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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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i might not get you lynched Ithi, but it will be interesting to see how you react when i flip town.

Well if you think I'm Mafia then surely you'll be expecting me to secretly rub my hands with glee.


You seem to think it's possible for you to be Lynched? Are you figuring out your fake claim just in case?

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Ok, sorry I've been gone so long, just got caught up reading the posts. 


What sort of "Teams" is everyone referring to? Teams like in the Clash of the Ancients game or are the teams just "Mafia" or "Town?" No, I am not defending AJ because I know what team he is on. I don't have a team, unless just "town" is a team...and I have no separate QT for anything. I was defending AJ because he seems very town to me. (Don't ask me why he seems town to me again, I've said it a bunch already)

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The only reason for someone to want to defend someone on day one, or for them to "be sure" about someone, is for them to be scum.

Only scum can be sure who is town and who is not. No townie can be sure, since cop reads haven't happened, no claims have been made,

the doc hasn't covered someone and prevented an NK on them...

Simply saying you are sure of anything on Day One (other than you are sure YOU are town) smells funny.

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AJ, Thane, Dawn, basel, and (to a lesser extant dice) all seem to want to defend other people, despite it looking bad. Still, makes for awesome interactions...


Everyone defends others through extension, it's pretty much unavoidable. If you say "I think so-and-so is mafia" and someone else goes "Why is that?" that could be construed as defense. It all depends on perspective and how the individual views the action.


Yar. Thane says that Dawn looks worse for defending AJ when he also defended him and then sheeped along with AJ's accusations against me.


Makes me want to


Unvote - vote Thane


How are you acting like you're absolved here? You've still yet to explain your why you voted me in the first place. You say that it your vote 'clearly' means you think I'm mafia and later you say that you were 'clearly' looking to generate reactions. So which is it? You're playing both sides of the fence right now which doesn't look good.






I explained why I needed to leave.


Okay - fair enough. The last time I'm going to talk about it.


Still doesn't explain why you haven't given your thoughts.






You vote one of the bigger fish for reactions, okay fine. I would say that you got them, and yes, both of them questioning your vote COULD indicate that they know my alignment but that isn't the only conclusion possible here and it's also faulty to assume it is. Your lack of an explanation was what drew the attention in the first place, so no, people questioning it doesn't automatically make them guilty.


Wanna know how im viewing here?  I wanna take bets on how many scum she finds D1 amd how many she gets lynched before they kill her. This is town Ithi.


my mafia list is currently standing at AJ Dawn and the possible addition of Thane


vote AJ


And when did this change happen? Because Ithi voted me? I would appreciate it if you explain your conclusion here Dice, or was it just because Ithi voted me so that automatically makes me mafia by some weird occurance? Do you agree with the reasoning that she never stated, what is it?


I actually liked how you were interacting with others earlier, but this sort of post gives me second thoughts.


Although AJ pointing out my Clout still makes me think he's Mafia too.


Lol... is this the only reason that you've got? It seems you're trying to justify your original action after the fact. Explain to me how that would equate to me being mafia, if you can. It's pretty obvious through your tone and some of the things you've said that you're very caught up with yourself. How does me saying so make me mafia?



i might not get you lynched Ithi, but it will be interesting to see how you react when i flip town.

Well if you think I'm Mafia then surely you'll be expecting me to secretly rub my hands with glee.


You seem to think it's possible for you to be Lynched? Are you figuring out your fake claim just in case?


Why wouldn't he? Everyone HAS the possibility of being lynched. He's one of the bigger wagons atm.


Ok - now they've both gone - leaving their OMGUS votes parked on me - can we just get one of them Lynched?


I don't think you understand the premise of OMGUS outside of the dumb way that it is applied on this website. How does me voting you in return for you playing in the manner you have make me look bad?


Google internalized guilt/innocence and get back to me on that. Why wouldn't I be suspicious of those casing (or in your case, the extreme lack of casing me) when I know from the beginning that I am innocent?


There is no town thread... there is only a scum thread - or Mason's, they have a QT as well.


But you should know these things, with 5 games under your belt...


I agree here. Dawn you've been in enough games now (some especially advanced games to boot) that you should have a basic understanding of how the game is broken down.


The only reason for someone to want to defend someone on day one, or for them to "be sure" about someone, is for them to be scum.

Only scum can be sure who is town and who is not. No townie can be sure, since cop reads haven't happened, no claims have been made,

the doc hasn't covered someone and prevented an NK on them...

Simply saying you are sure of anything on Day One (other than you are sure YOU are town) smells funny.


This is correct, to a certain extent. When players clear others through arbitrary reasons it is usually a good sign that they are scum. That said, defense of one player to another doesn't automatically mean that one or both are mafia. Part of this game is differentiating who you think is what alignment and then proceeding from there. On this point it is nearly impossible to not defend a player through some means, especially if you are think they are showing to be town particularly well and someone who isn't attacks them. Cooperation and coordination is imperative to a successful town. That is why ensuring that you make your thoughts clear as possible is important.


As I've already said several times now, the reactions and subsequent defense of me by others is made less telling because the original action taken by Ithi was in itself suspect. It is nearly impossible to tell now that if the defense came because they KNOW I am town and therefore are looking to earn good cred via defense, or if they are just confused townies questioning why someone came in to drop a vote on a generally town-viewed player without ANY SORT OF EXPLANATION.


Do you find this practice forthcoming and pro-town? I don't blame them for questioning it and would like some answers myself.


Add to the fact that Ithi automatically assumes that her play was some grand move that outed the scum team in one fell swoop and literally it's laughable. She has STILL YET to explain why she voted the way she did, or why she refused to answer and instead skirted around by asking questions in return. Now she has swapped over to Thane's wagon (which is one of the leads) and yet still maintains that I am mafia through some non-specific reason. In short - her case is bogus. She does not have one which is why she wasn't able to respond appropriately when questioned about it in the first place. Instead she resorted to trying to twist it around to make those questioning her look bad. Terrible play.


My bet: Ithi and AJ are BOTH town and mafia is spread over the two trains, hoping as the deadline gets closer people will scramble.


Cool. So who on those wagons do you think the scum is?


Make this your official FOS - I don't like it when you are quiet and snipey.

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AJ  lets see   theres the whole  decided to leave argument.


Theres the post you quoted that i replied to.  Wanna yell a little more? Volume wont help cause we cant hear you.


then theres the two big headed moments. 


You accuse Tsuki of nudging when he simply says your wording sucks.  That equates to misrepresenting what someone said to me.



that do you?

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@Chaelca from pages ago. I've posted my thoughts on everyone since the beginning of the game. You can consider that nudging, I consider it analyzation. And I really do not see  how I am buddying up with Ithi. I for one simply realized what she was doing from the start, and assumed it would make things interesting, which it most certainly did. Not only that but it worked.

With everything so far, my original prime suspects (AJ and Thane) seem even more so suspicious.

AJ - The way he has been posting (especially in response to Ithi) has been ridiculous. Mafia is a game of wills, but it should never be personal. I also really cannot see him getting that worked up unless he had something to worry about.

Thane - Has looked bad to me pretty much the entire time, and the recent posts have not helped at all. Content to keep my vote here, but rest assured, in all likelihood I'll be looking toward AJ D2.


Also like to note: Dawn - Gave me some reason for suspicion before, but the posts lately have brought her much higher on my list. Got very wrapped up with AJ and Thane, and when things went sour began pulling the newb card majorly to try and look innocent. I don't buy it, not want bit. Definitely on my list.


We need a majority pretty soon, and I'm sticking with Thane for now as I said. After all that has happened we will definitely have much more to look for on D2, but for now meeting our deadline is the most important in my opinion.

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Town, and you?












Cory would be rolling in his grave. Say it with me







You guys are all crazy.


Thane is noob. Nikon looks town. Basel looks just fine with his qualms about people voting noobs. Not sure he's town yet but none of that stuff looked scummy to me. Tsuki is sticking his neck out to me, looks town. Tina defended the train on me, so town or looking to get town cred as scum. Chae is still scummy. Not due to her play but because of her fascination and obsession with all things pink. Dawn is still a noob in my books but posting well. Which either means she's a good player or is being helped by her team or both? Andrej looks just fine. Hallia's doing her Hallia thing. Ed is alive (Hi Ed, missed you!). TG is getting his EBromance on with AJ from the Hydra game. I can respect that. No read yet but I'm awful at reading the TG. Talmanes is new to me. Hallo der Talmanes. No read on Dice. BFG is just fine (and I still can't get a decent read on her for the life of me) and that's everyone. :wub:


Basel is fine with his qualms about voting noob, while voting a noob?


A lot of no reads, but I'm ok after saying 'hello'?


Don't like this list.




old, young, same thing


So you're following along, any thoughts on the rest of the game?


Most suspicious maybe Dawn for the 4th vote if I remember correctly. Least suspicious Thane for being an excited noob. Chae's vote also bears no suspicion for me. Who was the other again?

Dawn was third, Thane fourth.

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