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What was your favorite chapter / scene/quote?

Jason Denzel

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Rand can't even make a construct to destroy non-shadowspawn. Not sure how Egwene would have been able to.

Rand kinda did, in the stone when the trollocs and myrdraal where running loose he created the lightning that actively hunted all of the shadwospawn


Of course I'm aware that there is no way for her to know how to do any of those things. I know its irrational. With the chapter title a "Fount of Power" and from some reviews I guess i was just expecting something a little more deadly to the Seanchan.


Don't get me wrong, she almost single handedly was responsible for at least a draw in terms of who won the fight.


Does anyone think, it ended up being a fairly even Aes Sedai-Damane trade? With the exception of traveling and a couple of other possible weaves, i would think the Seanchan's attack was pretty worthless since they are trading weapons who know tons of ways to kill people for Aes Sedai who typically don't.


Of course I'm aware that there is no way for her to know how to do any of those things. I know its irrational. With the chapter title a "Fount of Power" and from some reviews I guess i was just expecting something a little more deadly to the Seanchan.


Don't get me wrong, she almost single handedly was responsible for at least a draw in terms of who won the fight.


Does anyone think, it ended up being a fairly even Aes Sedai-Damane trade? With the exception of traveling and a couple of other possible weaves, i would think the Seanchan's attack was pretty worthless since they are trading weapons who know tons of ways to kill people for Aes Sedai who typically don't.


But ... and its a BIG butt. They now have Travelling. Pretty sure Elaida isn't tough enough to keep it secret. Also pretty sure Tuon will have to reconsider her take on Aes Sedai after Egwenes butt whupping. One Aes Sedai linked and using a Sa-angreal bests dozens of Suldam and Damane pairs?


Of course I'm aware that there is no way for her to know how to do any of those things. I know its irrational. With the chapter title a "Fount of Power" and from some reviews I guess i was just expecting something a little more deadly to the Seanchan.


Don't get me wrong, she almost single handedly was responsible for at least a draw in terms of who won the fight.


Does anyone think, it ended up being a fairly even Aes Sedai-Damane trade? With the exception of traveling and a couple of other possible weaves, i would think the Seanchan's attack was pretty worthless since they are trading weapons who know tons of ways to kill people for Aes Sedai who typically don't.


As far as captive channelers go, the Seanchan came out on top by about 30.  Casualties for the Seanchan weren't gone into so we don't know exactly what the tradeoff was with all the troops.  I would suspect they lost almost all of the 300 or so troops they brought.  Egwene also personally did for about a dozen to'raken.  From what we know, I would suspect a draw or a Seanchan marginal defeat as I think the Seanchan definitely hauled away enough channelers to make up for the ground troops they lost.  As for making up for damane and to'raken casualties, I don't know.  Then again, the Seanchan will probably be able to haul Traveling out of Elaida which would make the raid a victory for them even if they only brought Elaida back imo.


My own favorite scenes involved Rand, & latterly Tam.


Rand's destruction of Grendael (sp?)


Rand's confrontation with Cadsuane in Ch 23


Tam indirectly calling Cadsuane a bully.


Finally, i think it has been mooted on these boards that Cadsuane may teach Rand laughter/tears to lighten his mood, make him human, etc; however, given how Rand finds himself at the end of the book - seemingly at least partially more at ease with himself - teaching him laughter is no longer required. If this is the case (which it may well not be) could it be, then, that Cadsuane will reflect on Tam's comment that about bullying, accept that she has conducted herself with ignorant high-handed superiority, and find a way to work with him instead? In so doing, perhaps she will teach Rand that Aes Sedei can recognise their flaws, and so are worthy of his trust.


Hmmm. Just read that again, & it looks a little thin!


Hey ho.


Ok I have a question.  Why is the cover picture not Rand holding up a glowing access key on the peak of Dragonmount?


That would've been too much of a spoiler, I guess. It'd give too much away.


I found the entire book to be exhausting to read-- in a good way.  I couldn't read more than a couple of chapters at a time, and would put the book down, but would be back at it almost immediately.  It's been a long time since I read a book that made me tired to read it.


That said, my favorite chapters were 26 (The Tipsy Gelding) and 27 (Night in Hinderstap).  Even knowing what was going to happen (I guessed), they were terrifyingly intense.  I read them with a mixture of horror and fascination.


I really liked that Sanderson gave Gareth Bryne more depth.  I loved that he actually had conversations rather than just lines. 


I love that Min took up Herid Fel's quest. Herid Fel has been my favorite character. I'm convinced that "something we know to be true" is false. I don't know what it is yet (I have theories, but none strong enough to post and defend) but the only way to get to it is to question the very nature of the Wheel of Time world.


Herid Fel is one of the few that did, and now Min is as well.


I'm also a political activist, almost by primary profession now. I laughed and cried, with chills, during the scene where Silviana was beating Egwene and they discussed resistance in the face of adversity.


I can't wait for Moiraine to come back and just shake Rand to the core. That and the fact that he's a daddy to be should bring the last bit of needed tears and/or laughter before the final Battle :)

Extra Bonus: Once Moiraine's back Cadsuane can really be tossed. Moiraine totally deserves to be Rand's head advisor if only because she found him/ trained him and became the only Aes Sedai he fully trusted. Kick Cadusane to the curb for all of her bullying.


... and I agree about the cover. Rand on top of Dragonmount with the staff and the cloak would have been epic.


I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, as while it might not have been my favorite or most shocking scene (Semi, Veins of Gold, Verin, Egwene kicking Seanchan ass, etc) it was a scene that made me think and shudder kind of.


When Rand returns to Bander Eban after burning Graendal's tower out of existence and learns all the food, on every ship and every store house, had gone bad at the same time, forcing an entire nation to a slow death of starvation, he just walks away. He doesn't care, not his problem anymore.


First, this scene shows how cold and frankly inhuman Rand has become. Yeah he goes on to make Hurin gag and nearly destroys the Borderlanders out of spite, but this seemed so... cold. Evil.


What really got to me though was this scene in conjunction with the Fisher King analogy. "The Dragon is one with the land, and the land one with the Dragon" or however that saying goes. Someone mentioned Nynaeve's tea going bad around Rand, and I think this is the same thing. As Rand sinks further and further into despair and madness, so does the land. Rand is rotting himself from within, and it in turn is rotting the land. What he does by baelfiring Graendal and her lackey's is so atrocious, so evil, so against nature, that an entire city rots. Basically everything good Rand had done (brought stability, food, etc) was wiped away in an instant (the very same instant the palace is winked out of existence I'd guess), and now Arad Doman is doomed to civil war, Seanchan, and complete starvation.


Anyways, this is my somewhat rambling theory on a scene that got to me. Has some merit I think, and perhaps we will see if after Veins of Gold things don't start growing some more. Let the Lord of the Morning shelter us so that green things may grow, I think that is another one of those KC sayings.


I like your POV on the "The Dragon is one with the land, and the land one with the Dragon" or however that saying goes.


If an entire city feels the result of his doing something "evil" as destroying an entire fortress, what will be the effects of his actions on Dragonmount in "Veins of Gold"?

If an entire city feels the result of his doing something "evil" as destroying an entire fortress, what will be the effects of his actions on Dragonmount in "Veins of Gold"?


Actually, this is a good impression I have overall of the book. In KoD, even the opening wind was corrupted, darker. Ghosts and spoilages, rotting things behind Keepings...


People bursting into flame, roaches, spikes and zombies (of a sort).


The Storm gathering to the north (or not... Rand changed his battle plan and the storm moved with it... Whoa...) and the ominous clouds.


The epilogue though... We saw sunlight break free for the first time in a long time. Rand had to hit rock bottom, and almost did Shai'tan's work for him, but he found laughter again and the sunlight broke through.


I felt then that the world had hope, a sliver (not a Memory, mind you!) of light and I think that says a lot.


I have thought long and hard on this,  I considered many moments including when Rand seized the True Power, Egwene's conversation with Verin, Graendal's death, Egwene fighting off the Seachan and Rand epiphany atop Dragonmout.  And while these were all great moments I have finally decided that my absolute favorite scene in TGS was when Tam went and just ripped Cadusane and new one.  That was so awesome a guy with no supernatural powers whatsoever just dressing down one of the most powerful channelers of the 3rd age.  Gotta love it.


So does everyone pretty much love the book? Is there any discussions about what we didn't like or felt that wasn't right.

I did really enjoy the book to be honest some bits and some aspects irked me though and also the hype built it all up for me so my sense of how much I liked it is a bit warped at the moment.

Ok I did like the bits where Perrin started to question his actions and now realises he is a powerful person who has responsibilities. Also liked when Elaida went beserk with Egwene, I was like 'yipee they cant not see how bad a leader is she and now they have to do something.', a bit disappointed she wasn't dealt with by the Aes Sedai first and then taken by the Senachan. That wouldn't of worked though.


Gotta agree with Jason, Chapter 22 The Last That Could Be Done.  What was your most disappointing chapter or scene?  Mine was where Rand and Tuon met.  That could have been epic, both in plot line and writing but I felt let down.


Agreed 22 was great and the meeting was kinda of lame.  Just wait till they revisit it in 13 with Mat along.  He will probably walk up and  :-* her on the cheek with no one knowing what's going on  ??? :o


My favourite scenes (in no particular order) are as follows: 1. Rand exiling Cadsuane. It was about damn time that someone stopped bowing/curtsying to her with a stammered "Yes Aes Sedai". The fact that she didn't immediately apologise and try to explain herself when she saw the Domination Band is just unforgiveable.

2. Egwene's empathising with Rand's experiance of being trapped in the box. Egwene was always such an annoying character to me in the way she dismissed Rand and every other man automatically as a fool. It's my hope that her experiance will result in those two charcters getting along better in the last two books.

3. The 'A Visit from Verin Sedai' chapter. Verin's nonchalant selflessness and heroism brought tears to my eyes. She and Moiraine were the only Aes Sedai prior to The Gathering Storm (though I really like Egwene and Nynaeve now) that I'd ever respected, and her sacrifice really struck me because of that.

4. Elaida being carried off by the Seanchan. Taste justice you miserable old hag! Oh and Suffa = hilarious.

5. My second favourite moment(s) has got to be when Rand reunites with Tam. It's so heart breaking when Tam starts to automatically act like a servant around him. Oh, and Tam laying the verbal smack down on Cadsuane is just so incredibly accurate and satisfying.


My favourite moment of all though, is definately Veins of Gold. Rand was becoming so incredibly hard that his obliviousness to everyone else could only have resulted in tragedy. Now that he's realised what he's fighting for he'll be able to become the saviour that the people need him to be.


My least favourite moments, not because I thought they were poorly written or out of character, was every scene in which Gawyn brooded over Rand and resolved to kill him. Gawyn has got to be the stupidest man to have ever lived. His original source of information for Rand being responsible was, if I remember correctly, some nameless refugee fleeing Caemlyn. The guy never saw Rand committ the crime, but never mind that. Let's also ignore the fact that Egwene says Rand didn't do it shall we?


I don't have a favorite one, but agree with many others that "Last That Could Be Done", "Visit From Verin Sedai" and "Veins of Gold" are among my favorite chapters.  Great stuff in those three chapters.


However, the chapter that really kicked this book up a notch for me was the beginning of Chapter 15, "A Place to Begin".  That scene between Rand and Moridin was epic, and put TGS in a class with the first 3 books.  Remember the sense of foreboding whenever those scenes took place in the World of Dreams between Rand and Ishamael? I'm not saying this section is the best part, but for me that's when this book really took off.



One of my favorite moments, was when Byrne, on the ground looks up with a spy glass and sees Egwene, unalbe to swee her face but seeing a woman in white, shooting fire from her hands, looking for all the world like an avenging angel, and then his band going to save poor old helpless Egwene, LOL.


Overall, Verin was great and a significant victory against the shadow, Egwene glowing white, blasting toraken and battering away their pitiful attempts to shield her, was awesome, and will strike fear into the Seanchan re the power of the Aes Sedai.  And Rand vs Semirrhage, and blasting Grendel with balefire helped to wipe out a few more forsaken, moving us toward a chance at victory at Tarmon Goidon.


But Veins of gold was the great victory of the book.  An apparently healthy rand with the integrated memories of Lews Therin and perhaps all the reincarnations of the Dragon in ages past, will be a force for the light.


Lookimg forward to the reunion of Perin and Child Byar, Galad and Morgaise, and how that unfolds.


Looking forward to Mat going to Camelyn to meet Elayne, introduce Aludra and getting Dragons built.  Want to see what Verin wrote in her note.


Has no-one yet mentioned the most important scene in the book, nay, the series? The scene all this has been building to? The most monumental, unexpected, wold changing moment of the series, the one that turns everything we thought we knew about WoT on its head? That's right, I mean the scene where Bryne says: You know, I think I actually understand you now, Siuan Sanche." (Ch 43). That's right, a man admitted to understanding a woman! Some we have all waited for, but never thought we'd see.



My favorite chapter is Veins of Gold, I will bet my life that it is an 100% RJ chapter.


Brandon did do a good job but for me most of the characters lost depth and Matt kept saying burn me way way to much


My 2c


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