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question on WOT re-reads



58 members have voted

  1. 1. How many times have you re-read WOT?

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As part of this topic, I'm also curious to hear if people do their re-reads in one fell swoop, or if they do it in phases?


The reason I'm asking is that I've re-read the series a few times so far. I certainly enjoy the re-reads, and always get plenty of new outlooks after each re-read. However, I re-read the series in the months leading up to the release of Towers of Midnight (I took a one-week breatk midway to read a short, nonfiction book). My re-read took me right up to the release date of Towers. While I enjoyed Towers, I felt (I hate to day this) slightly burnt out on the Wheel. Obviously, too much of a good thing is....indeed, too much.


Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else ever had that feeling while re-reading the series. Don't get me wrong, I still love the WOT, but I'll do future re-reads in phases instead of all at once going forward. Anyway, I'm curious to hear your responses. Thanks for taking the time to read the topic.


i try to do it in one go but it never works out like that. Ive only done one reread so far but Im doing another one this year and listening to the audio books so hopefully Ill have read it more then twice


I've been reading WoT for a long time - almost 20 years. The early books up to about Path of Daggers i would have read between 15 and 20 times i guess. The later books have had multiple reads too - except for TGS and ToM - i only just read TGS and am halfway though ToM.


As part of this topic, I'm also curious to hear if people do their re-reads in one fell swoop, or if they do it in phases?


The reason I'm asking is that I've re-read the series a few times so far. I certainly enjoy the re-reads, and always get plenty of new outlooks after each re-read. However, I re-read the series in the months leading up to the release of Towers of Midnight (I took a one-week breatk midway to read a short, nonfiction book). My re-read took me right up to the release date of Towers. While I enjoyed Towers, I felt (I hate to day this) slightly burnt out on the Wheel. Obviously, too much of a good thing is....indeed, too much.


Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else ever had that feeling while re-reading the series. Don't get me wrong, I still love the WOT, but I'll do future re-reads in phases instead of all at once going forward. Anyway, I'm curious to hear your responses. Thanks for taking the time to read the topic.


Definitely fell swoop. But that's because my WoT recharge time between readings is about 2 years. I lose interest/attachment to the characters and plot if I break it up.


I've read the entire series in from beginning to end without breaks 8 times. I tend to do a full reread of the series every year. I usually find myself wanting to reread the series again about a month after finishing it. I have to keep myself away.


I jump around quite a bit, but have done at least 6 full straight-through rereads. I've read ToM twice, GTS 5 times, CoT 6, and everything else over 10. Most re-readable series I've ever encountered.


I fell under '3-5'; the first two or three times I read the series, it was in one fell swoop. The most recent reread though has been occurring in phases.... read the first three, then TSR, then FOH, and now I've been off for maybe six months. It's not quite as infectious anymore :)


I've done one re-read, before TGS came out - I've only read TGS and TOM once apiece. My re-read was broken up by by habit of reading multiple books at once (currently ten, but it will be nine as soon as I've finished my AFFC re-read, which won't take long), so it actually took well over a year. Sometimes there would be weeks without reading any WoT, or maybe a chapter or so at a time as I focused elsewhere or just skipped from book to book. Then I'd focus on whichever WoT book I happened to be on and burn through it in a fairly short space of time. New Spring is actually my most read WoT book, because I read the Legends version first (before I read the series proper), I've re-read at least once, and I've read the novel version at least twice.


I've read it between 3 and 5 times. but the first 4 are around six or seven times. I intend after reading ToM on Monday, to start a complete reread in about November or December hoping to finish ToM around when aMoL is published. But that is hoping.

I've done a reread for ToM, I finished tGS around the early part of this month.


Well I've read KoD about four times simply because it's the first book of the series I actually owned (couldn't find it in the library). I've read the first 4 books 3 times and I'm in the process of reading the books between book 4 and Path of Daggers for the 3rd time too. Don't own Winters Heart and CoT yet, so only read them once. TGS I've read twice, TOM just once. I think that's all right anyway... Oh and I've read New Spring 3 times.


And seeing as my collection isn't complete yet I can't really do continuous rereads.


when i read-through i sometimes do the whole thing, and sometimes just the first few books, and usually skip some bits. when i listen-through, i listen all the way through, and it takes a very long time. i've read or listened thorugh the whole thing at least once for each book, so i've read the first books a lot, and the later ones not so much.


My answer is correct and not correct at the same time, in the poll.


I think i have read Eye of the world a dozen times or more, my first copy actually fell apart.

And it's very apparent when looking at the series in my bookshelf that they have been read and reread, but i all honesty i have only read the eleventh three times and twelve once and i haven't read the thirteenth one.


I try to re read them all every time a new book comes, but since it's not that long since i read the other i am torn whether or not to re-read them all or to start mid way. And in that case which book i should start re-reading for the thirteenth book at.


So many books so little time :(


I lost count of re-reads years ago. I re-read the entire series before each book comes out, but also I have read it in-between books as well. I probably re-read the entire series (except for New Spring) 5 or 6 times between KoD and TGS. I've read TGS at least 6 times since it came out (and all of the series leading up to it each time). I don't like just picking up one volume or another to read individually. If I wanted to reread ToM , for example, I will read the first 12 before restarting ToM. Since acquiring all 13 books in Audiobook format I have pretty much listened to it constantly since November. Right now (literally as I type) I am listening to CoT and heading into my 4th reading of ToM. So since November, I have re-read the entire series 5 times already, but NS only once of those. NS is the only book I skip, and that one I only read about once for every 4 or 5 re-reads.


I never do a complete re-read. Instead, I come back to certain chapters from time to time. I usually tend to prefer parts of the latest book (though TGH, TSR and lately KoD do make more appearances than other books), but as I've been on the series since between the release of TGH and TDR (not the US release, but that didn't really matter to me back then), I've read each book many times (easily over 5 times, excepting TGS and ToM). Still, there's no doubt that I've read certain parts of the series far more often than others.


i've only just read through the series once, and whhen i say just i mean in november, (luckly, i had the timeing perfect for the release of ToM) and normally i have to wait a year before re-reading books i really liked but with the WoT books, i just started re-reading them straight after finishing ToM and i am on TFoH, which i am holding out on cos it is my favourite. I'm just reading them out one after the other with a few small different books slotted in (like books that take less than i day to read).


I feel like i have cheeted a bit cos i got to read all the published books straight after eachother with no waiting inbetween.. I feel really bad for all you guys who have been with this series since the begining..., like you've had to wait 20 years which is longer than i have been alive!!


I guess I would be around 20+ times for me now. I do a re-read at least once a year sometimes twice if there is a new book coming out. I'm in the middle of a re-read at the moment, which has taken me a while, I started it hoping to be finished by the time ToM came out, but with work and a number of other events occurring in the last few months I haven't finished it yet. I read ToM when it came out and am now about to start PoD and this time will only be the second reading of TGS and ToM for me.


I find that doing a re-read before each book is helpful as I find foreshadowing events and comments referring to events that happen in each new book, which is one of the things that keeps me going back to the series time and time again.


I'm a WoT noob - picked up the series for the first time in October of last year... I was requesting individual books from Paperbackswap.com for the first few books, until I decided I was thoroughly hooked and started requesting 2 or 3 at a time. The person who was supposed to send me book 6 took a bit longer than I expected to get the book in the mail, so I went back and re-read 1-5 while waiting for it to arrive. Now that I'm fully caught up, including NS and ToM, I'm giving myself a short break (re-reading ASoIaF, and a couple of random other books are waiting on my nightstand for that to finish) before I start back at book 1 and see how much I missed the first time through. Or rather, how much I missed that I haven't had pointed out here on the boards :)


4-5 each and listened to each audio book as many times or more on top of that.


Packing the mp3 player in your car with them and then hitting random makes for some interesting rides :biggrin:


I got the first 6 books in a lump whem my sister-in-law was cleaning out her book collection. She'd given up on WoT because there were too many characters, too many plots, and she figured that if RJ hadn't wrapped it up in six books, he was going to milk it forever.


After that, I've done a re-read every time a new volume has come out. I do the same with other long-running series I like, so I'm completely into the background stuff when I start the latest installment.


Oh, I have no idea how many times I have re-read the books. I start to read WoT at 2006 and after that every time when I came the end of the last book I started all again..

So I supposed that number of re-reading is something between 10-15.


I've done at least one re-read per year since 1999. And sometimes an second one before a book release. So I guess somewhere in the area of 12-20


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