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"Best"/"Favourite" Moments in the Book

Barid Bel Medar

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The Two Rivers bowmen clearing a path for Lan

Hinderstap-- I actually had to set the book down and laugh hilariously for a few moments

Faile's desperate actions at the end with the horn/leaving Olver alone in the middle of a trolloc camp and that being the best choice available

The moment we realized that Harnan and Vanin were NOT darkfriends (by the way, did they end up living or dying?)


The mental image I now have of Mat getting a manicure.

Thom casually killing off the BA and hiding their bodies behind a rock while composing a ballad. 

Jain freaking Farstrider coming back for Olver

Mat standing on the saddle trying to control the raken in utter desperation and Olver complaining about his landing

Nynaeve going all battlefield surgeon and stitching up Alana with needle and thread--- seriously hard core stuff there!

Any scene with Tam Al'Thor in it.

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Moiraine casually walking into the most important meeting in the past 3,000 years and imagining what Rand must've felt at the sight of her. 

Rand and Mat getting one more chance to chat as buddies. 


Olver hiding in the rocks, clutching the horn...*blow it, Olver! C'mon, you have to try!*

Perrin seeing a falcon in the dream and for the first time feeling happy that he'll find Faile.

Graendal reborn ugly/Graendal weaving compulsion on herself.


Rand thinking about his girls as he rides off...All three sooo frickin' hot....you deserve it dude. *high five*



-Loved Mat riding into battle. Hilarious!

-The Lan moments: getting the reforged crown, riding by himself, killing Demandred and surviving.

-Birgitte shooting Mellar. Yes!

-Noal returning.

-Double bonding... That was hilarious :)

-Finding Faile alive. I dislike her, but I didn't want Perrin to get completely depressed.

-Cadsuane as Amyrlin.


I liked most of the book.


I think everyone else hit the good ones, but only one scene made me laugh out loud.


(I know that I am not quoting it correctly)


Elayne to Birgitte, "What would you do if you saw your queen riding into battle weilding a sword"

Birgitte, "Move to a different country"

Yeah oddly enough that along with Mat's bet with Galad and Thom popping Darkfriends were the few times I actually chuckled out loud.


The Gawyn/Galad conversation and Galad's instant ACCEPTANCE of the news that he is Rand's half brother and how he then attmepts to bring down Demandred not just because it's right, but both to avenge one brother and to assist his newly discovered one.  I liked Galad so much more than his whiny/spoiled/self-important younger sibling, although Gawyn does grow alot while spilling his blood out onto the battlefield.


Those moments were great, but by far, my favorite character in all of the novels was al'Lan Mandragoran. 


"I did not come here to win, I came here to kill you."




Brandishing Demondred's head? Priceless.


Liked the Rand/Mat EB conversation.


Loved the "double-bonding". I was hoping it would work the way it did.


Loved the Tam/Rand sparring


Liked Mat telling Elayne that he wasn't going to tell her the new plan. Elayne's exclamation of "Creator shelter us" and Mat's response of "That's what Tuon said." Captured the three of them perfectly. I laughed out loud over it.


Noal saving Olver, Egwene´s death and Logain´s "The Black Tower protects." 


This is exactly what I thought too!


I loved how Perrin finally took down Slayer. I imagine that scene would look particularly awesome in a movie, with the flickering back and forth between T'A'R and the real world. One second, the battlefield is full of people/trollocs, the next it's not, then Perrin switching between being a wolf and himself, and Slayer flickering between being Luc and Isam. It would take some serious CGI work it done right it would be completely mindblowing! Also, it should be done in slow motion :P


I loved how Perrin finally took down Slayer. I imagine that scene would look particularly awesome in a movie, with the flickering back and forth between T'A'R and the real world. One second, the battlefield is full of people/trollocs, the next it's not, then Perrin switching between being a wolf and himself, and Slayer flickering between being Luc and Isam. It would take some serious CGI work it done right it would be completely mindblowing! Also, it should be done in slow motion :P

slow motion would be regular speed i guess. but I would rather have it be full speed


I liked the sequences involving suspicion and eventual confrontation of the Great Captains. My favorite twist in aMoL.


That one AS fireballed by a dozen Sharans. Nothing against the character, but it was a fine freaky moment and upped the tension for Egwene's situation.


Perrin's injury. I got excited for like half a second thinking he would die.


Tam and Rand sparring was rather touching (although I don't understand why they didn't do this from time to time while Rand was growing up. His status as a super blademaster could've been based on a lifetime of practice instead of a few months with Lan).


Min getting her awesome on. She saved Tuon, outed Moghy, saved the LB...and never once was she a damsel in distress.


Lan's talk with Ingtar. His shading Rand lol. His entire arc. Basically Lan everything. I know this was supposed to be Rand/Egwene/Perrin/Elayne/Mat's book primarily (Nyn and Moiraine who?) but that's not how it felt like to me. Perhaps it's because most of my fondest memories of aMoL are Lan scenes.


Is there a thread for least favorites?


I think everyone else hit the good ones, but only one scene made me laugh out loud.


(I know that I am not quoting it correctly)


Elayne to Birgitte, "What would you do if you saw your queen riding into battle weilding a sword"

Birgitte, "Move to a different country"

That was hilarious. Most of Mat's scenes were amazing in the series, this book being no exception. I loved when Pevara asked Androl if he'd just compared her to old leather.


Fist pumped to Perrin overpowering compulsion and snapping Lanfear's neck.


I liked the sequences involving suspicion and eventual confrontation of the Great Captains. My favorite twist in aMoL.


That one AS fireballed by a dozen Sharans. Nothing against the character, but it was a fine freaky moment and upped the tension for Egwene's situation.


Perrin's injury. I got excited for like half a second thinking he would die.


Tam and Rand sparring was rather touching (although I don't understand why they didn't do this from time to time while Rand was growing up. His status as a super blademaster could've been based on a lifetime of practice instead of a few months with Lan).


Min getting her awesome on. She saved Tuon, outed Moghy, saved the LB...and never once was she a damsel in distress.


Lan's talk with Ingtar. His shading Rand lol. His entire arc. Basically Lan everything. I know this was supposed to be Rand/Egwene/Perrin/Elayne/Mat's book primarily (Nyn and Moiraine who?) but that's not how it felt like to me. Perhaps it's because most of my fondest memories of aMoL are Lan scenes.


Is there a thread for least favorites?


Lan's talk with Ingtar? Didn't he sacrifice himself at the end of tGH so Rand and company could get away? Or maybe I've just forgotten something haha





I liked the sequences involving suspicion and eventual confrontation of the Great Captains. My favorite twist in aMoL.


That one AS fireballed by a dozen Sharans. Nothing against the character, but it was a fine freaky moment and upped the tension for Egwene's situation.


Perrin's injury. I got excited for like half a second thinking he would die.


Tam and Rand sparring was rather touching (although I don't understand why they didn't do this from time to time while Rand was growing up. His status as a super blademaster could've been based on a lifetime of practice instead of a few months with Lan).


Min getting her awesome on. She saved Tuon, outed Moghy, saved the LB...and never once was she a damsel in distress.


Lan's talk with Ingtar. His shading Rand lol. His entire arc. Basically Lan everything. I know this was supposed to be Rand/Egwene/Perrin/Elayne/Mat's book primarily (Nyn and Moiraine who?) but that's not how it felt like to me. Perhaps it's because most of my fondest memories of aMoL are Lan scenes.


Is there a thread for least favorites?

Lan's talk with Ingtar? Didn't he sacrifice himself at the end of tGH so Rand and company could get away? Or maybe I've just forgotten something haha
Lol oops, I got my Shienarans mixed up.


I meant to write Agelmar if it wasn't obvious.



I think everyone else hit the good ones, but only one scene made me laugh out loud.


(I know that I am not quoting it correctly)


Elayne to Birgitte, "What would you do if you saw your queen riding into battle weilding a sword"

Birgitte, "Move to a different country"

That was hilarious. Most of Mat's scenes were amazing in the series, this book being no exception. I loved when Pevara asked Androl if he'd just compared her to old leather.


Fist pumped to Perrin overpowering compulsion and snapping Lanfear's neck.




When Lan took down two Myrdraal at once, I nearly shit myself.





I adored Tam in this book. I've been waiting & wanting more Tam since Rand said goodbye to him in the Two Rivers. He was awesome, as a father, as a leader, as a soldier. And I really love how all the other characters commented on his greatness.


Also really liked Lan's scenes. Especially the moment where he was thinking of how Nynaeve broke down his emotional walls but how Rand started the process. For some reason I never thought of that, with Rand, even though looking back it was obvious (scene of Lan prepping Rand back in book 2 for meeting with Suian is great).


Talmanes kicked butt.


Noal coming to save Olver was also great as many mentioned. Better stop now or I will just repeat half the book!



I adored Tam in this book. I've been waiting & wanting more Tam since Rand said goodbye to him in the Two Rivers. He was awesome, as a father, as a leader, as a soldier. And I really love how all the other characters commented on his greatness.


Also really liked Lan's scenes. Especially the moment where he was thinking of how Nynaeve broke down his emotional walls but how Rand started the process. For some reason I never thought of that, with Rand, even though looking back it was obvious (scene of Lan prepping Rand back in book 2 for meeting with Suian is great).


Talmanes kicked butt.


Noal coming to save Olver was also great as many mentioned. Better stop now or I will just repeat half the book!


I really liked Tam in this book too. I especially liked the part where Lan acknowledges him for the great man that he is, because you know that when Lan thinks you're awesome then you really must be awesome :P




I adored Tam in this book. I've been waiting & wanting more Tam since Rand said goodbye to him in the Two Rivers. He was awesome, as a father, as a leader, as a soldier. And I really love how all the other characters commented on his greatness.


Also really liked Lan's scenes. Especially the moment where he was thinking of how Nynaeve broke down his emotional walls but how Rand started the process. For some reason I never thought of that, with Rand, even though looking back it was obvious (scene of Lan prepping Rand back in book 2 for meeting with Suian is great).


Talmanes kicked butt.


Noal coming to save Olver was also great as many mentioned. Better stop now or I will just repeat half the book!


I really liked Tam in this book too. I especially liked the part where Lan acknowledges him for the great man that he is, because you know that when Lan thinks you're awesome then you really must be awesome :P





So, so many.  But a few in no random order:


The whole parley in Merrilor.  Especially Moiraine's part, Nyn and Moiraine's inevitable understanding, and Perrin solving the Aiel puzzle.


The armies appearing by Lan as he charged to his death.  I've read it again and again.  Visually the most stunning thing in the book!!


Androl's use of the gateway to bend his captor's weaves back against them in the Black Tower.


Nynaeve healing Talmanes with practically a firehose of the One Power... makes the use of the Power by the other girls seem like a faucet!! LOL  And her complimenting Moiraine after!! ;o)


Mat wearing pink on his hat caused me a tear.  Love that reluctant hero.


Perrin and Masuri's make up scene.  And Masuri's shock when he shifted away.


Annoura burning herself out in sacrifice to repair her friendship with Berelain.


Leilwin's determination to make up for losing the male a'dam... and her loyalty to Egwene once she decided how to fix it.  Cried when Egwene made her warder.


Gaul telling Perrin that he knows Perrin is headed for the WoD and "I'm feeling sleepy"...


When Logain first appeared to Elayne and said "The Black Tower stands with the Lion of Andor" ...I was so disappointed when a few pages later I realized he actually didn't already have it all back together...


Cads figuring out the gift thing with Rand... and teasing whether Rand had a gift for her... and Rand admitting that "They are for people I like..."  LOVED


Cads figuring out who was the "new" man in black.


Lan sheathing the sword!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rand throwing it in the DO's face as Lan stands with Demandred's severed head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Min as Tuon's Truthspeaker/Doomseer!!!!!!!!!!  Crack. Me. Up!!!


Egwene's going out with a bang.  Love/Hate that girl.... (did like the theory posted in the forums that she was a control freak because of being leashed... being boxed in like Rand... can't remember whose it was...)


Olver/Faile/Noal/Vannin.... LOVED that whole frenetic, broken up, riveting scene!!


Death and return of my girl, Brigitte.  Especially Brigitte finally gaining the upper hand and withholding Olver and the Horn from Elayne!!  Yeah!! Fist Pump!!!!!!


Mat and Tuon in garden.


Mat and Tuon and Rand in garden.... and "I saved Moiraine... chew on that!"  Sorry to the haters... but LOVED it!


Rand walking across the FoM with the unfurling pavilion assembing itself.... would love to see that on film.


What a great ride...  so bittersweet to have it finished... so glad that like Tolkien's Appendices we'll have Jordan's Encyclopedia, cause it's just too hard to let go.


I've never really been an Olver fan - he annoyed me - but BS did a great job giving us his scared POV. I felt terrified for him when the trollocs were scratching at him and I kept hoping Mat would somehow save him. When it was obvious that wasn't going to happen, I was desperate to find out if he would be okay.


When Noal/Jain came to save him I probably felt more emotion than any other scene in the book. Seeing Olver saved and somebody not abandoning him, remembering all the times they hung out together and having those payoff, and seeing Noal redeemed as a Hero - "tell them Jain Farstrider died clean"... it did a lot for me, I still get chills remembering. Probably helps I have a new little boy of my own. His situation seemed so desperate, just well done.


Favorite scene of the book by far, a top one of the series for me.


My absolute favorite scene was Lioal's charge. Brandon did an incredible job capturing that moment. The moment in which he took the song and turned it into pure fury, we finally got to see the the result of that old saying "To anger the Ogier is to bring mountains down on your head". Just beautifully written and it was one of those goosebump moments(like "Cup of Sleep" or Nyn gathering the Malkieri) that I wasn't sure we would see again post KoD.


So, so many.  But a few in no random order:


The whole parley in Merrilor.  Especially Moiraine's part, Nyn and Moiraine's inevitable understanding, and Perrin solving the Aiel puzzle.


The armies appearing by Lan as he charged to his death.  I've read it again and again.  Visually the most stunning thing in the book!!


Androl's use of the gateway to bend his captor's weaves back against them in the Black Tower.


Nynaeve healing Talmanes with practically a firehose of the One Power... makes the use of the Power by the other girls seem like a faucet!! LOL  And her complimenting Moiraine after!! ;o)


Mat wearing pink on his hat caused me a tear.  Love that reluctant hero.


Perrin and Masuri's make up scene.  And Masuri's shock when he shifted away.


Annoura burning herself out in sacrifice to repair her friendship with Berelain.


Leilwin's determination to make up for losing the male a'dam... and her loyalty to Egwene once she decided how to fix it.  Cried when Egwene made her warder.


Gaul telling Perrin that he knows Perrin is headed for the WoD and "I'm feeling sleepy"...


When Logain first appeared to Elayne and said "The Black Tower stands with the Lion of Andor" ...I was so disappointed when a few pages later I realized he actually didn't already have it all back together...


Cads figuring out the gift thing with Rand... and teasing whether Rand had a gift for her... and Rand admitting that "They are for people I like..."  LOVED


Cads figuring out who was the "new" man in black.


Lan sheathing the sword!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rand throwing it in the DO's face as Lan stands with Demandred's severed head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Min as Tuon's Truthspeaker/Doomseer!!!!!!!!!!  Crack. Me. Up!!!


Egwene's going out with a bang.  Love/Hate that girl.... (did like the theory posted in the forums that she was a control freak because of being leashed... being boxed in like Rand... can't remember whose it was...)


Olver/Faile/Noal/Vannin.... LOVED that whole frenetic, broken up, riveting scene!!


Death and return of my girl, Brigitte.  Especially Brigitte finally gaining the upper hand and withholding Olver and the Horn from Elayne!!  Yeah!! Fist Pump!!!!!!


Mat and Tuon in garden.


Mat and Tuon and Rand in garden.... and "I saved Moiraine... chew on that!"  Sorry to the haters... but LOVED it!


Rand walking across the FoM with the unfurling pavilion assembing itself.... would love to see that on film.


What a great ride...  so bittersweet to have it finished... so glad that like Tolkien's Appendices we'll have Jordan's Encyclopedia, cause it's just too hard to let go.


This is a very good list of favorite scenes in AMOL. Many, but not all,  of these were also among my favorite scenes, as well. 


My absolute favorite scene was Lioal's charge. Brandon did an incredible job capturing that moment. The moment in which he took the song and turned it into pure fury, we finally got to see the the result of that old saying "To anger the Ogier is to bring mountains down on your head". Just beautifully written and it was one of those goosebump moments(like "Cup of Sleep" or Nyn gathering the Malkieri) that I wasn't sure we would see again post KoD.




and I really got into and enjoyed reading all of the Ogier scenes in AMOL.


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