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October Sign In


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Happy Fall everyone! Here's our October sign in thread!


So, for this sign in, stop in and tell me what your favorite Halloween Costume has been. Whether it was one you wore or one you wish you could've worn. :D

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My favorite costume is probably the can-can outfits my mother made my sister and I when I was in 1st grade. We cracked the heels before we started walking around, or it would've been PERFECT!

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halloween isn't an European holiday, so I'm not really prone to celebrate it, eventhough commercialism has grabbed hold of it and is forcing it down our throats here too now. lol There is something really annoying about places that 'celebrate' holidays that have no historical meaning to them, I find. It's like going to the Church because it's the 'cool' thing to do, eventhough you're a hindu.



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It's not as big here in the UK as it seems to be in the US and until recently, wasn't as commercialised. It's very much a kids thing and we tend to mix Hallowe'en celebrations with Guy Fawkes Day (or Bonfire Night) on the 5th November. I have very fond memories of going Guysing (our version of Trick or Treating), parties, and attending fireworks displays/bonfires where we burned The Guy, a stuffed representation of Guy Fawkes himself. My favourite costume was probably a black cat one that I made myself when I was 6 yrs old lol, I spent happy hours prancing around in black tights and one of my black ballet leotards. :rolleyes: *chuckles*

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My favorite was always to "costume" m'self as a Hobo. Which merely involved my dressing normally.


I do however recall donning the German masochist regalia (short green leather pants with built in suspenders, white and red checkered shirt and a goofy arse little green elf/mtn. guide hat with collector pins and a feather... yeah, yeah Leiderhosen, I like my name better) ... which my Great Aunt sent us from Weisbaden one year. I added a pair of canary yellow Cowboy Boots with purple scroll inlays on them and went about saying I was an "escapee" from the Tennessee School for the Blind.

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My favorite was one year when I got older and handed out candy. I stayed at home and we had the front door rigged so it was completely black in the house with only a blacklight. I had on a white flowing outfit, it was awesome to see the kids awe over it as I glowed. :smile:

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I can't remember my favorite costume. :blush:


I also remember dressing up for Fashing (sp?) in Germany, though; I just don't remember what the dates were! I'll have to ask my mom.

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I'm here :happy: My favorite Halloween/costume ever was 3 years ago when I bought a cute little pirate costume and went out with my best friend. The costume was super awesome, but the night was really fun too so I think that's what made it super cool because I've had some lame Halloweens :dry: but I'm going to be the wicked queen from Snow White this year (only a more "mature" version) and I fully expect this to be the best Halloween ever.

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