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Finally finished Paolini's Ineritance. Took a long time to complete due to the birth of my second child and recovery from a recent surgery. Funny thing is I thought I would get a ton of reading done during my down time but the meds I was on made me nauseous whenever I read more than a page or so.


Not sure where I will go next. I might start my WOT re-read in preperation for the release of the conclusion. Or Maybe I'll read Pillars of the Earth. It's been on my shelf for like a year now. Tempted to re-read The Hobbit and TLoTR as well after rewatching the movies while confined to my couch. Lots of choices.


Just finished Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence. Currently have Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss, The Many Deaths of The Black Company by Glen Cook siting on my shelf. Also have King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence and Forge of Darkness by Steven Erikson shipping from Amazon shortly.


Oh the choices...

  On 7/31/2012 at 5:18 PM, redarm said:

Finally finished Paolini's Ineritance. Took a long time to complete due to the birth of my second child and recovery from a recent surgery. Funny thing is I thought I would get a ton of reading done during my down time but the meds I was on made me nauseous whenever I read more than a page or so.

I've been waiting for the ebook price to come down for a while now and finally decided to just buy it, so I am just starting it as well.


Just finished Alloy of Law so I'm finally caught up on Mistborn and after Inheritence I got the Night Angel Trilogy from the library to read.

Posted (edited)

Right now, I am reading Dragonmount.com -> Social Community -> General Discussion -> What are you reading?


(Sorry, bad joke.)


Actually, I am re-reading The Mirror Crack'd, an Agatha Christie mystery that I originally read when I was in high school. I also just finished The Spear by Louis de Wohl, which is a novel that re-tells the crucifixion of Jesus, but does so from the point of view of characters who are only briefly mentioned in the gospel accounts in the Bible (e.g., a Roman centurion, a young Jewish woman caught in adultery, and the wife of the Roman procurator). I thought it was very good, though most likely it would not appeal much to non-Christians or to anyone who is not familiar with the gospel stories.

Edited by Paul H
  On 8/12/2012 at 8:40 PM, Hallow said:

Finished The Name of the Wind and I'm halfway through Wise Man's Fear. Great books, I'm flying through them.


Finished those recently too. Wish I would have waited til all 3 were out...hate waiting for the next book. Good stuff.


Reading the first book of the Malazan series now. It's a bit disjointed and an unusual style. There are parts I'm really into and other not so much. About 40% into. Has a TON of promise though. Interesting world so far.


Finished The Pillars of the Earth last week. Fantastic book. Definitely have to pick up Follet's sequel.


I've spent the last week doing a little professional reading, preparing for the upcoming fall sports season(I am a soccer coach on the side). A book on the 4-3-3 system of play and the I finally got around to reading the curiculum put out by US soccer. Nothing really new there but interesting anyway.


Now I am back to reading purely for pleasure. I am beginning my WoT reread. I am going to start with New Spring. I always recommend reading this book later but I feel the desire to do it chronologically this time as this will be a complete series read, beginning to glorious end.


Finished New Spring and have continued my reread with The Eye of the World. Decided I'd give myself a few weeks for each book. Hopefully it won't take that much time but life doesn't really allow for long reading sessions right now. Anyway, 12 books at two weeks apiece puts me into early February for completion. Not bad. A few weeks to spare before A Memory of Light comes out.


Reading the author Joe Abercrombie, guy does the least heroic heroes I've ever read.


Just finished reading "Call the Midwife"for a bookclub. Worth a read if you can get it, and don't mind graphic details about childbirth

Posted (edited)

I just tackled The Hunger Games trilogy. Not perfect, but very good in many respects. I'm still letting myself process the final book. I'm a bit older than its targeted audience, but after hearing so much about it (and positive things as well from some reviewers I respect) I thought I'd look into what teens are reading these days.

Edited by Agitel

Had a post all typed out, turns out tapatalk doesn't like me much and deleted it for me....marvellous.

Just read ~

Nikki Sixx. The Heroin Diaries. - amazing. Brutal, honest and insane. Wow.


Reading ~

Brandon Sanderson ~ Warbreaker & Way of the Kings - enjoying both so far, seem easily distracted right now though so slow going. Children return to school tomorrow so hopefully will pick up the pace a little again!


Trudi Canavan ~ the Magicians Apprentice. - enjoying this. Its a sort of Prequel to the black magician trilogy which I also liked. Not epic or complex, but still a good plot with likeable characters. (And detestable ones too!) Hope the ending doesn't fall flat and ruin it.


To Read.

Michael Sullivan's The Riyria Revelations, have these on my kindle and have been meaning to get around to them for a while.

Joe Abercrombie. - likewise, been on my kindle for what feels like forever. (I've had my kindle since xmas, but its now a limb. Remove it from my grasp at your peril) so, I shall read those too.

Also have a Michael Morecock anthology to read, a friend has lent it to me so that will probably be first to be read, simply to give him feed-back, and his book returned too.

Lastly, while I await my copy of Jacqueline Careys 'dark currents' (thank you Signedpage.com <3) I shall revist Kushiel trilogy 1 & 2, and also naamah, any excuse to delve back into the world of Terre D'Ange!!


So there you have it!! :)


~ Love as Thou Wilt ~


Just finished Mark Lawrence "King of Thorns". This guy is a solid writer, one of the better new entries in the fantasy category to my mind. Strong prose and a very interesting premise in the world he has built. He has these casually brilliant moments of writing that are a huge breath of fresh air in this genre. Can't recommend it enough.


Switching gears a bit and trying out "The Crying of Lot 49" by Thomas Pynchon. Have always found him rough going in the past but have been told I need to give it another shot.

  On 9/6/2012 at 6:10 AM, Sgal83 said:

I am reading a crown of swords, book 7 of the wheel of time series.

I hope to finish the whole wheel of time series before the release of a memory of lights.

Very Nice, just keep reading........
Posted (edited)
  On 9/10/2012 at 12:46 PM, chongjasmine said:
  On 9/6/2012 at 6:18 AM, Jarlaxle said:
  On 9/6/2012 at 6:10 AM, Sgal83 said:

I am reading a crown of swords, book 7 of the wheel of time series.

I hope to finish the whole wheel of time series before the release of a memory of lights.

Very Nice, just keep reading........


Thanks. I am now reading path of daggers, book 8 of the wheel of time series.


Enjoy the ride chong! Actually jealous you are going through it for the first time. I'm sure people would like to hear your thoughts as you go occasionally.

Edited by Suttree

*smiles fondly* i remember my first read of WoT. its more than worth it to keep reading and i'm sure you'll be finished either a bit before MoL comes out or just as its being released. the middle books of this series can be hard to get through, but after Path of Daggers it picks back up :happy: well worth it imo.

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