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What are you wearing?


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So its nearly noon on a WEdnesday (for me anyways) and I think most everyone should be up and dressed by now. On a typical Wednesday morning, what do you wear?



Today I'm wearing a green sweater with black slacks and black boots. I'm also wearing a pink, fake gemstone brooch and a big silver butterfly hair clip. I wanted to wear my silver Asha'man pin today, but I couldn't find it. I skipped makeup today, because I was feeling lazy. Usually, I'm wearing a skirt and a jacket, but again, feeling lazy today.

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Since Wednesday is our sport's day, we have to look smart for all matches. I would usually wear a shirt with my university rugby club tie. Over that, I would a jumper. I would also have either my brown jeans or my fawny-coloured trousers on, plus my smart brown shoes.


Of course, I'd be playing in my rugby kit for the match, before changing back into the smart stuff for the return journey after a shower. Then it is off to Sport's Night, where all the university sports clubs appear for one heck of a lash!


Unfortunately, rugby was cancelled due to the snowy weather here in the UK, and I have too much Aristophanes to translate for tomorrow so I can't go out and have a good time. :(

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I wear about the same thing everyday... today pink and green stripped flannel pants with a pale yellow t-shirt that says MOM Maker of Miracles. I don't wear make up unless I'm trying to impress and in these clothes you can say I'm not trying to impress, even went grocery shopping in them... pregnant woman's perogative lol.



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on a typical day I wear a nice skirt and blouse or sweater (depending on the weather). I almost never wear makeup unless, like matalina, I am trying to impress. When I go to school, I am either in skirts, or sweats and a t-shirt (that is usually what I wear if my husband hasn't done the laundry in a while, and I'm in too much of a hurry to care) I don;t own blue jeans, and wear them VERY reluctantly if I do (they are very uncomfortable to me)

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Today, I am wearing a gray t-shirt with an eagle on it and neon orange cargo pants( of which I have 4 identical pairs). I am also wearing black socks very reluctantly because I hate them and it's winter.


Yay Sheli. Let's hate jeans together.

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I have a yoga class every Wednesday morning so I head out in mid-calf length black knit pants and a workout shirt thingy. It's pretty cold in our studio so I wear a black shirt that says 'THINK: It's not illegal yet" too. After yoga I change into jeans (I love jeans!) and a knit shirt. Today's shirt has Happy Bunny on it and it says "You go girl...And don't come back" Oh, and I always wear three rings: one is a purity ring, one's a puzzle ring (aka a Turkish wedding band) and the last is a white gold wedding band that has 'be true' engraved on it.

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I _was_ wearing a pair of black dress slacks and a dark blue sweater at work today (with blue snowflake socks *grins*)...


But it was 55 degrees outside and raining when I biked home, so now I'm wearing a green towel, because I had a nice hot shower to warm up. *grins*

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I have classes and patients on Wednesdays, so I have to dress professionally for the patients. I usually wear a nice blouse or sweater and a long skirt.


I never wear make-up unless I'm in costume/on stage, which isn't that often.


I also hate jeans. :)

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I'm wearing blue Jeans ;) with socks and bright pink Converse Hi's ;)Then I have a bright pink T-Shirt with a Paler Pink hoodie :D I also have a black beret on my head. In a few minutes I'll be going to school so I'll put on a bright pink scarf and my black coat.


Note: I like the colour pink. I make it look good though :D

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Yes, I was laughing at Ben's subtley too... :P


I like jeans, but they have to be a good fit, worked/worn in and a nice material. Some jeans are too stiff or rough, even after tryin' to wear em in.


I usually wear some sort of PJ bottoms and tops around the house (stay at home mom). Don't really want to dirty up my "leaving the house clothes", lol. But I'm comfy! :D

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Today, I'm wearing my 2nd favorite blue jeans, a black belted sweater and my black Finn Comfort clogs.


My most favorite blue jeans are capri-length New York & Co jeans that I got in San Diego in July . . . but they're not really suitable for work. :(

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Jhaenara said:

Yes, I was laughing at Ben's subtley too... :P


Well, it wasn't _meant_ to be subtle... But I'll take what I can get. *grins*


And I'm not wearing a towel today.






Yes, I _am_ wearing other cloths instead. Silly people. *grins*

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I'm wearing jeans and my 5$ black sweater that's ever so warm and cozy. Well, since my school makes us wear uniforms, that's what I usually wear. I love jeans days, though, 'cause then we can wear any school t-shirt and jeans. I haven't been very colourful lately...*glances at all the black* Hm... Oh! I'm missing jewelry. That's why I'm not terribly colourful today. I usually wear big, bright earrings, though my necklaces keep dissappearing.

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Hi 5's Jhae :lol: yeay for PJ bottoms... so comfy... exactly what I wear... usually with a summer vest top... and when its cold as it is now, with a jersey or sweater of some kind... preferrably loose and baggy... and very COMFY... that's the important bit. No time for make up and HATE jeans too. If I'm going out its always long skirts and nice tops with a jacket and black heels. *nods*

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Wearing a high ponytail, a pink, turquoise, and brown long-sleeved shirt with flowers and spirals and other designs all over it. A short, brown tweed skirt over black leggings, and turquoise flats without socks.

Zebra-stripe hoop earrings, and fake pearls.

It's supposed to be that retro 80's look that's popular right now, I guess. (And it looks better than it sounds.)

Oh, and a fluffy, purple plaid blanket, because it's really cold.

Generally, I wear whatever I want - lots of dramatic junk, big earrings and wide belts over tunic shirts.

I vary from trendy, to punk, outdoorsy, hippie, ski bum, fancy, or just frumpy in sweats and a hoodie.

I dunno, whatever suits my mood!

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I'm wearing tan trousers, matchin' socks, black shoes, a sage-ish green cotton sweater (that seems to have a weird "not-me" scent, I don't know why, just washed it!) my engagement ring, big black watch, medicalert bracelet toe rings (I always have them on), and little circle earrings with purple flowers from my sister-in-law, and a silver hair clip. To get to work I also wore a grey pea coat with an antique silver pin from a thrift store.

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