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Who do you wish to see die on the side of light?



56 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do want to see die at Tarmon Gai'don

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I may not like all of them (or actually, there's extremely few I outright dislike) but I don't want to see any of them die. Not secretly nor openly.


If you had asked whose death would have worked well from a literature critic's standpoint, I may have been able to consider it. But I have a feeling this will simply mirror the threads about characters people dislike (not that I mean to jinx your thread).



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*Scratches head at votes*


Min? Seriously? What did she ever do to want you see her dead? Being kind, caring, loyal, having no negative or annoying traits (that everyone else seems to possess), I mean, I can't even remember her being rude.


Siuan? Hasn't she suffered enough already? There's a lot of people who endure a lot because of Rand, but she devoted herself to helping him for 20 years and put herself up as a target for the Black Ajah by accepting to be Amyrlin, (probably expecting the same fate as the last ones but taking the risk anyway) and is indeed rewarded with being stilled and tortured. Then she proves to be the most (and only?) loyal supporter and friend of the girl Amyrlin (Egwene).


I was half expecting to see votes for killing Loial when seeing these two ranking high. I mean, he's one of the nicest characters I can think of, so I guess by that logic employed in the voting he should die. And what about Morgase? She's suffered repeated rape, torture and humiliation... does she have it coming as well?


[/rant] :angry:



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How is Gawyn not in this poll? He's the automatic #1 and this is the best of the rest? :biggrin:


Usually hate seeing female characters die, however I must admit in WoT there are only 2 I'd not have much of an issue with dying (emotionally, as I guess the poll is about? Not from a literal standpoint). Those 2 would be Egwene and Faile.


I don't really think either will though - and my number 1 is as stated not on the list at all, Gawyn.

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I just had to pick Elayne. She can be so snotty and obnoxious.....One of the things I love about Jordan's writing is that his characters provoke such strong reactions. Besides Elayne it would have to be Egwene and I'd also quite like to see Galad get killed. Really hope Loial makes it though. He has to write his book.

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How is Gawyn not in this poll? He's the automatic #1 and this is the best of the rest? :biggrin:


Usually hate seeing female characters die, however I must admit in WoT there are only 2 I'd not have much of an issue with dying (emotionally, as I guess the poll is about? Not from a literal standpoint). Those 2 would be Egwene and Faile.


I don't really think either will though - and my number 1 is as stated not on the list at all, Gawyn.


These were the only two i could vote for from a literary standpoint. We all assume Rand dies, and comes back. While i could go for P and F dying together, they can't both die is the TR is to remain independent. I've though Faile was going to die the second Berlain entered the picture. Now she's spoken for, but the payoff would almost be bigger if Perrin stays loyal, then finds himself alone. I know people argue Egwene needs to live cause she worked so hard to reach the top, but I'd be ok with her starting a snowball effect and someone taking up her torch. If Lan dies, Nyn dies, and i can't... well, I'll alloe it but don't feel strongly enough to vote for them.

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I'd LIKE to see Egwene, Gawyn, Elayne and Perrin die. But from a story point of view, I still think Perrin should die. I'd be disappointed if one of the three ta'veren didn't die, and Perrin just seems the most likely to. Well, Rand is obviously going to die, but it's doubtful that it will be a permanent death.

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Lan has to die. His entire life has been aimed at getting revenge for Malkier, so him dying in the final battle against the Shadow is the perfect end for his story.


I want Rand to die and stay dead. Unfortunatly, prophecies indicate he might survive (not counting the dying and coming back we are expecting). If he does survive, at least one of his ladies should die. Happy endings makes me sick, I need Rand dead or broken in the end.

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Me, the only one I want to die is Elayne! (Insert Elayne Hater Rant Here) She's the only character I would want to die, and it would be nice to have a major character (Light side) actually die for the first time ever! Well excluding Asmodean, who Jordan stated that when he died had converted to the Light.

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I don't hope that anyone in particular will die - I do hope though that if Lan does die he will go to the Tel'aran'rhiod like Birgitte and Gaidal Cain did and then when Mat blows the Horn of Valere Lan will be one of the heroes (because they said new heroes can join) and then when eventually Nynaeve dies she will also join the Hunt.

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Gawyn Tarkand should go, preferrably killing Luc (who killed Rand's father - blood father).


Lan will have to slug it out against Isam (I don't think Luc and Isam are the same person), his cousin; but I hope he survives. He has "death" written all over him from the start; yet he always finds someone to prevent the fulfillment of his death wish. Connected to Lan are the borderlanders, I think the 4 kingdoms and their rulers will be in slaughterhouse, most of them will die.


I can almost feel "closure" for Suian, Leane, Gareth, Moiraine (cannot forget her), and Thom. They represent the old age; and their sacrifice ushers in a new age "strong under the light" (as Lan would say).


Elayne will probably make it through, if for nothing other than Rand's babies.


Aviendha and Min have "drama" surrounding them. I wouldn't be surprised to see one or both die helping Rand (hopefully) seal the bore very effectively and better than LTT.


I see the whole Two Rivers group of 5 that started out making it alive by the last page of the books. One way or another, they will be alive; but their helpers, mentors, and friends will be falling like leaves from trees in the Green Man's grove after he died.


And I think that Tam Al'Thor will die in TG as well.

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I was going to originally add Galad and Gawyn. But I kept having problems with the site and setting the poll. So when it took it eventually I had left them off sorry. But they most certainly would have been added. I would have plumped for Galad myself to take one for the good side. Mainly, well truthfully because he's a Whitecloak.

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Let's see:


Elayne: I admit to having no reason for wanting her dead other than spite.


Rand: If he doesn't die, I might be a bit disappointed. Everything is leading to his death, and if he doesn't die, it just...well, it ruins the struggle to accept his death in retrospect.


Thom: Because there are very few, if any, romantically charged tragedies. If Thom dies, I feel it would crush Moiraine. And that would just be beautiful if done properly.


Lan: For much the same reason as Maj. Which is actually similar to my reasoning for wanting Rand dead. If he doesn't die, I'll be pretty put out.


Faile: Also because I hate her.


I almost added Loial to my votes. Just because he's so universally loved.

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I love Aviendha, but think that to lead the Aiel back to the Way of the Leaf(my own pet theory) she would have to die.

I think a scene were she doesn't defend herself and allows herself to be killed to prove a point to the Aiel that a, pacifist can have courage, could be beautiful and poignant if written properly.

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The entire point of the series was having Rand die to save the world. If he ends up living or being resurrected, it would be a huge cop out. So, I hope he dies.


I also want Egwene and Faile to die. Preferably in the first sentence of the prologue. Just get it out of the way and move forward.

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