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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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Wow this thread got a little lazy. Think of it as a quick review for your friends. If you post just the title and hit submit I have no idea if this is a movie I should watch or not :P



Fright Night (2011)


Remakes do not generally impress me so I went into this movie with many reservations. I think I only added it to my list because David Tennant was in it. What troubled me the most watching this movie was the blatant 3D shots. Have I told you guys how much I hate this fad!!!! Ok other than the random things being throw or squirted at the camera... I REALLY liked this movie. I would give this a strong recommend to those that like good vampire flicks (not ones that brood and sparkle in the sun).


Friends with Benefits


You basic romantic comedy that makes fun of other romantic comedies. I saw No Strings Attached earlier this year... this is basically the exact same movie.

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Tinker, Tailer, Soldier, Spy


First movie of the year where I saw people walk out in the first 15 minutes. How do you only sit through 15 minutes of a movie and make up your mind?


The movie is slow, but in a good way. What I mean by that is that the movie takes it's time unrolling the mystery. No... it doesn't start with Tom Cruise swinging through the jungle in Pandora being chased by Decepticons.


I really liked the movie's pace and the story that unraveled. It was like reading a good book that you can not put down (well some people put it down in the first few pages).



I really want to see this movie.

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Sorry Fearless. I do not want this thread to turn into a spam dumping grounds. Warning to all... if you post a movie title and hit submit I will delete your post. As explain above this should give some insight into the movie you watched. It could be as simple as "I liked this movie" or as detailed as a review. Posting a movie title gives the reader nothing of value.


However if you want to start a thread and post random movie titles I will direct you to Fiddlesticks which welcomes all Spam :)

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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy


This movie was mesmerizing - highly intelligent and perfectly paced. The film itself was beautifully shot and Gary Oldman played Smiley to perfection: utterly unassuming and reserved, but with a great deal of strength and intellectual fortitude lurking under the surface.


The real genius of this movie lies with Bridget O'Connor's incredible script. I'm not sure if any of you have read Le Carre's novel, but it is incredibly dense and tough to get through - even the British 6-part miniseries had a difficult time condensing the book down. The sheer intelligence, clarity, and beauty that O'Connor manages to capture is simply incredible. She deserves a muther******* Oscar.

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Most people think.. Oh... a silent film... it must be bad.



The Descendants


In continuing my long standing tradition of watching every movie nominated for best picture, I checked out the yearly George Clooney nominee. From everything I have heard about this movie, this is the one that will give The Artist a run for its money. Ok... this was a solid film with some fine acting as you would expect from Clooney. But this movie wasn't anything I haven't seen a few times already... and that is not a bad thing really.


BTW here are my thoughts on the remaining movies I need to see...


Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - mixed reviews *shrug*

The Help - On the Fence

Hugo - No idea what this movie is about

War Horse - I really don't care about this movie, but I keep thinking... really... this was nominated over Drive



Win Win


Little know movie with a lot of heart. I quite enjoyed this little gem.


Cowboys and Aliens


The movie started strong... then I blinked and the movie broke bad. It is like the writers said "Screw putting together a plot that makes sense... lets make it pretty!". And the CGI is nice. I am sure you Transformer fans out there will love this movie because you will overlook the broken plot.

I literally looked down for one minute after Olivia Wilde's character died and then she came back to life. I missed why but later learned she was an Alien hunter. Man... those Alien Hunters really suck at their job. Because other than crawling to the center of the ship she did nothing else in the movie but give us blank stares. AWFUL!

Ok so I didn't hate this movie as much as Transformers but it was pretty bad.

Edited by Emperor
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Real Steel: Sorta cheesy premise with the robot boxing. Typical tough guy with a soft side character for Jackman, but I thought the kid actor was actually pretty decent. Evangeline Lilly is smoking hot so can't complain about that. A bit warming in the chest bucket. Turned out a lot better than I thought it was going to. I'd recommend it if you have a couple hours to kill.

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Memoirs Of A Geisha.



It was longer than I prefer, but I was so caught up in it I didn't really notice. I really like how Chiyo toughed it out through the years in order to reach her goal of being with the Chairman. It's not something you would expect from a nine-year-old. I'm fascinated with Japanese culture, so I'm probably biased towards it. :tongue:

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Green Lantern


I had low expectations for this movie... like Transformers low... but this movie didn't suck that bad. I am really trying to search for something else to say about this movie.




An almost realistic view of what would happen these days if a deadly virus broke out. I appreciated the movie for that.

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Your Highness


Crude juvenile humor at its finest... I guess. I laughed at some points but mostly found myself cringing as the cast tried its hardest (at times to hard) to get a laugh.


Something Borrowed


Basically follows the plot of a romantic comedy spot on... except this one has Kate Hudson. I spent most of the movie wanting to throw something at the screen.


Season of the Witch


I decided to continue my misery by watching a movie with Nic Cage. I began wondering what a movie with Nic Cage and Kate Hudson would look like. I began drinking to kill those brain cells.

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