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Does Fain know how to use the ways?


Just wondering if he opened the waygate to the Two Rivers.


Or was that Verin? Thinking about it that kind of makes sense.


And iirc Alanna sometimes goes off alone to do something... do we know why?


Why does Verin tell Perrin not to trust Alanna? Does she know Alanna wants to bond him?



Edited by Thorgan
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Does Fain know how to use the ways?


Just wondering if he opened the waygate to the Two Rivers.


Or was that Verin? Thinking about it that kind of makes sense.


And iirc Alanna sometimes goes off alone to do something... do we know why?


Why does Verin tell Perrin not to trust Alanna? Does she know Alanna wants to bond him?




Yes, Fain knows how to use the Ways.


Verin had nothing to do with the Waygate, it was Fain both times (EOTW and TSR)


Could you remind me when the scene when Alanna goes off for a while?


Verin knows that Alanna is not all there since her warder (Owain?) died. She knew that Alanna would do something crazy like bond a man without his permission SPOILERS






Which does end up happening once Alanna gets away from Verin for a while, but it's the thought that counts.

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Does Fain know how to use the ways?


Just wondering if he opened the waygate to the Two Rivers.


Or was that Verin? Thinking about it that kind of makes sense.


And iirc Alanna sometimes goes off alone to do something... do we know why?


Why does Verin tell Perrin not to trust Alanna? Does she know Alanna wants to bond him?




Yes, Fain knows how to use the Ways.


Verin had nothing to do with the Waygate, it was Fain both times (EOTW and TSR)

Actually, it was Luc using the Ways in TSR. But Fain has often used the Ways to travel since then, off-screen. It's easy enough to tell when he's using them by his travel times, but RJ confirmed it in interview iirc.


Could you remind me when the scene when Alanna goes off for a while?

Just before Perrin's men get slaughtered in the Waterwood. I think it's meant to be a red herring (much like Moiraine's disappearance around the time of the Darkfriend Social in TGH).

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Could you remind me when the scene when Alanna goes off for a while?


When Perrin leaves Loial at the old sick house (tSR) and tells him to keep an eye on her. When they meet back up, Loial tells Perrin that she would disappear and he didn't know how.



Verin knows that Alanna is not all there since her warder (Owain?) died. She knew that Alanna would do something crazy like bond a man without his permission SPOILERS


Pretty good theory out there that Verin actually used compulsion on her to bond Rand.

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Also, from the discussion above - the prophecy about "The two must be as one" - does that need to have anything to do with geography? It can be just "implied" (Aes Sedai'ishly) to refer to the Seanchan/Rand's domain, while actually referring to the two that must be one - Rand and Lews Therin or Rand and Moridin.

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Also, from the discussion above - the prophecy about "The two must be as one" - does that need to have anything to do with geography?



For the red-veiled Aiel, see the FAQ in my sig.

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Does the station of Amyrilin(sp?) Seat (I don't just mean she-who-shall-remain-unnamed who happens to hold it at the moment) have any authority over the Dragon what-so-ever?


Thanx :smile:


They don't need another one's authority . The Dragon is a famous hero , who did some realy impressive things and will do another several , like , for example , Hercules . The Amyrlin is Mother-Goddess figure , the Roofmistress of all , who watch that all be right under the Roof , like Isis or Cybele .

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Is it me or does the laps in time have you confused from TGS and ASOL between Rand and Perrin... Tam does not leave Perrin until like capter 30??? in AMOL...


Am i missing something?

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Is it me or does the laps in time have you confused from TGS and ASOL between Rand and Perrin... Tam does not leave Perrin until like capter 30??? in AMOL...


Am i missing something?

Just that the timelines don't match up between Perrin and Rand - Perrin's story was put on hold in TGS while Rand was advanced, so in TOM Brandon had to catch Perrin up. (I assume that's what you meant; not sure what ASOL would be, unless it's A Storm of Light, which is the chapter where Rand went to Maradon, and AMOL isn't out yet.)

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Is it me or does the laps in time have you confused from TGS and ASOL between Rand and Perrin... Tam does not leave Perrin until like capter 30??? in AMOL...


Am i missing something?

Just that the timelines don't match up between Perrin and Rand - Perrin's story was put on hold in TGS while Rand was advanced, so in TOM Brandon had to catch Perrin up. (I assume that's what you meant; not sure what ASOL would be, unless it's A Storm of Light, which is the chapter where Rand went to Maradon, and AMOL isn't out yet.)


I am personally tempted to go out and get an extra copy of TGS and ToM, tear them appart and put them back together in chronological order.

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I am personally tempted to go out and get an extra copy of TGS and ToM, tear them appart and put them back together in chronological order.


Just so you know, Brandon did that on purpose so that many of the awesome scenes in TGS wouldn't be pushed back into ToM, leaving TGS with some Egwene in the tower, Perrin not making much progress, entirely Dark Rand, etc. It might have been another CoT, which a new author would be hard pressed to deal with. He wanted to 'hit it out of the park' with TGS (and after reading ToM it completely makes sense) so he included a great deal of the best scenes at the end of TGS out of sequence with a few others timeline-wise.

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I don't remember any of Min's visions of Thom. Did she ever have any of him?



The strongest images around the gleeman are a man – not him – juggling fire, and the White Tower, and that doesn't make any sense at all for a man.

We also know indirectly that she had one of Moiraine and Thom.


Is Min's vision of Lan as a baby the only time she has a vision of the past?

It's a vision of the future, probably using symbolism of the past. In other words, she probably saw the oath he was given as a baby, and its importance for his future.

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