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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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I don't get the point of what SK is doing. Reaction test? There are better ways to do such things if that's the case.


@BFG  heres what i was waiting for. nolders reaction to SKs self vote.


If nolder came straight out and voted here id be "ok thats nol"  but he hasnt and now im sus on him. not voting him yet til i can make sure im not slightly biased atm.





Well, I'm heading to the pawn shop in hopes of trading a guitar I never play for a pistol I hope I never shoot (except at the range). BBL

What kind of pistol?


I bought the Phoenix Arms HP22A. The pawn broker didn't want to play my guitar either, so I just bought it out of pocket for a little under $200 out the door. It is a cheap gun, but it has a lifetime warranty. It's my first firearm, and I thought a 22 pistol would be a good way to start out and learn, especially because the ammo is cheap. I won't be able to take it to the range until Monday, though. I have to nap pretty soon before working a graveyard shift, and then I work graveyards again tomorrow, but I already bought some cheap Federal ammo for it, and I ordered a cleaning kit and an extended magazine (same capacity, but it's a little longer and should be a better fit) from the manufacturer a few days ago, and it should be here tomorrow. In the meantime, I played with the safeties and the magazine release, loaded and unloaded the magazine a couple of times to get a feel for it, and looked in the mirror to see if I look like James Bond (I don't).


It's back in the box until I am comfortable firing it, and then it will be a nightstand and range gun until I graduate to a 9mm or something better for home defense.  That might be well down the road, though. I've survived this long without a firearm, so I probably have time to learn on this one first. I do plan to get a Ruger 10/22 Take Down from Bass Pro shops while they are still running their 4 month payment plan on purchases over $100. That makes the rifle almost painless, and I always had fun shooting my friend's .22 rifle, so I know it will get some use. I like how the Take Down model comes with an extra magazine and a little backpack; that makes it super convenient to take camping and stuff, and the whole idea of it breaking down is just neat, like a little sniper rifle or something. The cool factor is pretty high on that one.



I am SOOO glad i dont live in America   we dont even have to CONSIDER a gun on the night stand or for "home defense"

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@BFG  heres what i was waiting for. nolders reaction to SKs self vote.


If nolder came straight out and voted here id be "ok thats nol"  but he hasnt and now im sus on him. not voting him yet til i can make sure im not slightly biased atm.

I've kind of given up on this policy. It seems to happen at least once per game these days.

I still think it's anti town and I'll still lynch anyone who does it.

I'm just tired of being the one to stick my neck out and initiate.

Same with lynching lurkers, you remember how gung ho I was about lynching lurkers?

When's the last time you saw me mention lurkers?


I just don't care anymore. I try to play the best game I can despite what other people do or don't do.


I am SOOO glad i dont live in America   we dont even have to CONSIDER a gun on the night stand or for "home defense"

Give it a few more boats.
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I'm pretty sure lurkers have been crushed in recent games, but that's besides the point.


As it relates to SK, I'll gladly lynch him if he doesn't do something to make me think he's worth keeping around.  I just don't think it's worth everybody jumping on him when essentially half the game has yet to make a meaningful contribution.  If he's town, you're absolutely right to say it's anti-town...but that doesn't mean he can't be.  It wouldn't be the first time town has claimed scum, for some bizarre reason.



And not going to turn this into a gun debate, but I'd much rather have access to one and never need it for self defense than be in a situation where I need one and don't have it.  I don't know any countries that outlaw kitchen knives.  Or machetes.

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[v]Gentled Ben[/v]


What else are you thinking right now?


Indeed, and why the vote on me? If it's to get a reaction, why not someone who does not already have a vote on them? 


I feel like Sooh, Nolder, and Clovdyx are solving the most right now. I don't know what to make of Sooh's read on Clovdyx, as I have a town feel for both of them, so I understand Nolder wanting to analyze the set up, but that's also a good place for a wolf to hide early on. Still, I feel like they are all pretty town. LZM feels right to me, but he hasn't posted much yet. Pending more content from SK, no one really seems scummy to me yet, but I don't like Cory popping in and dropping a second vote on me like that. Despite a few pages now, I do not have any solid reads, but I will OMGUS Cory for now.




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@BFG  heres what i was waiting for. nolders reaction to SKs self vote.


If nolder came straight out and voted here id be "ok thats nol"  but he hasnt and now im sus on him. not voting him yet til i can make sure im not slightly biased atm.

I've kind of given up on this policy. It seems to happen at least once per game these days.

I still think it's anti town and I'll still lynch anyone who does it.

I'm just tired of being the one to stick my neck out and initiate.

Same with lynching lurkers, you remember how gung ho I was about lynching lurkers?

When's the last time you saw me mention lurkers?


I just don't care anymore. I try to play the best game I can despite what other people do or don't do.





im pretty happy with that response actually.  and id forgotten about u and lurkers lol



I'm glad I don't live in Australia where I don't even GET to consider owning a gun for the night stand or home defense. 


What does "nol" stand for?


short for NOLder

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I'm pretty sure lurkers have been crushed in recent games, but that's besides the point.


As it relates to SK, I'll gladly lynch him if he doesn't do something to make me think he's worth keeping around.  I just don't think it's worth everybody jumping on him when essentially half the game has yet to make a meaningful contribution.  If he's town, you're absolutely right to say it's anti-town...but that doesn't mean he can't be.  It wouldn't be the first time town has claimed scum, for some bizarre reason.



And not going to turn this into a gun debate, but I'd much rather have access to one and never need it for self defense than be in a situation where I need one and don't have it.  I don't know any countries that outlaw kitchen knives.  Or machetes.

I am ready for GLORY. My ancestors are smiling on me imperial. Can you say the same? Stop with this dance and waiting for permission to vote me coward and do it.

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Not sure how to progress in this setup honestly. Still contemplating on how to move forward. Probably won't post much until I settle that in my head.

hehe I see what you did their. Classic.

Baiting eh?


I was talking about using the excuse of confusion to not do anything when the only thing that ever matters in a mafia game is to catch scum. The machinations of the game is meh at best. I am more than okay talking strategy If someone wants to go that route. flavored cop games are alright. If you can show me a town game where the setup confused you and you did nothing that would be points in your favor. Hit me with one, but do it in poetry form.

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I might guess Iron town for really dumb reasons, too, but I don't want to be wrong :unsure:

Soooooo....... what changed?


So what made you guess he was town earlier, when now you think he's possible scum when I think all he posted inbetween was that he was camping?

That I talked myself out of caring very much about really stupid reasons, in favor of slightly less stupid reasons?


Basically the bad reasoning I would have guessed he was town was just the way he ran with the peek thing only because he was around and it was being discussed. It came across as "people said they think it will be helpful to do, so I'll do it", and he dropped me because I was here to talk to. Objectively, that means next to nothing and I'm relatively confident mafia!Iron would do it if he saw everyone else doing it.


That post was kind of the other side of that. Probably means nothing whatsoever in the grand scheme, gave me an impression, and not an overly strong one.


If reads were some sort of math problem, chalk it up as a +1 -2 type of tjing

Ok, so why not answer me earlier?


fwiw ~not the dumb reason I expected

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it is important for all villagers to leave seer cover in this set-up btw


the cool things is you dont have to worry about it too much, since how hilariously unreliable everything will be, but itll be good for data compilation later in the game

FWIW I had a long internal debate about this once the setup was announced. I was trying to decide if there was any value, and I pretty much came up with "not really, until one of the cops is dead". But even after that, we won't know which one flipped and which is alive - nor will mafia.


I don't know that I think SHC is completely worthless in this kind of setup, but it's definitely nowhere near as helpful.

SHC is totally useless IMO


too much V A R I A N C E



That's a huge contradiction. From one post to the next you just changed your stance on seer cover.

Think this could be a good look for LZM :unsure:
I thought the opposite at first , actually. There are contradictions that matter for one's alignment, and then there are the kind people push because it's easy to call someone out for stuff that's completely inconsequential.


I figured it was null if he thought shc and seer cover were the same thing though

It's ~not calling out the contradiction
an obective spectator would say that it is not necesarily alignment indicative either way. You are just reading to much into lzm not reading clearly. Cory is saying that there is an optimal way to play this setup having played it before, It is independent of his thoughts on the setup. That is of course assuming several things but I digress.

Eh, I may well be reading too much into things, but it's not lzd calling out the contradiction or confusing shc and seer cover :dry: I can explain better later, but for now I want to see something play out.


I'm also not sure Cory's played this setup before, but regardless I don't see much value in seer cover in this setup to outweigh the negatives, but I may well be missing something :unsure:


I would like that explanation now.

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About the naming someone thing? Is everyone supposed to do that?


General thought: game seems to be a bit more complex than usual for me, but this is my third full game, so I'm still pretty new to mafia I guess.


Thoughts on other players? Don't really have much yet. Other than curious as to why SK would vote for self and want others to vote too. Still trying to get a feel for folks.

This is an open game. Which means it is potentially a breakable game. Open games are games where the setup is known. How many town, how many scum, and their respective roles. Refer to page 1. The goal of the town or rather the cops is to figure out what flavor they are and then reveal their innocent/guilty. The goal of the mafia framers is to obfuscate the issue. The traitor is a player that wins with the mafia, but is not in their chat. And the mafia does not know whomst the traitor is. I am a fan of open games. In fact I am dogged with some of them and live to find the most optimal way to play as town in the setup. Do the cops claim? Probably not since their is no doctor, but when should they claim. The mod already made it hard for the scum with a night zero. the two sane cops are working away. You might say, but what about the two framers and insane cop? I say meh. They have to choose precisely the same person and the cops are persons they can choose from as well makes it harder for scum to win. So one must do drastic things to win this mountain of a game...Hence the self vote.

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So real quick question about the NO and then name, thing. What is the NO stand for and what is the significance of the name? I'm still really confused over that point.

it is basically someone saying they have a report on said person. A mafia would definitely do it to fit in. I do not recommend it...


night zero (n0) report - Dar'Jen inno. If I am the cop and die the person I named will be looked at. And it helps the actual/real cops hide amongst vanilla losers.


Was this an example or a report?


an example.

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