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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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Wife is out of town so time to catch up on some 2011 releases...


The Eagle


Probably my favorite of the movies I watched... but don't let you get all excited about it. For some reason I thought there would be some UFO angle from the previews. No twists or turns really.. just your straight Roman period piece with pretty good action sequences ending with a Last of the Mohicansish "gotta run from the baddies" scene. Overall a solid movie.


Lincoln Lawyer


Alright alright. Not sure what all the hype was with this movie. Have you seen that lawyer movie when he represents someone he thinks is innocent and turns out to be bad? Primal Fear did it better, Fracture was more entertaining. I could give you a laundry list of movies that have the exact same premise. Not a bad movie at all, just no original story.


Hall Pass


Big thumbs down for me. I mean the movie is not unwatchable but it gets close at times.

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How do you mean? Weren't all the apes CGI?


Yes, but thats not what I meant.

Examine the story a little and it almost reaked of some kind of P.E.T.A involvement.


How do I put it...

70s/80s the original the apes were obviously about race relations. This one feels more like its about 'animal rights'. Something the original didn't have that 'feel' to it. :P

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How do you mean? Weren't all the apes CGI?


Yes, but thats not what I meant.

Examine the story a little and it almost reaked of some kind of P.E.T.A involvement.


How do I put it...

70s/80s the original the apes were obviously about race relations. This one feels more like its about 'animal rights'. Something the original didn't have that 'feel' to it. :P


I saw it yesterday and I didn´t get the PETA-feeling at all. I think it poses some really interesting questions. Setting aside the normal apes, is it right to keep an animal caged when it´s obviously more intelligent then a human and has self-awareness?

I don´t know if chimpanzees (spelling?) have a sense of self-awareness but I think so, cause if I remember correctly they can recognize themselves in the mirror, and they recognize if you have altered their fur or put some weird clothes on them.

I think it was a good movie, but the first one was better...

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Tons of loose ends but the movie does a good job pacing wise in covering them up unless you disect the movie. I can't decide if I like the ending or not, it seemed too Hollywood. For what it was the movie was enjoyable just nothing that will be remembered in a year or so.




A movie about a train that gets out of control and Denzel must pound his chest and give you his patent stare to save the day. Sounds a little dull to me. So I waited till this came out on HBO to see it (my third tier after theatre and netflix). It may be because I had low expectations or I was just bored on Sunday, but I really enjoyed this film. This movie relies on the fast pace and action sequences to draw in the viewer. I also appreciated the little use of CGI. You know what this movie is about and if it sounds appealing give it a look.

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