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Rand's Retirement Home



126 members have voted

  1. 1. If Rand lives post-TG, where do you think he'll retire?

    • Shara
    • Isle of Madmen
    • Tremalking and Sea Folk Isles
    • Two Rivers
    • Malkier / Liberated Blight
    • Rhuidean
    • Seanchan
    • Another Place (specify)

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I think he'll go with the Ogier when they open the Book of Translation. Not immdediately though, there's still a ton of stuff for him to sort out first.


Don't you think that would be a bit too Tolkeinesque? RJ wanted to start us out in a familiar place in EoTW but to end that way as well?


Ya Sutts it is a bit Tolksy but the only other reason I can think of for the Book of Translation is either that it is somehow used in sealing the Bore, or that instead of taking the Ogier away, it brings an idyllic "layer" over all of Randland.

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  • 2 months later...

It's occurred to me that if Avi's Rhuidean visions even begin to look as though they might come true, Rand (if he did survive the Last Battle) would not stay in hiding. He'd come out and do whatever he could to prevent the world he tried to save going down the pan in conflict with the Seanchan.


But in her visions, Rand is not around.. so I conclude that either he died, or went with the Ogier.

(And the latter is just too Tolkien-esque to be comfortable.)

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If he lives, he won't be able to retire. The world is at war, and TG will not stop that. He is king of half of the world (not counting Shara or Seanchan), and the Seanchan control the other half and are hell-bent on chaining all channelers. Their ideals will not change in one book. They may make a temporary truce to get through TG, but after that, all bets are off. So, Rand will have to force peace onto the world. He has also grown too much to just retire. He wouldn't just abandon the world just because the DO is gone. He would want to make sure that something lasting and peaceful comes into place. He'll scheme and fight and barter and deal and bully and beg and force peace onto the world, or die trying. I am not sure he will have a permenant home. He'll probably hop around, visiting his three lovers, hopping from palace to palace.


This is all assuming, of course, that he survives TG mostly intact. Which is a big assumption.

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i believe he will make his home in TR.


i dont think he will fully retire (no need to with travelling) or that he will live in seclusion in the wood.

i can c him leave in a city house or helping Brann in the inn.


TR is where he grow , where his family and friends are (he was a popular kid with friends) and it about the only place in Randland where he NOT the main attrection :)

in TR Perrin is the main hero/attraction/ crowd magnet :)))

yes rand is the dragon a man who can chaneel -> which currently make him not so diffrent then many other TR boys :).


the immigrent will probably be much more appreciative but the native (the ones i think he really care about) wont make such a big deal out of him.

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Two Rivers, Min, Farm, Sheepherding.

All a man needs.



Afterthought: and I think there's a decent chance that he'll no longer be able to channel, because after the Last Battle, I think wild-card Fain will lose his soul to Rand.

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It's occurred to me that if Avi's Rhuidean visions even begin to look as though they might come true, Rand (if he did survive the Last Battle) would not stay in hiding. He'd come out and do whatever he could to prevent the world he tried to save going down the pan in conflict with the Seanchan.


But in her visions, Rand is not around.. so I conclude that either he died, or went with the Ogier.

(And the latter is just too Tolkien-esque to be comfortable.)


Since we already know Avi will change things I'm not sure why you would attempt to conclude anything based on her visions. There are simply too many variables in play.


Afterthought: and I think there's a decent chance that he'll no longer be able to channel, because after the Last Battle, I think wild-card Fain will lose his soul to Rand.


What do you mean lose his soul to Rand?

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Afterthought: and I think there's a decent chance that he'll no longer be able to channel, because after the Last Battle, I think wild-card Fain will lose his soul to Rand.

What do you mean lose his soul to Rand?


I think that's the reason Fain exists.

To provide Rand's mind and body in TAR with a Soul to return to the Pattern from where he was fighting Shai'tan (@ the Heart of the Dark in the Void)

We’ll see the wildcard –Fain- come and claim Rand (his Mind, I think) as his and that will somehow save Rand from Death and will give him a foothold -a Soul- to return to the Pattern with.

‘It’s never over, Al Thor’

I think that paradoxically, the mad, manmade evil of Aridhol will ensure Rand will surive the Last Day. That’s why there is a wildcard this Turning; to give the hero a chance of survival to become a (non-channeling?) sheepherder to live a well-deserved life with Min.

(original whole post here: http://www.dragonmou...00#entry2605493)

(best explenation of my whole view on the Last Battle here: http://www.dragonmou...r/#entry2576965)

(and here: http://www.dragonmou...o/#entry2571360)


Some of those are in the AMoL spoiler section, so if you don't want to read about that, I'd suggest you don't go there!




this is a theory and it makes noobs their eyes bleed.

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It's occurred to me that if Avi's Rhuidean visions even begin to look as though they might come true, Rand (if he did survive the Last Battle) would not stay in hiding. He'd come out and do whatever he could to prevent the world he tried to save going down the pan in conflict with the Seanchan.


But in her visions, Rand is not around.. so I conclude that either he died, or went with the Ogier.

(And the latter is just too Tolkien-esque to be comfortable.)


Since we already know Avi will change things I'm not sure why you would attempt to conclude anything based on her visions. There are simply too many variables in play.


There certainly are, including how much she could change things. Note that I said 'begin to look as though they might come true'. This arc could diverge at many points, early or late.

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I think Rhuidean would make sense. The tree, the water, the aiel (dragon's people), and maybe peace.

This. I always figured the inn with a dragons fang on the door was just a symbol of how he had changed the public image of the dragon from a villain to a hero.


Reason why I think Rhuidean was because when he left he was surprised to realize he wish he could come back one day, or something along those lines

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It (Rhuidean) is an empty canvas. He can make it into whatever he wants. There is just too much baggage with wherever else he chooses. He'll still need to keep an active role in the rest of the world, but this will be a place for him to feel secure and peaceful.

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I suspect that Rand may swap bodies as foreshadowed when he and Moridin crossed balefire, and even LTT noticed a third person cropping up in Rand's head (must be crowded in there) and all this talk about to live he must die. Wearing another body Rand can safely go back to the Two Rivers as someone anonymous - with Min of course. He wants a quiet life,without killing, just to grow old with the missus and not have the burden of responsibility a ruler carries.

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He and Min will be given a home in the newly rebuilt Malkier by King Lan and Queen Nynaeve. He'll be able to stay out of politics, and be surrounded by people he enjoys spending time with.


My money is on TR, but this option is my favorite. Once Lan and Min die of old age Nyn and Rand can er comfort each other.

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I just don't see him staying in Randland. Perhaps there is a portal world where he will go to relax if he survives. Randland is going to be in bad shape after the last battle and I don't think he will be around to hold it together.


I don't think it would be a good ending if Rand has to fight the rest of his life.

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I see some suggesting that and will stop channeling and go and live a normal life, that is not likely to happen, even if he decides to not be politically active anymore, unless something tragic happens to him he can not stop channeling, it is addictive, that he might not use it to make big, impressive fire weaves and blast things to bit anymore that is one thing, but if he is able to he will be channeling, and there is no reason why she should not after he have cleansed saidin.


I think he will take Min with him and go to Two Rivers and then he can travel to Andor to visit Elayne and to wherever Avi decides to settle down. I think that he will withdraw from the public eye as much as possible and live a quiet life as a farmer and a family man, and if the world will not leave him alone to do that I think he will just leave it all behind and just go into some unexplored part of the world and just wander, perhaps with one or more of his women coming with him. My vote however do to him going home to the Two Rivers and trying to pick up the pieces of his old life there.

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If he did retire, he probably wouldn't have one retirement home, he would have three. One with Elayne, one in the Two Rivers near Perrin's fancy manor house, and one with the Aiel, and Travel between them constantly. I picutre it as Min spending most of her time either wherever Rand happens to be or in the Two Rivers, Elayne is ruling in Andor, Avenida being probably the most influential wise one amoung the Aiel, and Rand going back and foruth between them. Elayne and Avendia would visit each other as often as they could, but they're both going to be pretty busy, I think.

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Will be very very disappointed if Rand lives. We were promised his death from the very start.


Like I said, he's going to die. He's also going to be resurrected.


Ah but.


Twice dawns the day his blood is shed.


Could mean he is going to die twice! I hope not, but I wouldnt be dissapointed. Something like, Demandred kills him, Nynaeve or Moridin rips him from T'A'R, then he fights the Dark One and dies again.


(Hell, while were at it we could rope in Taim killing him but Logain balefires him, bringing Rand back, gloryyy)


As I said, I dont think he WILL die twice, but I can certainly see the possibility for it. But I agree, Ive said it myself; these books have promised me a death and a resurrection, and I'll be dissapointed if I dont get both.

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