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Welcome to the Black Tower!!!


If you are reading this, I hope that you want to join us. Just a warning, we are all crazy, spammy, silly and most importantly TAINTED here and we will shower you with brownies if you join. You might have lots of fun and never want to leave. Don't worry, these are normal symptoms.


Now, are you wondering what will you do once you sign up? Well, you start as a civillian and then advance to soldier where you get to choose your faction. Then you can advance through ranks to become a Dedicated, Asha'man and Attack Leader. Now, these are the ranks but there has not been any mention of the fun. There is fun at Black tower (or most of us won't be here). No matter what you like, there's a high probability you'll find it here. You want to be sure? Well, join us and find out. We have discussions, games, talking about random games and food. We love food, especially desserts, and love derailing threads to food. 


I think I said something about factions before, so back to that point. We have two factions here: Light and Shadow. As a soldier, you get to choose your faction. Are you going to be a knight in shining armour, fighting for the Light and defending innocent people and experiencing the craziness of Taint? Or are you a evil minded person, killing people, making many your minions, plotting for world dominion and belonging to the Shadows? (at this point, I feel like adding that these things are not limited to one faction and both factions experience them).


Are you wondering if were are insane? I told you initially we are. We blame the TaintTM for it. But we love this insaneness.


If you want to join us in the fun, that is to say want to join this Social Group, or were a member of this Group earlier but went away due to some reason and want to return, then this is the place to sign up.


Please try to avoid spam if you can. We love spam but at few places like to avoid it. Post here till you feel comfortable and then join your welcome thread.


If you want to know more about us, check our off-site Information Site. Please don't join this as this is only for information purposes.




Lady Dragon, Black Tower Social Group Leader

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*says in his best panchi impression* Chuckles totally gets a thread and he gets 50 points *nod* 



(dont balefire me.....plzz...)


*says in his best panchi impression* Chuckles totally gets a thread and he gets 50 points *nod* 



(dont balefire me.....plzz...)


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Thread: Approved

50 points: Disapprove (-50 can be done :wink: )

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