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What was your favorite chapter / scene/quote?

Jason Denzel

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Long time lurker and first time poster.

Verin/Egwene scene was epic.

Tam/Rand scene was epic.

The ending was epic.

And the whole book was epic, what else can i say.


Look at the one who aren't bonded, and even some that are.  Cold, arrogant, seemingly unfeeling.




I guess I went another way in my head about the "not being happy to learn it" part of Min's prophecy.  Love didn't fit my preconception.  It wasn't something he hadn't ever known... and he stilled loved his three women the whole time, didn't he?


I rarely have the same view of "favorite scenes" as others. The COOLEST were definitely the three most mentioned. Semi-Rand confrontation, Egwene-Verin conversation, and Egwene going crazy nuts on the Seanchan. (btw what happened to the four other bloodknives? weren't they supposed to die like two days after putting their ring ter'angreal on? anywho)


But my favorite scene was when Rand went into Moridin's dream. It wasn't epic, or badass, but it was still my favorite. It was kind of nostalgic, Rand in the room with the fire that gave no heat, but I just really liked the mental picture of the champion of the light and the nae'blis just relaxing in front of the hearth. I think it would have made a fantastic cover art by the way.... at least better than a whorish version of Avi, and Rand raising his fist to the heavens in the most awkward way possible. But yeah. Thats my favorite scene.


Look at the one who aren't bonded, and even some that are.  Cold, arrogant, seemingly unfeeling.




I guess I went another way in my head about the "not being happy to learn it" part of Min's prophecy.  Love didn't fit my preconception.  It wasn't something he hadn't ever known... and he stilled loved his three women the whole time, didn't he?


He felt something for them, certainly.  Whether that something was really "love" is the question.


What he demonstrates is a kind of sexist, paternalistic view of women.  They're somehow too weak or frail or in some other fashion not equipped merely by being women to stand-up to the ugly realities of the world and thus he has to "spare them the pain."


That aint love.


In a large sense love is honoring someone enough to allow them to choose their own challenges in life and then respecting their choice.


Each of the three women in Rand's life chose to take-on the burden of sharing the Dragon Reborn's life.  Rand has not yet even once respected their choice.


I just loved it and BARGHHH can't wait for the next one! And favorite scenes...oh my dear, there are so many but I particularly liked:


1) Egwene raising Silviana as Keeper


2) Verin and Egwene: Literally, I screamed and had to stop reading. IT WAS AMAZING. SO AMAZING. AMAZINGAMAZINGAMAZING.


3) Honestly, the majority of Egwene's scenes were utterly amazing


4) Any Nynaeve and Rand interaction—Nynaeve has always been one of my favorite characters and her acting as his conscience...when he was about to destroy Ebou Dar or when he destroyed Graendal's palace...YOU GO GIRL!


5) Rand's meeting with Tam—I so wanted him to hug Tam, for them to not be awkward with each other. Hell, I wanted to hug Tam.


6) Mat's scene in Hinderstap. It was something properly out of a horror movie and JUST SO GOOD.


7) And of course the scene where Mat was planning out those elaborate disguises and aliases although something there seemed a bit off to me. I just felt it was too humorous, to some extent? But still, it made me laugh out loud.


...And there are so many more. This book was definitely one of the most memorable of the series for me


Chapter 22 has to be the best...Veins of Gold a close second and Rand's dream abt meeting with Moridin was also amazing..They both sat and talked like old friends and when Elan asked him why Rand had walked into his dream i was left shocked!!!!

Yeah, that was pretty cool. I got images of Professor Xavier and Magneto conversing. Weird parallel, but still.

I'm just wondering if their connection will continue to grow


Also, about the Verin scene. I'm sad but also kinda happy that Verin died. Not in the sense that I hated Verin because I didn't, I've always liked her but in the sense that it makes more real. Like she didn't find the oath rod for the perfect fairy tale ending but had to take the harsher route.


My favourite scene would have to be Chapter 50: Veins of Gold, although Chapter 22: The Last That Could Be Done and Chapter 39: A Visit From Verin Sedai were also among my favourites. The only problem I had with this book was that we didn't see as much of Mat and Perrin as we might have; for instance, Rand noticed Perrin meeting with Galad, but we never even had a hint of that prior to the event.


I don't understand all the comments regarding Galad and Perrin. It's a literary technique that RJ/BS are using, one that they have used before. It was used also in this book with Mat/Caemlyn. Relax. You're going to see how Galad and Perrin meet. You are going to see how the world (Forsaken included) react to Rand almost ending all of creation. My guess is, we will see a lot of Mat, Perrin, and Logain in TOM. Rand is now ready to begin the Last Battle so he shouldn't demand much plot advancement in TOM.


Sorry about the short ramble.


As much as I enjoyed Verin, and a couple of the other scenes that have been mentioned a lot.  I think my favorite was actually the end of Reading the Commentary.


Tam's, "A bully is a bully, whether she uses the strength of her arm or other means" to Cadsuane and Min's, "This is what we all get, for assuming we can make him do what we want" were two things that I've wanted to hear said for a very, very long time and they both made me cheer.


My favourite scene would have to be Chapter 50: Veins of Gold, although Chapter 22: The Last That Could Be Done and Chapter 39: A Visit From Verin Sedai were also among my favourites. The only problem I had with this book was that we didn't see as much of Mat and Perrin as we might have; for instance, Rand noticed Perrin meeting with Galad, but we never even had a hint of that prior to the event.


My favorite scene was actually Verin/Egwene, then Veins of Gold, then Egwene battling Seanchan, and finally Semirhage vs. Rand.  I was a bit worried he was going to be forced to kill Min before it even happened.  


Egwene really stood out in this book for me in her rise to absolute badassness.  


It might be easy to forget the reason we didn't see Mat and Perrin a whole lot.  Originally this was just a third of a book, and was forced to become a book of its own.  


Mat and Perrin's scenarios weren't able to advance as far chronologically as Egwene and Rand's.  The next book will have quite a bit of Mat and Perrin's (and others, hopefully a Graendal death scene, to end speculation) POV before we get a Rand or Egwene POV chapter.  Assuming that they're aren't any Nightblades hiding in the Tower to kill Aes Sedai, (it would be pretty annoying if there were) we don't need to see another Egwene scene until her power is firmly established within the Tower and she starts sending out Aes Sedai to meet with royalty and hunt down Black Ajah.  


The whole Galad, Whitecloaks, Morgase thing would be an absolute shame if we didn't get to see it unfolding.  I'm pretty certain we'll see it next book.  Vitually all the Perrin scenes did in this book was show us that Perrin realized he'd been an over obsessed jerk lately.  It's seems like it was just to tell us that he realized he had a fairly simple problem to deal with within himself and that we shouldn't have to care about it for the rest of this book.


I found the Mat scenes to be pretty funny, but they felt a little bit more Sanderson-like and less Jordan-like to me. Mat's an enjoyable to character to read either way though.  


Edit: took to long to type this up, OsaroLJ said similar/same things.


As much as I enjoyed Verin, and a couple of the other scenes that have been mentioned a lot.  I think my favorite was actually the end of Reading the Commentary.


Tam's, "A bully is a bully, whether she uses the strength of her arm or other means" to Cadsuane and Min's, "This is what we all get, for assuming we can make him do what we want" were two things that I've wanted to hear said for a very, very long time and they both made me cheer.


Agreed.  The first hint of adult behavior and plain old common sense we've seen from any main characters in the whole flaming series.


I don't understand all the comments regarding Galad and Perrin. It's a literary technique that RJ/BS are using, one that they have used before. It was used also in this book with Mat/Caemlyn. Relax. You're going to see how Galad and Perrin meet. You are going to see how the world (Forsaken included) react to Rand almost ending all of creation. My guess is, we will see a lot of Mat, Perrin, and Logain in TOM. Rand is now ready to begin the Last Battle so he shouldn't demand much plot advancement in TOM.


Sorry about the short ramble.

I kinda hope this is and isn't the case, i agree mat/perrin/elayne/aviendha need more screen time, but i hope that rand doesn't get shafted down like he did in books 10 and 11, he is the main character after all.


I found the Mat scenes to be pretty funny, but they felt a little bit more Sanderson-like and less Jordan-like to me. Mat's an enjoyable to character to read either way though.  


Edit: took to long to type this up, OsaroLJ said similar/same things.


Don't be too sure it was Sanderson.  Mat, the carefree bachelor, just got married.  Out of the blue.  With no real warning that it was gonna happen NOW.  And, then he gets the bomb of him now being the Prince of Ravens dropped on him even more unexpectedly. He's freaked.  He's giddy.  He has no idea what it all means for his future.  And, in true Mat fashion, he deflects.  And, deflects.  And, deflects. 


Marriage isn't gonna change him.  No sirree.  And he tells Talmanes exactly that.  For the fifteenth time in the last two days.


Talmanes is naturally amused by how much the lady doth protest too much.


He's in love and married besides and a Prince to boot and he hasn't figured out how to deal with any of those things yet.  So yeah, being Mat, he naturally gets loopier by the page.


Funniest scene was Vanin talking to the Aes Sedai about finally knowing their location (complete with scratching himself!), Mat being hugely proud, then his smile slowly fading as he realises Vanin changes his tune.  LMAO!


I loved the Moridin/Rand firelight scene and Siuan bonding Gareth, nicely done.  Egwene's wrath at the Seanchan had me in tears - quite embarrassing when you're on public transport!


BS has done an brilliant job at continuing the WOT tale... all fears laid to rest!


It seems like most of us agree about Mat. He did feel a little off to me...too chatty. That first rail against women went on forever, but, having said that, I still found it amusing.

If in fact Brandon did write the Mat parts himself, I DO think he did a fantastic job. Even slightly off Mat is one of my favorite characters. He honestly made me lol in this book. The back stories he concocted seemed a tad out of character but I really enjoyed it nevertheless.


We knew some parts would feel different. Sanderson is not Jordan. Despite the challenges in finishing a series for such diehard fans though, he really hit it out of the park.


Anyone else dying to know what Verin wrote in that note?! :p



Rand meeting Moridin in TAR


My reasons:

1) No way in hell did I see this coming in this book

2) I liked the calmness of the scene (at least from Moridin's side)

3) The dialog between them was very, very interesting


Other awesome scenes: Egwene "burning" Elaida with every word

                      "The Last that Could be Done"

                      "Veins of Gold"

                      Egwene kicking the crap out of the Seanchan

                      Verin's revelations


How can I choose a single scene?!? If I have to choose I'd say the Verin/Egwene scene. But frankly I pretty much enjoyed the whole book! I liked seeing Semirhage eat off the floor. I liked the meeting between Moridin and Rand. Veins of Gold was just majestic and profoundly poetic. And I pretty much loved Egwene's whole story arc!


On another note, like many here, I thought Mat was a little off. Although I did enjoy the aliases part. The zombie town was a bit too much and I think it was put there just to give Mat an action scene in this book. I can't wait to know what the letter Verin left him contains. We all know he will open it!


Finaly I'm really disappointed we didn't get the much anticipated foursome from Kathana's poll. :( Oh well... there's still a chance for that in ToM and aMoL! :) 


the chapter that made me laugh the most was Legends.


but 2 good scenes was verin one i was a little sad how she died i thought she might have been able to at least go out in a blaze of glory.


and the battle at the white tower with the seanchan was pretty kewl also :)


Hope you don't mind a post from a long-time lurker :)


I loved TGS - I think that for the first time it actually started feeling CLOSE to Tarmon Gaidon and it felt that there may actually be a resolution to the series.


Someone wrote and I will echo that if you have any feelings toward the Brown, which I do, then Verin's scene is just wonderful.  It stood out that she said that the Brown's were the ajah that look to the future whereas the others try to work with the present.  When most of the other Aes Sedai dismiss the Brown for being too concerned with the past then it was a beautiful feeling and Verin - just wow! Honour to the Brown Ajah.  I am sure that Egwene will find a way to thank her.  I assume that she was suggesting that she would return to Mat if she could find the Oath Rod and she found that she could remove the oaths to the Black.


The scene where Rand just abandoned Arad Doman to it's fate just typified 'Crazy Rand' for me.  It's an action he would never have taken sane and I think it, along with the meeting with Tam, showed the extent to which Rand had lost the essence of himself.  Agreed with the people on here who think that he tried to use compulsion on Tuon. It was nice to see him at the end becoming a bit more human again, I was worried that he was beyond help.


I was hoping the whole Tower of Ghenjei thing would be this book but I am obviously still on tenterhooks about that jaunt! I thought Mat was pretty good - I loved the 'disguise' discussion!


Good to see Perrin is still just as miserable and beating himself up about every little thing *sigh* I am a Faile fan so it was nice to see her go sort out Masema as it was obvious that Perrin was not going to do it.


Also pmsl-ing at Semirhage getting spanked!


However, it is my belief that this has fulfilled Min viewings about Cadsuane and her teaching Rand.  Her intervention brought Tam back into Rand's life and he mentioned Cadsuane which fuelled the whole 'I'm going to balefire you!!' incident which made he realise that he was out of control and so run off to DM to have a think to himself and a little chat with LTT.


It was good to see Hurin again.  I thought that he was the only char to ever escape the Ta'veren pull!


Just oen final thought and that is the thought that Elayne may be involved with the callandor thing: won't she have to have those babies first? If I recall correctly she's having some issues with channeling now she's pregnant.


I found the Mat scenes to be pretty funny, but they felt a little bit more Sanderson-like and less Jordan-like to me. Mat's an enjoyable to character to read either way though.  


Edit: took to long to type this up, OsaroLJ said similar/same things.


Don't be too sure it was Sanderson.  Mat, the carefree bachelor, just got married.  Out of the blue.  With no real warning that it was gonna happen NOW.  And, then he gets the bomb of him now being the Prince of Ravens dropped on him even more unexpectedly. He's freaked.  He's giddy.  He has no idea what it all means for his future.  And, in true Mat fashion, he deflects.  And, deflects.  And, deflects. 


Marriage isn't gonna change him.  No sirree.  And he tells Talmanes exactly that.  For the fifteenth time in the last two days.


Talmanes is naturally amused by how much the lady doth protest too much.


He's in love and married besides and a Prince to boot and he hasn't figured out how to deal with any of those things yet.  So yeah, being Mat, he naturally gets loopier by the page.


Marriage doesnt make u go all dungeons and dragons seriousness roleplaying though >.<


It does if you're Mat.


He's just given Talmanes and Mandevwin enough ammunition that they'll be able to keep him humble all the way to Tarmon Gai'don and beyond.  Every time Mat gets out of line from now on, they'll start discussing whether Mandevwin should go home to his poor aged aunt or not.  Classic and wonderful stuff.  Totally in character for Mat, too.  He's always set himself up as an easy target for that sort of thing.


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