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Game of thrones - Season 7


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Episode title: The Dragon and the Wolf.  IS THIS HAPPENING GUYS?  



Previously on: Euron is a crazy man, Theon has PTSD face, Yara's in trouble, Sansa sends Brienne away, Arya is a psycho, Tyrion's got a stupid plan, dead dragon, Dany is out for vengeance, ZOMBIE DRAGON





Return of Grey Worm!!!  Hmmm.... wellll, they managed to make it to King's Landing. 


The Lannisters are worried.


Ooh! Bronn!


LOL... "I still enjoy it when they call me m'Lord." "The thrill will fade."  *snerk*  Bronn gets some of the best snarky lines.


Tyrion indeed has been a champion of the downtrodden.




They really do sound like they're having fun.


Euron's ships?  Does he know Cersei's pregnant? *hmmm*




Jon gets his first sight of King's Landing, and is not impressed.


Yup. Zombie's still alive in that box.




Why isn't she with them?  Who, Dany?  Or Sansa?




Backstory of the Dragonpit....


Bronn escorting everyone to the meeting - Pod and Brienne arrived first, eh?  Makes sense I guess.


Tyrion and Pod together again! :wub:


Brienne and Sandor OMG.  Brienne tells Sandor that Arya is still and is a total badass.  Nice moment.


Aww, Bronn and Tyrion!  I love this.


Aaaaaaand the Dragonpit.


This is all a little nervewracking.




Cersei's march of doom incoming.   Oh, Euron's in the party.  How much fun is this?


Many. Significant.  Looks.




You know Dany's making a grand entrance on dragonback, right?


Oh, yep.  As expected!


Drogon and Rhaegal, incoming!


Drogon gonna wreck this joint.


Oh hi guys, sorry I'm late.


Euron's all insolent and interrupting.


Jaime being the voice of order?  Nice.


Jon's got a few words to say about your impending death.


Oh Cersei.  Being a smartass with Jon is not a good look.


"What's in the box?  WHAT'S IN THE BOX?"  </Se7en>


Wight is playing possum...


Oh that was horrifying


I think Cersei is kinda convinced


Qyburn, however, is really, really curious.


"Can they swim?" "No." "SEEYA C, I'M OUTIE!"


Cersei sounds very reasonable.  I don't trust her.


Cersei's trying to make a pact with Jon, and not Dany.  This is kinda bizarre.


Jon goes public with his allegiance... and Cersei's all "OK, dude, enjoy your war with the dead. Peace out."


Brienne and Jaime :wub:  I STILL BELIEVE!


Everyone's all grumpy at Jon for telling the truth.


Oh dear.  Tyrion's going to go talk to Cersei?




Jaime giving Tyrion this look like "nice knowing you, bro... she's going to eat your liver with fava beans and a nice chianti."


Tyrion wasn't this terrified going to unchain the dragons.  I think they're more reasonable than Cersei.


Are... you... dumb?  Why are you baiting the vicious lioness?


What.  What.  What.


Yeah, I'd need a drink after that too.


Tyrion's figured out Cersei is pregnant... what's he going to do with this info?





Jon and Dany talking about the death of the dragons... and the fall of the Targaryen dynasty.




Also they're totally gonna have a baby.  Let's beat that into the audience's head some more.  "Have you ever considered that the witch who murdered your husband might not be a reliable source of information on whether you can have children?" 


I think I saw a little rueful smile there, Jon.


Oooh!  Tyrion made it out alive!


Aaaaaaand the Lannister Legion of Doom returns.


Cersei commits to fighting the dead? I DON'T TRUST HER.





Raven arrives with word that Jon bent the knee...  Littlefinger suggests Jon and Dany are gonna get married so Sansa should seize control of the North. This is a TERRIBLE IDEA.


Oh Sansa will you quit being an idiot?  Are you really confiding  in this sleazeball?


Arya has no desire to be Lady of Winterfell.  Please tell me you don't believe his BS.




You could always arrive together on dragonback, ya know.  Jon could bring Rhaegal. :wink:


OK, united front. Good deal.


Theon is completely impressed with Jon.


This is a very necessary conversation.  


Awww.  Jon is just being completely amazing right now.


Theon gotta go save Yara.  GO THEON GO.  (This seems unlikely to work.)




Tense confrontation with the Ironborn >.>


Theon's getting his butt kicked.


"Stay down or I'll kill you!"  Well now he just HAS to get up again.


Oh dear.  Theon got his groove back.


Big stupid display of idiocy impressed the Ironborn.  Geez, these people.




Oh good, Sansa brought Bran along for this confrontation with Arya.


Littlefinger all smug there...


"You stand accused of murder... you stand accused of treason... how do you answer these charges - LORD BAELISH."  CHA CHING!!!!!


I was really hoping all this Sansa and Arya crap was a front for Littlefinger.  GOD I AM SO GLAD.




"None of you were there.  None of you saw it."  BUT BRAN DID.









Jaime being all commandery.  Cersei about to give him further instruction.


Oh crap, she's gonna try to go back on her word.


Cersei noticed that a dragon was missing.  And of course she's all "ahh, we can beat 'em!"


Oh really?  Euron's going to retrieve the Golden Company and fight with Cersei?  >.>


"I told you no one walks away from me."  OH CRAP 


Please, Jaime, will you just get over this crazy b!%#$?  OMG






Winter is here, guys.  WINTER IS HERE.




Sam and Gilly at Winterfell? 



YAY SAM AND BRAN!!!!  :happy:


"What happened to you beyond the Wall?" "I became the three-eyed raven." "Oh!!!........   I don't know what that means."  LOL


"Jon's on his way back to Winterfell with Daenerys Targaryen."  "You saw it in a vision?"  "No dude.  He sent a raven. Keep up."




Bran's watching Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding GUYS THIS IS HAPPENING




Jon and Dany about to ... umm..... 


And Tyrion is a bit voyeuristic :unsure: 


ANd why would they name him Aegon, Rhaegar ALREADY HAD A SON NAMED AEGON.


Aunt/nephew just keepin' it in the family :unsure:






The pack survives.  Aww. Yeah.




And something is about to happen... Yikes.


Oh Night King... where are you?


Tormund... Beric... I haz fear.


About to hear 3 blasts on that horn aren't we?


Here come the dead.


Here come a LOT of the dead.


This is gonna suck


There goes the horn


Undead giants


We're gonna see this












Hoooo man.




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ANd why would they name him Aegon, Rhaegar ALREADY HAD A SON NAMED AEGON

Did they establish that Rhaegar and Elia named one of their kids Aegon in the show? The show is well past the point when Aegon showed up in the books and turned out to be alive. I'm taking this Jon revelation to mean that they're merging a different character into Jon's show version and book-Aegon will be left out altogether. Also guessing that the books will either have his real first name be something different or it won't even be mentioned that his frst name isn't really Jon.


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aegon has been mentioned in the show im pretty sure.


i imagine jon being being named has more to do with rhaegar misinterpreting some prophecy or vision (that his som aegon would be the prince that was promised) and course correcting upon developments with lyanna.


according to selmy & others who spoke of rhaegar he was a bit clairvoyant in the way quite a few other targs have been

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So much feelings! How am I supposed to go to work after this?! 


One of the best (maybe the best?) episodes of this season. 


I don´t even know where to start - Sandor and Brienne, Jaime leaving Cersei, Littlefinger dying, seeing Rhaegar and Lyannas marriage, ice dragon melting the wall....


And that wonderful/horrible scene with Jon and Dany. They will feel so bad when they get to know. 


Will write more when I calm down. Which may be never. lol 

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Holy cow, that was insane!


Bad Dragon, Viserion, bad!  :mad:


I think Cory is right about Aegon being merged into Jon, and in the books, his name probably won't even come up as an issue.


Wow, so much stuff I've been waiting for: Jon and Dany :wub:, Sansa using Littlefinger's own lessons in the Game to ferret him out and destroy him, Littlefinger getting his dagger back, Arya being the one to give it to him, Arya and Sansa getting along ( :ohmy:) the dead coming through the Wall (but you're still a bad dragon, Viserion :mad:), and yeah, Jaime redemption arc Take 1, because he has not been redeemed in my eyes, but tonight, he took a major step in that direction, a huge one. Keep stepping, Jaime, all the way to Winterfell. I will probably like you by the time you arrive.


It's awesome with all these plotlines wrapping up. I suppose next season will mainly be fighting the dead and killing Cersei (please, she HAS to die a cruel death). What an awesome season!

Edited by Gentled Ben
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I read a theory on a "missed detail" that I don't think was actually intended but sounded kind of right.


Littlefinger loved Cat and tried to marry her but was rejected by her father for not being important enough. So Littlefinger's entire life from then on was dedicated to gaining power and wealth. Trying to be "Somebody", as in Somebody important.


Arya has spent almost the entire events of the series trying to leave behind her legacy as a Stark because it was deadly to her. Everyone wanted something from Arya Stark so she traveled half way around the world to become "Nobody".


In the end: Nobody killed Somebody.


Again, I don't think this was actually intended I think it's just a case of a fan finding a funny little detail, but it is funny regardless.

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Do we know target release date of the next season? Rumors are 2019?

They're starting pre-production already, plus a recent interview with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau indicated filming starts in October.  From what I've read those who are familiar with the business of production are predicting filming will go on through March, probably, and then they'll need a lot of post-production time for CGI.  Best guess i've seen is most likely it'll be fall 2018, although it could push to 2019 if needed.

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Watched it again. This was such a good episode. It was long, it was slow. We got all the great meetings. 



King´s Landing: 


* Jon´s asking why anyone wants to live in a croweded city and Tyrion answering that there are jobs there. Could have spoken about Swedish politics. (Or any other country I supposed.) 

* Good to see a Tyrion - Podrik reunion

* I loved Brienne and Sandor. The way they talked about Arya, like proud parents. Really lovely moment.

* Always good to see Tyrion and Bronn together. I hope Bronn goes after Jaime. Those three will make a great group.

* Btw - where did Bronn and Podrik go? Are they safe on their way north? I hope so.

* Cersei´s clothes - wow! And the way she acts. Dany can enter on a dragon all she wants but the way Cersei sits on that chair shows that she is the real queen. 

* I liked how they film the dragon pit scenes. They managed to capture everyone. 

* No Clegane Bowl, and I don´t care. I haven´t been a fan of that theory anyway. I wonder what Sandor meant. Was it a threat that he will kill his brother? Or was it something they knew from the flames, or?

* Of course Tyrion is the one who is going to bring everyone together. Maybe his plans aren´t always that great but he is the politician. And Peter Dinklage is the best. 

* Jon: "This is serious." I laughed. It´s so typical that he is the one saying that. When wasn´t he serious?

* I love the way Qyburn was fascinated with the wight. 

* Euron went home and I thought that he would be gone and I prepered to get really annoyed. But later we learn that it was just a plan, which I like.

* And Jon have to tell the truth. lol again. He is wonderful and a bit stupid. 

* That short scene with Jaime and Brienne was great! "F*** loyalty!" Who would have thought Brienne would say those words. But it´s clearly one of the reasons that makes Jaime leave later on. 


* I have missed the Tyrion/Cersei scenes. I was kind of afraid for Tyrion for a while. 

* Do you think Tyrion will end up taking care of the baby if it lives? He talked about how much he loved the children, and we know he did. And we certainly hope that Cersei will die (at least I do). So is it hinted in this scene that Tyrion and the baby will carry on the Lannister house?


* Jon and Dany are so good together. So you think that the witch that killed your husband is a good sorce. :D Dany will have Jon´s kid. Ugh....

* For a second I really believed Cersei went along with the plan and it felt so great. But you always know she is up to no good. And of course I was right about that.


* Of course Cersei had another plan, that she didn´t want Jaime to know. Jaime finally understood what he had to do. Yay! Yay! Yay! It took him some time (like four seasons, but who´s counting?) but now he has finally left her, to do the right thing. I just love the scene when he sits on his horse and watches the snow. 





* I will almost forgive the Winterfell plot this season because the end was so good. I loved Sansa´s speach. Sofie has been great the whole season. The scene where she stood on the wall was great. I think she remembered how it was when she jumped with Theon. Maybe she thought about how brave she was then, and that she had to run away from her husband that Littlefinger had given her to. Littlefinger is finally dead! Woohoo! And in the same episode as Jaime leaves Cersei, could it be any better?

* Wonderful moment with the sisters on the wall. 


* Sam: "I don´t know what that means." lol They finally got all the pieces together and they need to tell Jon...

* ... like yesterday. Because he just had sex with his aunt and when he learns about it he won´t be happy. (Why, why?! They are such a good couple, but still... no! It´s your aunt!)

* But Aegon? Like his brother? Hm... They must have known that book readers knows about Aegon, right? Why just not call him Aemon? 





* Finally we get some Theon. I really wish they could have added another episode so that they hadn´t need to rush through the scenes and I would have loved more Theon. Alfie is so great. Now we have to wait more than a year to know what happens to him and Yara. :(





* We "knew" that it would end with the wall coming down, right? Just didn´t know how it would go down. I agree with Ben, bad Viserion! A great ending though. 





Last season was my favourite season. This season has had it´s up and downs but the last episode was just great. 

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Can we get the



Arya slashing littlefinger's throat GIF to match with the Tyrion slapping Joffrey one???


Too soon?


Littlefinger: none of you were there. You don't know what happened.


Bran: you held the dagger to Ned's throat. You told him "I told you not to trust me."


Littlefinger: oh poo.



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Do we know target release date of the next season? Rumors are 2019?

They're starting pre-production already, plus a recent interview with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau indicated filming starts in October.  From what I've read those who are familiar with the business of production are predicting filming will go on through March, probably, and then they'll need a lot of post-production time for CGI.  Best guess i've seen is most likely it'll be fall 2018, although it could push to 2019 if needed.



Something about the push to 2019 so that the show doesn't totally out-pace/eclipse the books? But then i read somewhere that Martin was using the show and the books to tell two "different" endings?

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