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Gray Ajah Midsummer Event - THAT WoT murder!


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Ok, so cards on the table first, this thread assumes you have read all of WoT. If you haven't proceed with caution as spoilers will abound!



The event in questions occurs in Fires of Heaven. So if you have not read that far, take care!



The resolution is in Towers of Midnight (I think?) So if  you have not read that far - beware!




Right, I think that's enough warnings, so on with the thread! :smile:






















I remember reading Fires of Heaven for the first time - such a lot was happening, people traveling all over the place. The number of plot lines and points of view seemed to explode and the series double in complexity with each chapter. And then Robert Jordan through this at us - a new point of view that only lasted a short while before *bam* dead as a doornail, and we had no idea who did it! It was another loop on the rollercoaster that is Wheel of Time. So what were your first reactions to the death of




(that is your last chance to step away from the thread, lol)

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I was very surprised that it wasn't resolved sooner - 1 or two books later would have been perfect for me: leaving some time for the mystery but then I would be able to move on to other things.

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Oh Light! I just finished rereading that last week and it still throws me. I don't think it bothered me as much as some since I started reading the series in 2011 when most of the books were out and I finished them all in time for Towers of Midnight

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I wasn't bothered by it overly much, but I had a massive amount of fun reading and joining in the discussions about this at the WoT discussion board here on DM. I was very active there at that time. The theories abounded!

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Yep, go for it. I know some people may not have read this far, but I think I've given enough warnings! lol.


Also you can always put it in spoiler tags if you would feel better.

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I'm fairly sure he didn't reveal it because it was such a mystery to the fans, haha




And you know what? For the love of Light, I can't recall who I thought did it!

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At first, I wasn't too concerned about it. My first read through focused on Rands and Perrins PoV's.


My second read through, (before KoD) I was dead convinced Shaidar Haran did it, even though he hadn't been brought into the story.


Then I got on a Demendred kick, ( whose my fav Forsaken btw). Loved how he died.


I never actually guessed it. And I never caught it in the books. I read it in a quote on here.

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I knew who killed him really early on because I cheated and looked it up. (I read the series after every book was already released.) At that time, though, I had NO idea it was supposed to be this big secret since I wasn't involved in the fandom and just thought I was an idiot for not realizing immediately. 



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