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No Thanks Giving

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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as we enter the holiday season, we shall be assailed with the always too personal and embarrassing question, for what are we thankful?


and we shall all give the same answers: for loved ones, for family, for friends, for .... all that is good and sweet in life.


well you won't find anything good or sweet here.


this thread is strictly for that for which we not thankful.


got something on your mind that you need to get out of your system, but can't do it at the holiday table? here's the place.




I'll start -




I am not thankful for snow.


actually, winter in general can just go to Canada, and never come back.


I'm tired of driving in it, I'm tired of walking in it, I'm tired of shoveling it. I'm tired of even Calvin and hobbesesque snowmen. I'm tired of overburdened tree limbs crashing into houses and cars. I'm tired of rodents seeking sanctuary from the weather in my home. and making friends with my cats.


I am not thankful for snow.



so what makes you all mad myrddraal?

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I am not thankful for my ex-husband. Or his wife. I'm glad they are happy together, but I wish they'd go away. They moved 1500 miles away and it's not far enough. I'm tired of him hurting my daughter and spoiling my son. Do one or the other, asswipe, but do it to both kids, would you? He utterly ignores the two oldest now that they're men. He used to be a decent father. What happened? No, I am not thankful for him. 

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as we enter the holiday season, we shall be assailed with the always too personal and embarrassing question, for what are we thankful?


and we shall all give the same answers: for loved ones, for family, for friends, for .... all that is good and sweet in life.


well you won't find anything good or sweet here.


this thread is strictly for that for which we not thankful.


got something on your mind that you need to get out of your system, but can't do it at the holiday table? here's the place.




I'll start -




I am not thankful for snow.


actually, winter in general can just go to Canada, and never come back.


I'm tired of driving in it, I'm tired of walking in it, I'm tired of shoveling it. I'm tired of even Calvin and hobbesesque snowmen. I'm tired of overburdened tree limbs crashing into houses and cars. I'm tired of rodents seeking sanctuary from the weather in my home. and making friends with my cats.


I am not thankful for snow.



so what makes you all mad myrddraal?

Yeah, pretty much this. Except for the Calvin snowmen. I could never get tired of those.

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I am not thankful for slugs.


They slug around my garden, eating my plants and laying sluggy slug eggs everywhere.


and they are slimey and gross and discusting and make me feel ill, and I think they are out to get me!



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That is a very cathartic topic, Cindy!


I am not thankful gor the sleepless nights of my father, and I (we have chronical insomnia)!


I am not thankful that my country is ruled by the Mob and 90% of my friends fled away to receieve better edducation! I don't know how I will get back.


I am not thankful for the fact I could be earn mor as a trophy wife/mistress than a professor or a businesswoman.


I am not thankful that my dad is ill, went into pension for his sickness and he cannot take the opportunity of a lifetime in aa Fortune 10 computer company because of it. And it's killing him!


I am not thankfull that our National Bulgarian Maths team wins first places in World's Olimpycs (for another year) and they can't afford to buy heating for this winter and 30% of the schools will be closed.


I am not thankful that I live in constant fear of being attacked by wasps, large bugs and moths in the summer and spring as I have a phobia, I rceive a panick attack and I can't help it! + Ihave allergy towards bees, wasps and mosquitos.


I wished to havesaid this a long time ago :(!

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I am NOT thankful for my rotting teeth that aches! Or for my dentist phobia that has led me to this rotting mouth!


I am NOT thankful for my illness who gives me no social life, no energy, no sense of usefulness, no sense of selfworth, and a ton of depression.


I am NOT thankful for my mother, who's a bitch and has made me and outcast in my family because I was trying to save my brother.


I am NOT thankful for the stupid, bloody, cold, dark winter!

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I'm not thankful for the year 2013.  I am not thankful that it decided to be the year I lost my daddy and my mom finding out she's got two lumps in her breast.


I'm not thankful for having to live out here instead of back home.


I'm not thankful for childish caregivers who decide to call out all the time.

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Pretty heavy in here... I feel my unthankful things might be a bit inadequate...


I am not thankful for burritoes at hockey games which give you food poisoning. They can suck it.


I am not thankful in any way for the cold. Just stop, cold. No one likes you. Any who say they do have been out in you too long and have cabin fever.


I am not thankful for there always being more work to do. Always. Being a man of the house is tough at times :madmyrddraal:


I am not thankful for working with a selfish bitch that will try and throw her coworkers under the bus in a moment's notice.


I am not thankful for my woeful 3-7 record in my main fantasy league this year. Have an awesome record in all others, but THAT'S the only one I really care about, and have had the worst luck all year. In fact, I'm not even thankful for fantasy football at all this year. Worse than mafia, you get addicted and obsessed, but no matter how long you pore over numbers, you can still get shafted by "expert advice". Wish I could do wot's in fantasy football. Would win every week.


That's about it. I think I'm fairly lucky, tbh. Considering putting my slapping services up for hire so I can help take care of any of the problems on this thread that can be solved with slapping. Like all of them. Especially the calvin n hobbes snowmen, they don't hold up to a slap very well at all. Or insomnia either. It backs down like a little bitch when you show it who's boss.

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I'm NOT thankful for the lack of freezing rain around home the last couple years.  Walking through a forest after one is like being surrounded by crystal trees, it's absolutely beautiful and needs to happen more often.


I'm NOT thankful for many of the things I've seen on the internet.


I'm NOT thankful for the decline of several online rp communities.


I'm NOT thankful for the cost of my college tuition.


I'm NOT thankful for being separated by over an hour's travel from one of my closest friends, unable to talk to her face to face, only through online means.


I'm NOT thankful for my grandfather's worsening condition.

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I'm not thankful that just when I get my life back in order things always get screwed up again.  I've had to take 2 months off of work for injuring my back and then discovered I have PCOS (polycysticovarysyndrome)  I've had to resort for help again to pay bills and that annoys me.  I already owe my sister so much.. not that she'd ask for any of it back.


I'm not thankful that my other sister is in a worse place than me and I can't do anything to help her.. .I wish I could. :(  They are about to have their electric and water shut off, her husband has been out of work... likely with pnemonia.. and they can't afford to go to the doctor.  She's working herself to death at two jobs barely making min wage at them.


I'm not thankful my dad is nearly 70 and starting to look his age... (he's always looked so much younger than he is)  I'm scared to lose him.. yes, even though I'm 32.


I'm not thankful my job has such crappy benefits, more drama than a high school, and favortism to some while ignoring, neglecting, and belitting others.  I'm not thankful I have to go back to that craphole in a few weeks... although I need the money so back I go.

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I'm not thankful that I have depression and it's a lot of work to be happy.


I'm not thankful that I'm a nice guy and all the jerks find wonderful people but I'm left out in the cold.


I'm not thankful that I work for a jerk who doesn't deserve to lick my boots.


I'm not thankful that said jerk puts me consistently into positions where I'm going to fail and then blames me for it.

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Me as well. It's why there are no little Moonbabies around the house.


I'm not thankful for my chronic illnesses.


I'm not thankful for being poor. 


I'm Not thankful for my pcos. 


and I'm not thankful for being unable to get a car. 

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I have PCOS, but also... Two seperate doctors have only been able to find One ovary. 
and that one is covered in the cysts. 


I want to go back on metformin, but VA doesn't think I need it. 


speaking of


I AM NOT THANKFUL for the VA doctors in my city. They're all a bunck of morons. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

that may be arthritis... it was when my cat started pulling out fur at her tail and hips.


I'm not thankful for holidays take my loved one far away but I am very thankful for the technology that lets us still talk and the loving heart that never leaves me lonely.


and again... I am super not thankful for the snow that makes every drive a crap shoot.

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