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Why does AOL chanellers tilt their head as if they are straining to listen? Examples I most recently noticed are in TSR: Lanfear meeting Rand near the beginning of the book, Asmodean as Jasin Natel, and AOL Aes Sedai near Ruhidean.

I would guess for the Forsaken, they're somewhat used to speaking a different language, so they have to kind of pay attention to what people are saying in the 'vulgar' tongue.

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My question in its simplest form:

How many Asha'man are under Rands direct control? Lets leave out the Black Tower, unless we are talking about people like Logain, who have had direct contact with Rand. Also, where in the books would I find references to this? I saw on the WoT map listing armies that there are 175 Asha'man near Bandar Eban, and I didn't know that there were THAT many outside Taim's control...


A commom mistake people tend to make is speaking of everyone from the BT as Asha'man. In reality, with the exception of Logain, any Asha'man not loyal to Taim has been raised personally by Rand. A quite understandable mistake, asp eople in the books tend to make it as well.


So, the number 175 might be correct, but they would be Soldiers and Dedicated rather than Asha'man.

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Some acquaintences of mine --- Aes Sedai who have retired from the world --- are testing them trying to discover their weakness." they also had callandor


any idea who that is? this is a direct quote from cadsuane



We don't know, but they'd be old. 250+ I would guess.

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1) Does anyone else think that Alliandre's point of view in ToM was a little strange? During my first read through it almost made me suspicious as to whether or not she could be a darkfriend...


I thought exactly the same thing, I was sure she was going to turn out to be a darkfriend at the start of that POV. However, by the end, I concluded she was just a flawed but still fundamentally alright person surviving a day at a time in a crazy world. I really liked it.


Berelain's really creepy understanding of her relationship with Perrin, for instance...


I did, though, think Berelain was completely off in ToM - one of the only characters I've felt suffered under BS's writing. Berelain has always been tough, but here she was cold to the point of nearly being a psychopath, and I just don't believe that her stalking of Perrin was primarily politically motivated, rather than out of a mix of genuine attraction and game-playing.

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If Taim is a Darkfriend, which he almost certainly is, is he using a form of compulsion to gain his 'faction'? I find it hard to believe that multiple hundrends of Darkfriend channelers would randomly appear.

well he is specifically seeking those with a darker disposition

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If Taim is a Darkfriend, which he almost certainly is, is he using a form of compulsion to gain his 'faction'? I find it hard to believe that multiple hundrends of Darkfriend channelers would randomly appear.

well he is specifically seeking those with a darker disposition


Or one of the forsaken has been passing people along...

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My question in its simplest form:

How many Asha'man are under Rands direct control? Lets leave out the Black Tower, unless we are talking about people like Logain, who have had direct contact with Rand. Also, where in the books would I find references to this? I saw on the WoT map listing armies that there are 175 Asha'man near Bandar Eban, and I didn't know that there were THAT many outside Taim's control...


A commom mistake people tend to make is speaking of everyone from the BT as Asha'man. In reality, with the exception of Logain, any Asha'man not loyal to Taim has been raised personally by Rand. A quite understandable mistake, asp eople in the books tend to make it as well.


So, the number 175 might be correct, but they would be Soldiers and Dedicated rather than Asha'man.

Well, see this is at the heart of my question. I thought all the "light side" male channelers were staying at the Black Tower; whether they are promoted Asha'man or not.


But only a small number of all the "men in black" (around 350) are still there it seems... where in the books do we get to see at least conversations about moving them out of Andor and to the hot spots? I've only seen talk of it in regards to Saldea, and all through out ToM I never got the impression 175 were helping out.


Can anyone site some of these passages or quotes from interviews that gives us this information? I would go look myself, but I have no IDEA where to start; this is all news to me.

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where in the books do we get to see at least conversations about moving them out of Andor and to the hot spots? I've only seen talk of it in regards to Saldea, and all through out ToM I never got the impression 175 were helping out.


Can anyone site some of these passages or quotes from interviews that gives us this information? I would go look myself, but I have no IDEA where to start; this is all news to me.

Well, for starters, Rand told Logain to take quite a few to supplement his forces in Illian and Arad Doman back in KoD, if memory serves. His plan was to rid himself of the Seanchan if they couldn't reach a deal. He seems to have forgotten about that since, and Logain did come back to the BT, so perhaps some of those BT-initiates did as well.

[Rand] was unsure how far to trust Logain either, yet he had to work with the tools he had to hand. "Is it done?" With Logain here, Loial was uncapping his ink jar again.

"More than half the Black Tower is in Arad Doman and Illian. I sent all the men with bonded Aes Sedai except those here, as you ordered."

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THAT"S what I was looking for!! Thank you!

I wish we could have seen Logain going to the Black Tower to order all this; did Taim just sit on the fence and smile wickedly at him while he did it? Did Logain tell Taim to have taim do it instead? When RJ decides to "black out" a part of the world, you really really don't see ANYTHING that is taking place, do you...

Edited by Dreggs Morlock
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I was wondering...


what Halima´s purpose was with giving Egwene all those headaches. Seemed like a lame plan. What if her plan was to block Egwene´s prophetic dreams and thus hoping to hinder the Light side? What did Halima want?

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I was wondering...


what Halima´s purpose was with giving Egwene all those headaches. Seemed like a lame plan. What if her plan was to block Egwene´s prophetic dreams and thus hoping to hinder the Light side? What did Halima want?


Some people believe that Halima was using Compulsion on Egwene. I think she was just using it as a tool to keep herself around Egwene so she could influence her. Remember only Halima's massages could get rid of the headaches (or so Egwene thought).

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Do we have any evidence of Egwene working to get the 1/3 of the sisters who split off during the 'troubles' to come back to the tower?

I don't think there was much need, most of them would have come back on their own since they only stayed out of the matter because they didn't want to take sides during the split.

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Do we have any evidence of Egwene working to get the 1/3 of the sisters who split off during the 'troubles' to come back to the tower?

I don't think there was much need, most of them would have come back on their own since they only stayed out of the matter because they didn't want to take sides during the split.

I think there is, if the AS dont actively look to bring these AS 'home' then they may just chill out in nowhere until the end of times. After all they are trying to keep all the rumors as low as possible.... actually rand may bring many of them back with his proclamation about the WT situation changing, I didnt think of that last post

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I was wondering...


what Halima´s purpose was with giving Egwene all those headaches. Seemed like a lame plan. What if her plan was to block Egwene´s prophetic dreams and thus hoping to hinder the Light side? What did Halima want?

Halima was a Forsaken, and these guys are like poster boys for dumb plans, after all they have to give the Light side a chance. The surprising thing would've been if she actuyally had a plan that made sense.

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Well Halima may have been blocking, adding shady stuff to, or simply eavesdropping on Eg's prophetic ability. we don't have enough info to be very clear. One thing though, Egwene's later prophesies occurred mostly when Halima wasn't around (she is a poor Dreamwalker and can't find dreams unless she's physically close)- so it could have been a block.

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We know for a fact Halima was blocking Egwene's prophetic dreaming--she states as much in KoD 3; At the Gardens.


Thanks Luckers and everyone else. I´m about to begin on KoD soon and then just one more book and I can sink my teehth in ToM. I always thought that there was more to Halima´s headaches then just to give Egwene a headache or some kind of subtle Compulsion. And to block some dreams could harm the Light. I´m reluctant to think that she was Compulsed, but who knows.

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