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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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  On 7/22/2012 at 9:53 AM, Despothera said:

Despo, stop being such a jerk! You were a newer player at one point in time!

jerk :laugh:


I really don't like that niel waited nearly a day with people asking for his defense and claim. Then we get pikachu. If it is true then he has wasted a lot of time.


Pikachu is a viable character for the game but something still doesn't sit right about the way this is going down.

I still have my doubts.

  On 7/22/2012 at 9:55 AM, Despothera said:

And to reiterate Niel, TELL US YOUR FRIGGIN ROLE, CHARACTER, AND ALIGNMENT so we know we're not losing a power role!

All three please. It is too late for just character. The mod has said that characters have been turned bad. So really any character could be mafia.

  On 7/22/2012 at 3:07 PM, Basel Gill said:

I think Despo is trying to claim schizophrenia. :wink: And maybe not just in-game.


^ ^ ^ :laugh:


I guess someone has to talk to him, might as well be himself.


Sorry I've been away, Tera Online was calling me, I almost forgot about the game.


Niel has had ample time to do a full claim to me it looks like he stalling so that he can force random. In light of that I will hammer him, I just don't like how he is playing and we will get a ton of info from this, I'm thinking Starfox or Falcon punch guy is our cop this game Pikachu would fit a silencer or roleblocker type with paralysis abilities which are mafia type roles and I have no clue who would fit doc, Zelda maybe? Obviously if you are these roles don't confirm or deny them doc and cop it's just my speculation and reasoning on why just hammering Niel now should be safe.


vote Niel


Vote Count:


Niel(13): Nolder, Despo, David, Arez, Basel, Turin, Mynd, Tress, Kathleen, Andrew, Lily, Darthe, EP

Arez(2): Nyanna, Niel

Dice(1): Rand

Kat(1): Tiinker

EP(1): AJ



Not Voting(6): Lessa, Peace, Dice, John Snow, Razen, Lenlo


With 24 alive, it takes 13 to Lynch





Niel stepped into the arena and triumphantly yelled "Pika! Pika!" With the power of lightning, nothing could harm this cute little guy.


"Go Bulbasaur!" cried the opposing Pokemon trainer. The fight was on. Niel hadn't thought to fight the Pokemon Trainer in battle... they'd traveled together for so long... but such is the way of the arena. Pikachu knew that something out there had turned some of the Nintendo Heroes bad and he was determined to get them all. Maybe his old friend was one of them. He swiftly dashed back and forth around the arena building up power and energy. If only he could use his Lightning Bolt, he'd come out triumphant... he jumped into the air... he could feel the power radiating through his whole body... "PPPIIIIIKKKAAAA-----"


"Pikachu! Why would you turn against me and join the Bad Guys?!?" cried the Pokemon Trainer.


....and Bulbasaur managed to land a blow while he was flying. Niel hit the ground hard. Then all of a sudden, the other mascots who were battling each other looked at Niel... "Did you see that? He tried to kill us all with that Lightning!"


"He must be a Bad Guy!" someone else cried out... "Get him!"


And before Niel knew what was happening, he was was being pummeled from all sides. Fireballs struck him from Mario's hands, powerful PK blasts blew him across the battlefield, laser blaster fire struck him over and over before he knew what was happening. Niel was being juggled into the air... with each hit he flew further and further... he didn't even have time to send out counter attacks. The hits kept coming relentlessly.. until finally... finally... Meta-Knight lifted his sword into the air, jumped, and hit Niel with a mighty blow that sent him flying like a rocket.




And that was last anyone heard of Pikachu.


The sky began to turn black over the remaining mascots heads... clouds rolled in and a heavy laugh could be heard in the air...






... and that ladies and gentlemen is how it all went down. I can only imagine this is what it must have been like from Pikachu's perspective. Hi there folks. Its me Master Hand! Thanks for tuning into to the recap of the first day of our end to end coverage of the Super Smash Tournament. Poor little Pikachu, such a cute little guy. As you might have guessed from the foreboding laugh that came from the sky... our little friend was not a Bad Guy. Shame. It would have been really exciting if he had been. Oh well, can't win them all. How do I know he wasn't a Bad Guy... hahaha... well, that's not important. Sleep well folks!




Niel an' Tyomn - Pikachu - Town Lightning Bolt has been Lynched.


It is now Night 1


You have till Tuesday @ Noon CT.


wtf is "Town Lightning Bolt"?



and I have a few suspects in mind now that we know Niel was town, a few comments really stood out before, I'll quote them in the morning (well later in the morning it's 130 am now)


At church on DM. naughty naughty. Still in Miami hence my absence :D



  On 7/22/2012 at 10:59 AM, peacesells said:
  On 7/22/2012 at 10:24 AM, Despothera said:

Ah I c. Had you played before DM, irl or on other forums?


Played here first..then played quite a few games on Myndjack and a few on mafiascum.net


Maybe its the long long loooooooong days or web layout or w/e but I really don't enjoy mafia on mafiascum.net.

  On 7/22/2012 at 4:13 PM, Eternal Phoenix said:

I'm thinking Starfox or Falcon punch guy is our cop this game

Captain Falcon


  On 7/22/2012 at 4:13 PM, Eternal Phoenix said:

and I have no clue who would fit doc, Zelda maybe?

Doctor Mario!!!!



  On 7/21/2012 at 9:51 AM, Despothera said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 2:03 PM, Nolder said:

Ok obviously all my self voting was to draw attention and reactions. I got some but they were mostly spammy and jokey and I didn't get much of a read off of them. This was the only thing that really stood out to me.

  On 7/20/2012 at 3:05 AM, Niel an said:

Sorry checking in now (just got home :P) and .... whom should I vote for ... maybe Nolder and see if I'm right this time ....

  On 7/20/2012 at 3:14 AM, Niel an said:

JUST kidding I wouldn't do that twice ...anyway unvote vote ET

It seems to me like he was hoping I'd draw too much negative attention early and that I would end up burying myself for an easy lynch. This happened recently in another game we were in together so perhaps that is where he got the idea. The second post looks like he thought better of that and didn't want to be linked to me. This guy is scum. Fry'em.


Vote: Niel


I agree. Plus, why would he vote Arez after being called out for his mispelling of EP (seriously, how do you mispell a two letter acronym? :blink:).


Unvote, Vote Niel

Ehhh I thought this vote was lacking in substance. I get that you are agreeing with my case (and if I may say so I thought it was rather good at the time) but it's still worth noting that you didn't really have anything to add.


  On 7/21/2012 at 12:59 PM, David Hermes said:

Unvote Mynd and vote Niel.


At the moment I'm going with my gut feelings, and comments posted by nolder and despo.

Same thing here

I'm actually more worried about this vote than Des's

Des talks a lot and makes big walls of text to read

That will eventually give us a lot to analyze and tell us if he's scum or not

This is just...empty

I also don't like how he agrees with me AND Des even though Des was agreeing with me in the first place, he didn't add anything new really


  On 7/21/2012 at 1:15 PM, Arez Al said:

Opportunistic ---> Niel


Vote Niel

Ditto the last two

I think I'm going to cut this one just a little slack though because Niel was voting him and I understand how that can influence someone into thinking the person attacking them is scum

We'll see how Arez continues to play


  On 7/21/2012 at 3:33 PM, RandA lThor said:

I agree with Kathleen, from what I have seen, this is pretty scummy behavior and I think Niel knows that by now.


vote niel

Another lazy vote


  On 7/21/2012 at 4:23 PM, Myndrunner said:



can I vote Neil and Bob?

My mind is wanting to say "Myndrunner!" in the same way that the kids from the magic school bus say "Carlos!" when he makes a lame joke

Although in this case it's more inappropriate than lame

But yeah

Anyway this seems to be another bandwagon vote

Gonna be hard to fish scum out with all this lazy play going on...


  On 7/22/2012 at 3:06 AM, Darthe said:

Well, he will have a chance to do so now. vote niel

Or maybe he wouldn't have

Did you have to put him at L-1?

Also don't like that you don't provide any reasoning beyond wanting a claim

  On 7/22/2012 at 4:46 PM, Nolder said:

rereading the votes to pick out ones that seemed bussy or bandwagony


also wtf is a town lightning bolt?

Another reason it would have been better had niel revealed completely. I don't know what a lightning bolt is either. BG is fond of some experimental roles. There could be some big surprises in store.


What do you think of EP using character setup to guess roles, Nol? I doubt it will work very well. I expect there to be some "good guys" among the mafia team or possibly given as safe claims.


Using characters to guess roles is easy. Alignments will be pretty much impossible. If we want our power roles to stay hidden we should steer away from character claims IMO. If you're going to claim you should probably fullclaim to avoid confusion but claims should be avoided if at all possible.


That's my take on things.

  On 7/22/2012 at 3:07 PM, Basel Gill said:

I think Despo is trying to claim schizophrenia. :wink: And maybe not just in-game.





Well, we lost town lightning bolt. Whatever that is. While I'm not going to throw out conjecture for what it might have done, at the very least it doesn't seem like a true power role (protector or investigative role), so there's that.


And Nol, I wanna look at some of those lazy votes as well, well of course we should since that makes sense, but in all fairness the reason most were prob submitting lazy votes on Niel is that he really wasn't doing himself any favors whatsoever with his playstyle, and his "defense"


I will post a lot more thoughts when I can, but for now I gotta fix my lawnmower then have band practice, either way I'll take a closer look later


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