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Update on my father's situation


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As some might know, my father was rushed to hospital on Monday with severe pains on his stomach. After extensive tests, the doctors believed it might be gall stones that broke through the gall bladder.


Whether or not that is the case, I don't know. My father regularly pretends to be in pain just to get attention. He has done that his whole life, and has run through all the money we have, getting unnecessary medical treatment. 9 times out of 10 it turns out to be nothing, but there's always that 1 time.


Anyway, they operated on him today and removed his gall bladder. I'm not too sure what else was done, if anything, but despite the doctors' dire predictions due to his various ailments, he made it through the op.


They confirmed too that he has Alzheimers. We've known this for years, but ... yeah ... doctors  >:( ::)


Anyway, once he gets out of hospital, he'll need more caretaking than usual (anaesthetics makes his Alzheimers worse), so I might not be around as much as usual, and probably tired and snappish to boot.


Just thought I'd give you all a heads up  :)


*snuggles his bonded*


Yes we are here for you sweetie!!!


Glad to hear your dad made it through the operation!


And, just remember... the best thing about Alzheimer's is that you always get to meet new people!


Elgee I am happy he made it through okay. Took the doctors long enough with the Alzheimers. We will understand you are going through a lot. Just think you can escape to DM and we can pamper you too. *Snuggles Elgee* I wish there was more we could do hun, but you hang in there. Alzheimers is always hardest on the family. Remember the way he was before showing any signs of it. Also, when he says cruel stuff remember it isn't really him saying them, it is the disease. *Snuggles Elgee again* Take care of yourself too, hire someone if you can so you can have a day off and recover. Even if all you do is go for a walk or shopping. You will need to have breaks and get away from it all.


*snugglebops Elgee*


I'm not sure what a snugglebop is to be honest, but I think it sounds cute and I made it up on the spot. And since I wasn't on any drugs or holding a knife in my hand, I supposed it's not too bad.


Someday snuggleboppers will take over the world. *nods*


*snugglebops again*


Sorry to hear this... know the whole tower is here for you for support, hugs, snugglebops, or anything else we can do.


And, just remember... the best thing about Alzheimer's is that you always get to meet new people!


LMAO! Thanks, Van - I need that  ;D


Alzheimers is always hardest on the family. Remember the way he was before showing any signs of it. Also, when he says cruel stuff remember it isn't really him saying them, it is the disease.


Min, Alzheimers has actually improved him a little bit  :P


People, please don't waste sympathy on me over this - I've never liked or respected the man, so quite frankly the only impact this is having on me is to further ruin myself and the family financially.



  • 1 month later...

8sidlesidlesidle.....gives a quick cuddle...errr..pat(blushing furiously)* Hope I'm not overstepping myself here. Still really new here. I feel ya on this. Not really close with my dad either.There is a plus to the "boy who cried wolf thing" though. AT least you know what you're doing. Didn't rea;;y expect to see a psot like this. You guys really are a community. You've inspired me Elgee.*tries to snuggle again without blushing and fails miserably*


Recently my father, due to his alcoholism, fell in his mothers basement and cracked his skull. He layed there for two days before anyone found him. Suffered a major hemmorhage and caught pneumonia. He managed to pull through. Sort of. He's hale and healthy, except for upstairs. I now grew up in a different city and went to a school he used to go to. He drained a lot and put us through hell. Now, I don't even have the option to be angry. How can i with alittle kid? I don't talk a lot about this. It feels good to have a place to do it. Thank you for the welcome and the much unanticipated.........


Million that is one of the wonderful things about DM. You can share stuff with us and we are here for you. I was lucky that my parents weren't perfect, but I grew up in a loving home and never doubted it.

We are always here for you and that includes everyone. I have a very understanding and compassionate heart. I don't mind it if someone needs to vent and get stuff out. It can so help you process what you are going through. Not to mention it is helpful for those around you to understand what you are dealing with.

Elgee love any updates on how things are going. Even if it is just to vent a little. We are always here for you sweetie.


*Huggles everyone* I just love the White Tower!


Awwwww... *Huggles Elgee* I'm sorry to hear that.


Do what you can and don't worry about what you can't do. *Snuggles.* You know we're all here for you.


I'm sorry - I forgot to update this thread.


My father died on the 7th of December.


Millon, I'm glad this thread has meant something good to you. It's the great thing about DM  :)

I'm really sorry about the situation with your father - I totally understand the frustration (amongst a range of other emotions) you must be feeling about this. *Hugs Millon*



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