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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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A survivor can typically win with the town. So long as Razen plays with us I say keep him around so long as we keep hitting mafioso. He is sort of relegated to low priority at this point. John and Lily are the two best choices (IMO) because of the unknown aspects surrounding them. Besides, with both a cop and dr still alive we have low risk unless there is another recruiter (which would be rediculous).

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A survivor can typically win with the town. So long as Razen plays with us I say keep him around so long as we keep hitting mafioso. He is sort of relegated to low priority at this point. John and Lily are the two best choices (IMO) because of the unknown aspects surrounding them. Besides, with both a cop and dr still alive we have low risk unless there is another recruiter (which would be rediculous).


Haven't you said that before?

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Indeed. Perhaps it is simply perspective but I am concerned with Tiinker because of his push to get *me specifically* lynched. Something about that has been nagging at me and I can't get rid of my curiosity as to why it is always directed towards me and not Andrew or our team. If he is town the play costs us a day and if not... It would be a fantastic way to clear a scum mate if both were converted. That said, I doubt that this is the case. Still, it has struck me as odd for a little bit now and didn't leave during my reread.

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Indeed. Perhaps it is simply perspective but I am concerned with Tiinker because of his push to get *me specifically* lynched. Something about that has been nagging at me and I can't get rid of my curiosity as to why it is always directed towards me and not Andrew or our team. If he is town the play costs us a day and if not... It would be a fantastic way to clear a scum mate if both were converted. That said, I doubt that this is the case. Still, it has struck me as odd for a little bit now and didn't leave during my reread.


Not only because you were the first one to bring it up, but you've been more active and therefore more useful if you're NK immune.

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Oh darn. I go away for the weekend and I come back to this. There's not much I can say here...other than the fact that I can help the town win. We don't know how many mafia are left, and with two of them flipping with recruiter roles, there's a high probability that the other teams would have something like that too. I'm not a threat to the town - all I can do is commute. At the very least, you've got someone that cannot be converted, which is useful to have in a game where there's conversions happening. Because my commute ability prevents all actions from being used on me.

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