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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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A couple of thoughts:


1) I play Hearthstone too!


2) Not convinced on Cloud yet. No, he doesn't look good, and most of his posts aren't helping, but he's the person I've seen crash and burn most times as well-meaning town IIRC. Although I put myself in the running for that title too often.


3) Not sure that is SUCH a scummy post from dice given the context. He just caught up and was making a brief comment. Right now you can accuse him of being lazy, not contributing, and not helping or giving us anything remotely constructive to work with, but three quick votes is interesting.


4) I believe in the Hydra. However don't have a read on "it". The way both of them are playing is what I'm used to, period. Too early in the game but do think they are Hydra, and of the same alignment. At least a bit surprising with how forthcoming they are about it, but hey, to each their own.


Ishy, Csarmi, Andrej are town reads right now. Turin is playing a much more passive game. Sheepin' on Ithi but he's happy to do so, FWIW.


And this is a Darthe game. I want to find the "Here comes the mechanics talk" meme but I can't be bothered right now. Basically we can guess till we are blue in the face. Darthe will find a way to prove us wrong. Tried, Tested, and True. Luckily, we have a lot more to go on than just mechanics. I don't know amek but guess I'll see what he's like here.

  On 3/7/2014 at 10:59 PM, Ithillian said:

I voted him because he made a post that makes me think he is Mafia.


Why do you ask when reasons have already been given?

I thought I might have missed something big/obvious seeing as it wasnt just one person voting him but a couple jumping over all at once.


I sleEping but just want say - mafia is in small things.


Dice got voted. Vanished. He prob say not around didn't see - but made big moany post about hash hash voting.


So he had plenty time and was nOt juSt rush thing. That post was sposed be hmmmmm good thoughts from Dice ... But not work.


Think on small things. Double defence noted. Nanight.

  On 3/7/2014 at 9:28 PM, Darthe said:

Official Vote Count:


Dom (1/10): Cloud

Cloud (5/10): Tess, AJ, Salami, Ithi

Amega (1/10): Tina


Not Voting (11/18):

Hally, TG, Dice, Turin, Mish, Amega, Len, Ley, RTE, Rag, X, Wombat


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch.


You have 67 hours.



  On 3/8/2014 at 12:28 AM, Tommyrod said:

AJ are you dumb


Lenlo are you scum

If I say yes will you believe me?


Sometimes Tom.


What Len says doesn't necessarily have to be true though, Darthe could've messed up.


I just enjoy busting his balls.


Will see on next VC since Ithi has switched.

  On 3/8/2014 at 12:35 AM, Andrej said:

Sometimes Tom.


What Len says doesn't necessarily have to be true though, Darthe could've messed up.


I just enjoy busting his balls.


Will see on next VC since Ithi has switched.

I think someone already poked Darthe about it and he didnt change anything.


Csarmi asked Darthe if he could count Darthe said he could make it to double digits.


hmmm I give my read on cloud and suddenly have 3 votes? Ithi's doesn't really surprise me its in keeping with her usual way. Wom gives no reason and gives me a bad feeling but that could be my internal omgus. Turin seems to be sheeping Ithi just as he claimed.


As for time  yep i went and posted a thread, poked around at the band, then i went and played D3.

  On 3/8/2014 at 12:48 AM, dicetosser1 said:

Csarmi asked Darthe if he could count Darthe said he could make it to double digits.


hmmm I give my read on cloud and suddenly have 3 votes? Ithi's doesn't really surprise me its in keeping with her usual way. Wom gives no reason and gives me a bad feeling but that could be my internal omgus. Turin seems to be sheeping Ithi just as he claimed.


As for time  yep i went and posted a thread, poked around at the band, then i went and played D3.


Right, I remember that. I thought it was because Darthe hadn't added Wombat to the list yet so the numbers were off. The total was at like 19 or something, and I was listed twice. He seems to be flubbing the VCs, hence why I was busting his balls.


I would probably find Turin most suspect of that group. The sheeping meta is an easy excuse to hide behind.


Actually, Ithi was the one asking.


A warning, I'm not gonna be able to give this game my full attention until Monday. Tomorrow I'm gonna continue cleaning down the kitchen and I have other DM duties, and sunday is husband's birthday. I'm gonna keep an eye on the game, but I won't be able to post that much.


Official Vote Count:


Dom (2/10): Cloud, Amega

Cloud (2/10): AJ, Salami

Amega (1/10): Tina

Dice (4/10): Ithi, Turin, Wombat

Mish (1/10): Tess


Not Voting (9/18):

Hally, TG, Dice, Mish, Len, Ley, RTE, Rag, X


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch.


You have 61 hours.


Tess(even in hydra mode despothera has a girl's name, lol) Tom/Des, will you hard claim that you are in fact a single slot in this game hence the lack of a vote from Despo after Tommy had already voted? 


Tommy is definitely mafia and Despo is more likely than not mafia.( that whole LOCK CLEAR thing was fibbery) So between the two of you you are a combined most likely mafia. Fortunately for you, Ithi is not ready to have you guys lynched yet apparently as she is still voting Dice and pressing Cloud. Therefore since you are mafia it is very odd to me the level at which AJ is defending you both. Mish to a lesser extent but there was a definite amount of let's just wait a while to look into them. This all smacks of "one more day" which is classic mafia strategy.


Tommy is talking a lot without really saying anything. Also the feigned confusion at Cloud's posts are shtick he has used previously as mafia.

Despo with his awful case and blindness about how his "crying wolf" which is what pushing bad cases is hurts town overall. Also one of your main points that if someone said there role was a variant that automatically meant that it was nerfed is faulty in the extreme. Further you have no clue about what roles were actually submitted. RTE could have started out as a bulletproof/double vig/ninja/oracle and only had the double vig reduced to a single vig so still mighty stout. cloud could have started out as a regular cop but got watcher added. buffed but which is overall more powerful? Finally your take would require the person giving the information to be honest. Which is a stretch. Except for me. I am VT (well currently)

AJ is defending like mad and IMO has a lawyery feel to his posts.

Mish has time issues apparently but still got in to defend Tess on a mechanical level(that a hydra would be less likely mafia cause it would be harder?) and also took a shot at Cloud with the tunnel line.



##Vote Tess


I would say that our  mafia snagging percentage is approximately 86.3%


willing to consider anyone on that list. Or jump back to Dice if Ithi thinks that is best


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