok, so I demonstrated 201 weaves today, what now bitches?!'


just because I always called it! the red vieled aiel channelers.


They have been turning them muahaha



but for actual moments that made me tingle, gotta say i loved the lan arc short as it was. Especially when Lan finally accepts and leads the men.


Edit: just thought of another one, when rand is talking to cadsuane about her calling him boy, finishes with


Rand: "you may call me Rand Sedai, if you would like, since i am the only living man to be raised properly" (along those lines)

Cadsuane: :blink:


The quote goes something like this (don't have the book with me ATM)


"I kept telling Rand he needed to grow up, then he...he grew up."


I liked the one AS saying she was impressed how Nyn found a way to kick ass with a couple of those "useless weaves" during the testing.

Rand finally calls out Cadsuane for her incessant talking-down and addressing him as "boy". There is a great follow-up line that he has that I will not reveal to you now, seeing as you'll be getting your hands on the book in a few short hours.


Thank you. I've just done my self an injury from jumping up and down with glee, but thank you :tongue:! I admit I wish he said it whilst addressing the Aes Sedai in the Tower, but Cadsuane is good enough :biggrin:! Right, I better get off this forum before I kill my self by reading all the spoilers.


Wrong. Rand does not CALL OUT Cadsuane. He gently makes humour of her calling him a boy. But he does not blame her or reprimand her for it.


Mmm, favorite moment would have to be Nynaeve being totally badass at her testing. I thought it was one of the greatest scenes ever. She IS the perfect Aes Sedai.


I agree. I was completely amazed with that scene, and I wanted to punch the aes sedai testing her in the vahjayjay.

Nyn's all like 'ok, so I demonstrated 201 weaves today, what now bitches?!'


Totaly agree 100% Nynaeve is BY FAR the best female character every to grace WoT pages and RJ's immagination. If Nyn was real, i'd marry her. :wub:


But the funniest bit was Mat's letter to Elayne.


Your Royal Bloody Pain in My Back

We're bloody waiting here to talk to you, and we're getting angry pertubed. (That means angry.) Thom says that you're a queen now, but i figure that changes nothing, sence you acted like a queen all the time anyway. Dont forget that i carried halled your pretty litlle backside out of a hole in tear, but you acted like a queen then, so i guess i don't know why i'm so supprised now that you act like one when you realy are a queen.

So I'm thinking I should treat you like a bloody queen and send you a bloody lettr and all, speaking with high talk and getting you're attention. I even used my ring as a signet, like it was paper proper. So here is my formal salutation. So STOP BLOODY TURNING ME AWAY, so we can talk. I need you're bellfounders. It's bloody important.



p.s Salutation meens greeting.


p.p.s Don't mind the scratched out words and bad spellings. I was going to rewrite this letter, but Thom is laffing so hard at me that i want it to be done.


p.p.p.s Don't mind me calling your backside pretty. I hardly ever spent any time looking at it, as i've an awareness that you'd pull my eyes out if you saw me. Besides, I'm married now, so that all doesn't matter.



Awwwwww Mat, i love you :)




Lan's scenes

Nynaeve's disagreeing with Egwene after testing

Mat's letter (made me lol)

Mat and the badger (made me lol too)

the Kandor bit in the prologue


+ more


In no particular order:


Rand Sedai

Rand and Tam

The aftermath of Nynaeve's testing

Perrin using a nightmare to destroy the dreamspike and wound Slayer

Perrin at the forge

The whole battle for Maradon and Saldaea - this was really too long to be a "moment", but the desperation of the Domani armies and the Saldaeans in the capital was almost palpable. I think perhaps Ituralde, aside from perhaps our boy Mat, has proved he is greatest general the Light side has. I was thinking as it drew to a close "they HAVE to survive after holding that long!"

"I am al'Lan Mandragoran" - ABOUT DAMN TIME. reminds me in some ways of Gladiator, when he reveals his name and past.


Other stuff:

I'd been afraid ever since we first met Slayer that Hopper would die to him. *sigh* Not a bad way for him to go, but still really sad.

Wish ToG had happened a bit earlier so we could have seen Rand and Moiraine together in this book. I get why not, since that was our big end of book climax, but the reunion there would have been the cap to all of the other reunions.

16 months or so to go till I finally get to read the ending of this.


Any chance we can have the less liked things thread? I've some complaints to make but I don't want to bogart this thread. *gets his old man cames and practices his curmudgeon fist shaking*



rather large spoiler....blah blah....," Shaidar Haran whispered. "Three CHosen, destroyed by your actions. The design builds, a lattice of failure, a framework of incompetence."


So that's Aran'Gar, The one from this book and who's number 3? Asmo.


That and the glossary entry.


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