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An Aiel Invasion


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*Glances distainfully at the Junior Aiel attempt to call up reinforcements from the Furry Clan and launches her sharp and pointy icicles at them. They go down ... And don't get back up again.






*Sees the little veiled thingumajig heading her way ... *


Hmmmmm ... this could get interesting.


He turns his attention from the suddenly preoccupied Red, now playing with butterflies, to a small group of Aiel making their way to the vault. Making no particular effort to conceal himself, he makes his way down the corridors, following them


I do so love it when guests pay a visit, but I think its rather rude to try and steal their things. If you'll come with me, we can avoid any altercations, which I think would be best, don't you agree?


TinaHel heard voices on the other side of the door and put down the book. She wondered who had drawn the pictures and if the warders knew they were being painted this way. Even though she had seen naked men before she blushed. For a second she thought about taken it with her but it would slow her down.


She opened the door slowly and looked out. She heard a voice saying: I do so love it when guests pay a visit, but I think its rather rude to try and steal their things. If you'll come with me, we can avoid any altercations, which I think would be best, don't you agree?


She carefully shut the door behind her and silently started to follow the warder. The angreals would be theirs and the fifth too.


*sees the poor, lifeless, furry Aiel*


:sad: :bottomlipquivers:


You...but...they're so cute...


You're a monster!


*runs away*




*comes across a group of Warders and jumps out at them, spears in hand, ready to take them all on*






...you wetlanders are no fun to fight. :dry:


*stalks off to find someone willing to Dance*


Oh dear, I seem to have frightened the little Aiel away.


*follows the Aiel and hears her muttering about wanting to Dance and wonders why anyone would be worrying about that in the middle of the battle.


Suddenly she spies the reserve Aiel Warriors, the White Swan Tribe, and the whole Dancing thing becomes blindingly obvious*




Right then Aiel, it's time you started paying ... In sweat!




*Due to an unseen command from the Mother, Ithi turns her attention to the sneaky Aiel, sneaking around inside the Tower. They seem to think they have almost found the secret store of Angreals. They seem to be following the Novice as planned, and a Warder is also among them, obviously trying to keep them out of too much trouble.


Knowing the Aiel are like Chavvy Magpies when it comes to shiny stuff, the Novice guided them past an open doorway. In the distance something shimmered and the Aiel were powerless to resist.


Ithi listened as they stealthily crept towards their goal ...




... She had a bad feeling that this wasn't going to end well for them.*


*sees the one with her Tinker bus keys and sneaks off to follow*


Hmm...perhaps she will lead me to the others searching for the stolen relics!


Aha! Yes. Lead me to them, silly wetlander.


*finds her way down a dark tunnel full of tricks to jump over and joins a few other Aiel, with a gai'shain carrying an overloaded bag of stuffs*


Those silly wetlanders thought they would make it an uphill walk here to deter lazy wandering. Silly fools. Gai'shain, grab that relic. Surely it is worth more than the rest to be placed on a pedestal as such.


*Gai'shain grabs...giant boulder falls from the sky and starts rolling down the passageway*


Run for your lives!




Whew. That was close... but where did the gai'shain go?! Mother's milk in a cup... our relic! :disgruntled:


*Ithi watches as the Aiel come running back out of the Vault - super fast, but the one they left to carry all the stuff doesn't appear*


Wow, they can certainly move when they are running away from something!


*The rather poor Trainee Aiel speaks, Whew. That was close... but where did the gai'shain go?! Mother's milk in a cup... our relic! :disgruntled:


*Ithi looks back inside the tunnel to see if she can see what did happen to him*




Oh dear ...




Nevermind about him, we could find some new gai'shain. It's that relic... :shifteyes:


*runs off to see what other havoc can be spread around the castle*


Holy Dragon Reborn, what is THAT?


*Le Moat*


These wetlanders keep getting stranger and stranger...


Dun. Dun.


*looks towards the sky*


Funny...I don't see thunder...must be those pesky Aes Sedai...


*skulks into the passageway, still unarmed, hoping to help stop the Aiel plunder... comes across a lone gai'shain lugging a heavy sack and looking totally lost*


"You look lost."

"I think I took a wrong turn getting away from that boulder..."

"Here, that looks heavy, let me help you with it." The Aiel starts to hand over the sack before realizing Basel isn't one of the raiders, but by then, he is in a tight sleeper hold. Basel leaves him unconscious and tied up on the floor, and puts all the stuff back, then heads off to the moat with the empty bag. When he gets there, he sees Kate, so he moves up and tosses her into the moat, spears and all.


*Runs up to Basel*


"Hey, you haven't taken advantage of all the oosquai I brought! You know, I thought this was a party. Nothing about invasions. Though I did take this wierd, fluted white rod and a bowl from one of the storage rooms."


*notices Kate in the water*


"She doesn't know how to swim, you know..."


*Runs up to Basel*


"Hey, you haven't taken advantage of all the oosquai I brought! You know, I thought this was a party. Nothing about invasions. Though I did take this wierd, fluted white rod and a bowl from one of the storage rooms."


*notices Kate in the water*


"She doesn't know how to swim, you know..."


I had quite a bit, but honor compelled me to prevent thievery. *tosses in a life preserver and sits on a rock, well away from the moat*


Ah! FIrst I have to attack myself because I am a Trolloc and an Aiel, now I am also an Accepted!? What is wrong with you?


If nothing is wrong with you then why must we always fight?

Because you're a jerk!

... What did you say?

I said you're a jerk!

YOU B****!


*Punches herself*

*Weaves fire at herself*

*Dodges the fire and stabs at herself with a spear*


*sees Froggy's spilt personalities and shakes her head. runs silently down the hallway and sees a figure coming toward her. steps into the shadows and sees the figure looks just like herself just wearing an Accepted's dress. shakes her head and continues down the hall. she'd have to go see the Wise Ones after the raid*


See them for what? Psychological treatment? If so maybe we can split the costs and go in for group therapy.

I would never go the Aiel for treatment after what they have done to the tower!

Who cares? You weren't invited anyway.

*Starts weaving some forbidden torture threads*

*Being a trolloc the threads get messed up*

*Stabs self while I am distracted.*


*Exits the Towers to find her Nemesis floundering in the Moat*


Daaaaa Dum




Daaaaa Dum


*Hears an ominous sound from the depths of the water*



Daaaaa Dum




Daaaaa Dum





Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum da da daaaaaah!





Ha haaaa! Little Aiel - it might be a good time to learn how to swim!




bleaughororeahghas! shruahghahgh!


*bubbles rise to the surface of the Moat while the Aiel known as Kate floundered just below the surface*




*Kate freezes, feeling and hearing the ominous noise, and manages to float to the surface*


What the bloody...


Da dum...


You know, I really do not like the sound of that.


*ewok paddles to the shore and barely scrambles up the muddy side when a giant bitefish tries to take her leg*




Wait a sec, why is that bitefish eating a metal drum thing?


*looks down and sees a funny little metal contraption right next to her hand*


And what the bloody hell is this?


*does what instinct says and points the contraption at the monster and pulls back a little lever*






Holy mother's milk in a goat herder's salad!


Well, that was convenient...


*throws metal contraption that nearly tore her arm off into the Moat, never to be seen again*


Now, how on earth am I supposed to get this gross bitefish pieces off of me? Blood and guts are disgusting, unless one's spears are at the end of it. :'vomit


Moon looks over at her bonded and falls over in immense pain. The self-abuse inflicted by Froggy to Froggy is almost more than the bonding can handle.


Wait , . .

how do you know those torture threads, Froggy? Trollocs can't channel, and I know you haven't learned them here. . .


Are you learning them in the Aiel camp? ?









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