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[Blue Ajah Harry Potter Week ] *Game Over - Town Wins* Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 Mafia

Ithillian Turambar

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Should I just throw one out willy nilly or would you rather I make a case?


Vote me. You can always change it, but at least vote.

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There was indeed a stud bonus that we gained when everyone checked in, but you are right that there is also an "end of round" stud bonus that grows when there are more votes on people. So technically you have no reason to unvote from Mish...


There was indeed a stud bonus that we gained when everyone checked in, but you are right that there is also an "end of round" stud bonus that grows when there are more votes on people. So technically you have no reason to unvote from Mish...


Except she is voting now, even if it is for me. So how would that look?


Technically, if I wanted to use that line of reasoning now then I should vote BG or Dice. Since they have not voted yet. 


I've reread the entire game a couple times now and tbh I'm not finding anything that pings me very hard. 


So I'm gonna just vote so I'm not sitting here when the hammer falls without one.


Vote DPR. I can and will change this when needed. 


Hello all. My vote stands.


Well that's interesting.


Lucky for you Kassidy that there's a D1 freepass for first time players; or I'd move my vote in a heartbeat.


Rhea, your explanation just doesn't fly. Turin and me had gone back and forth a bit about the studs before you voted me. So either you're not paying attention at all and just throw out stuff at random, or you're trying desperatley to backtrack now since your flimsy reasons got torn apart. Either way, my vote feels very comfortable.


Current Official Vote Count

RTE - 1 (Cindy)

Rhea - 6 (Hallia, Basel, DPR, Mish, Cloud, Nicana, RTE)

Hallia - 1 (Time)

Dice - 1 (Brid)

Turin - 2 (Amarande, Kassidy)

Basel - 1 (Turin)


DPR - 1 (Rhea)


Not Voting - 3  (BG, Dice, Thorum)

With 17 Alive it takes 9 to Lynch

Deadline: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130801T21&p0=1320&msg=Day+1+deadline (17.5 hours)

Current possible End of Round Bonus = 1400 Studs


WARNING:Incoming WoT of Doom detailing my re-read


(which honestly is more like my first read cause I was only half paying attention till now.)

Re-read notes: Dap style with real-time re-read reactions.


You know, Turin was very quick to point out the very first purchaser of items. Theoretically, in this game, this is rolefishing.


Weird Thorum is weird for voting a mod. 


Turin is still very focused on making sure lots and lots of studs are in the air. Nothing wrong with that really, but I'm guessing that mafia get a smaller percentage of studs so for them to get anything useful, the stud count would have to increase much more than for town to purchase. So if Turin were mafia, he'd need A LOT of studs in order to get something good.


Thorum and Mish asking why Turin os voting Nicana is odd. Seemed pretty straight forward it was a goof vote to me to encourage stud gathering. I don't mind Nicana voting Turin for this, but these two jumped in pretty quick.


Also, just want to point out how creepy Lego Hedwig looks in Mish's siggy.


And I appear and make a random comment because I haven't spent any time reading the game yet.


Turin comes to the same conclusions about Thorum and Mish I just did... but lumps in Nicana too for the OMGUS. Meh, whatever.


Mish responds she didn't connect the dots with the bonus studs... I call a little bit of BS since Turin's comment directly referenced it as the reason for the vote.


Cindy is being silly spammy cindy. 


Thorum gives a weird response to Turin's question about if he wants town to have the studs. Clarifies he misread the question. I believe him. Still not off the hook for the immediate follow up to being suspicious about Turin's vote.


On that note, I also want to mention that Turin's question is a little bit baited as he specifically says do you not want "TOWN" to get those bonus studs. See, its kind of a catch-22. Town gets studs, so does mafia. So using the language this way seems manipulative. 


Nicana bites back at Turin more fiercly. 


DPR's vote on Turin is all kinds of suspect. Turin is mafia because he's trying too hard to look town? How does that make sense?


Nicana seems a bit overly defensive. The timing could have been coincidental, but you can't deny that its a strong coincidence.


Basel comes in and lumps Turin and I together and comments and seems to ignore the part where it was acknowledged Thorum misread the question. FoS Basel.


Mish's response is lol worthy. DPR voted Turin because he was "trying to look too town." Then Turin explains why would town try to not look town. Of course he's looking town because he's town. Then Mish accuses Turin of being over eager to point out he's town. Entrapment I say!


DPR lays out a fancy case on why Turin attempting to look town looks "exactly like a mafiosos that wants to put themselves into a position to lead." Then the immediate next sentence is "I'm not saying that you are doing that..." Hahaha, yes you are. You JUST said that. And you even voted Turin for it earlier. How are you not saying you that? 


Kassidy gives a wierd response. "Wow" Why wow? 


DPR, dude, why in the world would town counter claiming be bad? Everyone is vanilla at the beginning of the game so it doesn't even matter. If someone else is Sirius Black, by all means, say something so we can know that Turin is lying. I can't think of a single reason someone counter claiming Turin would be a bad idea.


Turin asks Kassidy about the Wow. heh. Read my mind... er... my mind right now... so you would have had to have read my mind in the future. WOAH.


Thorum FoSing Turin's reveal is off since it references Turin's being "way too experienced."  Especially when Turin mentioned that he'd be away, so just in case.


Thorum gives the canned, "read my earlier posts" routine. Ugh, I can't stand that response. I haven't seen it as a mafia tell but its a lazy frustrated tell.


What the? Basel has a weird feeling that Turin and I can't both be mafia but can't really explain it. I barely said like 5 posts to this point. All I did was notice Thorum's weird response to a question of Turin's and now you are linking Turin and I somehow.


Why do people find it necessary to say they've purchased something? That pretty much just makes you a target if you are town. 


Woah, Mish isn't sure about Turin and is fencesitting? That took me off guard. I swear she had said Turin was scummy earlier... *checks* ... Hmm. Guess not directly at least. Okay, fair enough.


I still can't figure out why DPR is so set in making sure everyone ignores Turin's character claim. We are all vanilla originally, so what's the big deal if someone else counter claims? Also he says that Turin is having a Mini-Meltdown... I'm not sensing it. I'm sensing logical responses at this point.


Rhea pops in and makes a good point about maybe not being able to give 3 good scum opinions. It is a bit early for that sort of talk.


@Thorum - In what game has a Mod ever let you know which characters are in the game and which are not? That's ridunckulous.


Mish attempts to nullify all character claims. All I can think of right now is that character claiming serves a good purpose in this game. If mafia goofs up and claims a character that someone else is, huzzah! You've just proven someone is lying. Why is that so hard to understand?


Rhea votes Mish for fencesitting. Fence sitting is a generally mafia move, but admitting to it openly makes it a null tell. But I have seen people auto-vote for fence sitters before so oh well.


Nicana accuses Turin's case as a mafia diversion onto Mish. Don't buy that. Its not a diversion its called a casing. Happens all the time.


Dice shows back up and lists DPR and Thorum as suspects. I can agree with this. DPR is my #1 suspect at the moment.


Turin claims upgraded character turned cop. Initially I thought, WAIT A MINUTE, now this DOES sound a bit too convenient and is possibly a fakeclaim. Here's something I found interesting about this though. Turin didn't just claim cop, he specifically said "alignment cop" which makes me think he's telling the truth. A fake claim wouldn't bother with the "alignment" portion of it I think. This implies other types of cops are possibly available via full upgrades(character, role, item, who knows). 


Basel turns on Rhea for a logic fail. Doesn't seem like a great reason to vote to me.


Okay, so now Mish lays off of Turin and focuses on Rhea. Is it just me or is it coincidence everyone is moving to the only person who wasn't immediately against Turin? And really, Mish, your case isn't much of a case I think. It is really just boils down to "Rhea said fencesitting is scummy after I said I'm fencesitting, how dare you! Vote Rhea!"


Also its true that there's no guarentee that Sirius is in the game, but you and DPR keep trying to downplay how claims can help town. If someone claims poorly, then they are caught. Turin claimed, there's been no counter claim, so we can reasonably assume Turin is telling the truth or got a lucky mafia claim. It shouldn't effect anyone's votes. 


Cloud shows up with a catchup post. "Plays it safe" with a vote on Rhea. Weird.


Oh look, Turin agrees. Stop reading my future mind!


And DPR's back again in Mish's corner again by going after Rhea, and linking them together to boot! 


Turin makes a valid point about the math not working out for purchasing upgrades. True, we don't know how the point total works exactly, but from what we do know, it does seem off to me as well.


Why are people (*coughDPRcough*) being so obtuse about the evidence on how game mechanics work? Turin makes a good point that he brought evidence to the table about timestamps and stud counts. 


AAAGHGHGHGAHAHAAH! DPR, dude, Not character claiming if you are going to be lynched is dumb! If we let people get away with that, then the mafia don't even have to TRY and guess which characters we aren't. Turin's claim as Sirius was not countered. That doesn't make him town. You are right. BUT WHAT IF IT HAD BEEN COUNTERED?!?!?! Huzzah for mafia messing up! Dismissing characters altogether is asanine.  


@Mish - What's a restoritive draught? Maybe I shouldn't pry. But then why did you name it? Ugh.


Jeez, almost everyone is voting Rhea now who was on Turin's train because Rhea defended Turin. I don't understand this. Why not just keep voting Turin then? Mafia could have purchased a full upgrade as well and Turin could have lied about what powers he was given. What does Rhea have to do with any of it?


Eurgh. Rhea's unvote post is a sad post with all kinds of things wrong with it. Backtracking and over explaining all over the place. Can't tell if sincere and put out about being the leading train or just getting caught up in scum lies.


RTE says uncontested Cop claim has to be respected. Here's the funny part though... Nobody can be cop yet, so who's going to contest? 


Oh hey... I just remembered something... DPR agreed not to lynch Turin based partially on the Cop claim but later on said something to the effect that PR claims can't really be trusted. So... there's that. Why not stick to your guns?


Oh hey look. Kassidy is back. Her vote stands. Good to know.

TL;DR Version plus important parts.


I believe Turin. The "alignment" part of the claim doesn't sound like a fake claim. 


Rhea did defend Turin a bit, but that doesn't seem teh end of the world to me as I believe Turin as well. Everyone seems to be voting Rhea based on that. Town and mafia can defend the same. Either town believes and defends or mafia buddies and defends. Didn't see anything downright suspicious about it. Rhea's Unvote post on the other hand feels wrong. If I were to vote her, it would be based on that backtracking apology post more than anything. But at this point it feels like opportunistic train from Turin moving to Rhea.


Character claims are important because it creates an opportunity for mafia to miss a claim. If there are no counter claims, it means nothing really.


Basel's been all over the place. 

Cindy spammed and then disappeared. 

Kassidy likes to remind us she exists now and then.

Nicana is pretty fiery for a first timer. 

Thorum I'm suspicious of. After initially doing some weird stuff has gone under the radar. That seems off.


Mish and DPR are pushing really hard on Turin and Rhea. I feel that Mish was poking Turin hard to see what would happen to decide if scummy or not, and now genuinely belives Rhea to be scum. I have a slight town read as she seems to have told the truth.


DPR on the other hand seems to rip into whatever Turin says no matter how logical it is. I think DPR is using Mish as a spring board to propel a lynch on Turin or Rhea linking them together. 


Vote DPR


Current Official Vote Count


RTE - 1 (Cindy)

Rhea - 7 (Hallia, Basel, DPR, Mish, Cloud, Nicana, RTE)

Hallia - 1 (Time)

Dice - 1 (Brid)

Turin - 2 (Amarande, Kassidy)

Basel - 1 (Turin)

DPR - 2 (Rhea, BG)


Not Voting - 2 (Dice, Thorum)


With 17 Alive it takes 9 to Lynch


Deadline: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130801T21&p0=1320&msg=Day+1+deadline


Current possible End of Round Bonus = 1500 Studs




12 1/2 Hours till Deadline


In response to BG's WOT.


BG - "DPR's vote on Turin is all kinds of suspect. Turin is mafia because he's trying too hard to look town? How does that make sense?"


DPR - There are a few players new to the game, so I'm happy to explain this: a mafioso will often make an effort on D1 to appear very Town so that others will trust them and they can later lead the Town in making decisions. It's called the "Uber Townie" of "Super Townie" act and it can be very effective. Always keep an eye out for anyone trying a little too hard to be a hero - especially on D1.    


BG - Mish's response is lol worthy. DPR voted Turin because he was "trying to look too town." Then Turin explains why would town try to not look town. Of course he's looking town because he's town. Then Mish accuses Turin of being over eager to point out he's town. Entrapment I say!


DPR - BG is not new to mafia and knows perfectly well what "trying to look too town" means. To go on and state that Turin is Town is actually crazy - how could BG possibly know that? Throw in a little "entrapment" at the end (I'm assuming in response to my use of "extortion") and BG's statement is a classic example of WIFOM. If anyone doesn't know what WIFOM is, please ask. 

BG - DPR lays out a fancy case on why Turin attempting to look town looks "exactly like a mafiosos that wants to put themselves into a position to lead." Then the immediate next sentence is "I'm not saying that you are doing that..." Hahaha, yes you are. You JUST said that. And you even voted Turin for it earlier. How are you not saying you that? 
DPR - There is a difference between an FOS and a vote, right? There is also a difference between voting based on suspicion, which almost any D1 vote will be, and a vote based on knowing something to be true, such as a Cop result. I stated a suspicion and qualified it with a statement that essentially said - "I suspect, but can't know for sure". The important thing is that I put my money where my mouth was by laying down a vote. That's what goes on record, and I did. I did it because I had no greater suspicion at the time. Again, BG knows all of this.
BG - DPR, dude, why in the world would town counter claiming be bad? Everyone is vanilla at the beginning of the game so it doesn't even matter. If someone else is Sirius Black, by all means, say something so we can know that Turin is lying. I can't think of a single reason someone counter claiming Turin would be a bad idea.
DPR - Well then, you'll get a kick out of this one: how do you figure the mafia earns studs? Do you think that everyone just jumps in to grab what they can, because that would seem awfully weighted towards luck and timing, no? Or maybe, just maybe, there are mechanics we can't possible know about - something along the lines of "earn points by taking out these characters". BG, your being (or pretending to be) this naive is very dangerous for the town. 
BG - I still can't figure out why DPR is so set in making sure everyone ignores Turin's character claim. We are all vanilla originally, so what's the big deal if someone else counter claims? Also he says that Turin is having a Mini-Meltdown... I'm not sensing it. I'm sensing logical responses at this point.
DPR - See my above statement. Again, you pushing the "we're all vanilla thing" is naive and dangerous. We don't all have the same win condition (Town vs. Mafia), do we? What if there are third party players? And, you backing up Turin as logical at this point is just a blatant defense of him and has been noted. He's not been logical at all, and neither are you.
BG - Turin claims upgraded character turned cop. Initially I thought, WAIT A MINUTE, now this DOES sound a bit too convenient and is possibly a fakeclaim. Here's something I found interesting about this though. Turin didn't just claim cop, he specifically said "alignment cop" which makes me think he's telling the truth. A fake claim wouldn't bother with the "alignment" portion of it I think. This implies other types of cops are possibly available via full upgrades(character, role, item, who knows). 
DPR - Now you're laying it on thick. Turin is your buddy. We get it.
BG - Also its true that there's no guarentee that Sirius is in the game, but you and DPR keep trying to downplay how claims can help town. If someone claims poorly, then they are caught. Turin claimed, there's been no counter claim, so we can reasonably assume Turin is telling the truth or got a lucky mafia claim. It shouldn't effect anyone's votes. 
DPR - This is starting to look like you are VERY invested in someone counter claiming Sirius. VERY invested. Like you would benefit from it.
BG - Cloud shows up with a catchup post. "Plays it safe" with a vote on Rhea. Weird.
DPR - So far you have attacked a list of players that voiced suspicion over Turin and Rhea -  Basel, Mish, myself and now Cloud. You called us all "weird" or "Illogical" or somesuch. I find it amusing that you show up close to deadline with your first real contribution to the game and trash the people that have been playing the whole time. I also find it laughable that you do this trying to shake up the leading trains (because you are criticizing the people on Rhea's train in an offhand fashion by focusing so much on Turin). I find your "contribution", behind your wall of text, extremely suspect. 
BG - Turin makes a valid point about the math not working out for purchasing upgrades. True, we don't know how the point total works exactly, but from what we do know, it does seem off to me as well.
DPR - That's because all you can see is Turin's arse from your nose being buried in it. This is a ridiculous exercise in WIFOM and misdirection.
BG - Why are people (*coughDPRcough*) being so obtuse about the evidence on how game mechanics work? Turin makes a good point that he brought evidence to the table about timestamps and stud counts.
DPR - People have merely stated that it is not evidence because we don't know how the stud count works. It has not followed a logical count and we have no information about it. Anyone who tries to base an argument on the stud count is clearly interested in wasting the Town's time on speculation. It's misdirection - pure and simple. Turin did not make a good point, which you confirmed above and he has since had to walk it back. You supporting it is working against the Town.  
BG - AAAGHGHGHGAHAHAAH! DPR, dude, Not character claiming if you are going to be lynched is dumb! If we let people get away with that, then the mafia don't even have to TRY and guess which characters we aren't. Turin's claim as Sirius was not countered. That doesn't make him town. You are right. BUT WHAT IF IT HAD BEEN COUNTERED?!?!?! Huzzah for mafia messing up! Dismissing characters altogether is asanine.  
DPR - Teh mock outrage. It is here. To reiterate - Turin was nowhere close to being lynched (why did you conveniently ignore this argument throughout your entire WOT?). When he did it, it looked like a simple case of him trying to look good and/or smoke out another player. There is no Town reason whatsoever for anyone to have revealed yet, nor for anyone to have wasted the Town's time speculating on names, which Turin repeatedly did, which you also chose to ignore. 
BG - @Mish - What's a restoritive draught? Maybe I shouldn't pry. But then why did you name it? Ugh.
DPR - So just to be clear here, you support claiming names, even after the mods made a point to warn you that it's useless. You support discussion of names, whcih we know because you never said you had a problem with it and you mention it over and over... But, you criticize actual info when someone gives it? By giving a name of what she bought, Mish puts herself on record and has accepted the expectation that the Town now has of her owning it. This type of info is very beneficial to the Town. It's also a way to protect one's self from a potential hit. Lot's of good information with that - so naturally, you criticize and discourage it. 
BG - Jeez, almost everyone is voting Rhea now who was on Turin's train because Rhea defended Turin. I don't understand this. Why not just keep voting Turin then? Mafia could have purchased a full upgrade as well and Turin could have lied about what powers he was given. What does Rhea have to do with any of it?
DPR - I'm not even going to respond to this...
BG - Eurgh. Rhea's unvote post is a sad post with all kinds of things wrong with it. Backtracking and over explaining all over the place. Can't tell if sincere and put out about being the leading train or just getting caught up in scum lies.
DPR - *facepalm* Poor little sad Rhea! Maybe I should unvote her? What to do...
Oh hey look. Kassidy is back. Her vote stands. Good to know.
DPR - You end by picking on the person who is playing their first game. Awesome job. Really looking forward to more of your input.
My strong feeling is that at least one of these players is not Town: Turin. Rhea. BG. 

Also, just want to point out how creepy Lego Hedwig looks in Mish's siggy.

For the longest time I thought that was a spider till I figured out those "legs" were the bars of the owl's cage.


I haven't disappeared. I'm trying to figure out what's really going on. I have nothing to add to the battle of wots except to say you think that might be kind of intimidating to this player field? or is that one of the points?


I'm going to work, I'll be more here tomorrow.


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