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Mistborn Mafia..Game Thread!! *Game over. Mafia Win*

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Jade, no offence dear, I love you... but you do this every game.  Piddle around and act confused til it's too late to throw a vote on someone.  You have lost innocents the games doing this.  Don't feel you will offend someone by voting them and just pick someone you find suspicious.  You find three people suspicious... figure out which one sticks out the most and vote.

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LOL well I don't play very often Nae so I am not experienced as some of you, so no offense taken. I missed voting for Narina because I was out of town, so that has nothing to do with me piddling. Panda like I said, I can't explain it, it's a gut feeling and mine alone. What it is going to take is me making a decision, and having said that, I am voting for Bursius this time around. Panda I am still suspicious of you but you at least are moving the game along and that's a good thing.


It's been a couple years since I last played a game like this.  As a result, I'm a bit rusty so I hope y'all forgive me if I'm a bit tentative at first, getting back into the swing and feel of the game.


Anyway, for lack of a more solid alternative since all any of us have at this point is suspicion, I'll go with the crowd on this one and vote [glow=red,2,300]Bursius[/glow].  I'm not convinced I'm right but I need to take a stand somewhere.




I know that with no lynch on day one and then a lynch of an innocence on day two has us all second guessing ourselves. Well, except for the mafia they know what they are doing. Anyway, we need to not fear voting and being a solid unit with our votes. If we get an innocent we carry on and re-evaluate what all was said. I feel comfortable with the vote for today and yes Jade I thinking Bur today and then see how the night action goes. Either Liathiana or Panda if we still suspect them for tomorrow. That will be depending on if Liathiana shows up to say where she has been or not and if we still suspect Panda or not.


Panda I understand the short fuse. We all can get them. Jade darling at least you are changing your vote back and forth like me. I feel like a wiffle waffler. However I can't ignore stuff when it happens.


I think no one was killed because we have a good PewterArm who did their job and protected who the Mistborn or Obligators were going after. Oh, just had a thought who was away during the night action. They could be the Mistborn and didn't report their night action. Nephi did post that she needed ALL night actions turned in. Either that or they are the speaker for the Obligators. I think we have a clue. This so leads me to believe Liathiana even more because she is the first person that comes to mind without even checking the posts. I still say we keep our votes where they are as if only some of us change them and not everyone one logs on we could miss again like we did day one.

I think no one was killed because we have a good PewterArm who did their job and protected who the Mistborn or Obligators were going after.


Min, I find that post very suspicious. You have played this game often enough to know that the Healer always protects him/herself until such time as the Finder requires protection. He/she doesn't try to 'guess' who the Mafia will target. So what kind of red herring are you serving here?  *lifts left eyebrow*


The last night was shorter than the one before. It is possible that the Obligators, thinking they had another 24 hours, failed to see Nephi's post. I'm thinking that is very likely, much more likely than the PewterArm miraculously blocking their night kill. So -



Now, do I vote for Min, for making such a strangely naive and useless argument? Or Lia, for suspiciously not posting here, though she has been active elsewhere? And who else was missing before and during the night?  :-\




I haven't posted on this site for a couple days because my LAPTOP IS BROKEN. :P


If you feel the need to lynch me because of it so be it, I pmed the mod before this to inform her of the same :)


I think it'd be bloody stupid of me if I"m Mafia to draw such notice to myself by not posting :P


Oooh funny thing is, I was writing a post in this game when my laptop broke! I got as far as...


*doesn't like the roleplaying either*




Yep, my boyfriend in Sweden hasnt' even been able to talk to me :P


Hmm...I hadn't had time to read over the thread and someone told me I was about to be lynched but I guess not? Now I"m confused, I'll go read now :P


I will confirm that i did get a PM from Lianthia telling me about her comp. *nods*


Here is the Vote count...


Bur (8): Pandy, Naeann, Minuet, Aubrey, Illiara, Meava, Jade, Dar,

Lianthia (2): Kelly, Bur,

Minuet (1): Loreina


Sorry Lianthia I did not know your computer broke.


Now to answer Loreina I have not played a mafia game for over a year. At least not that I can remember. I have also never been the healer, so don't know how that role is played. If you think I am mafia then so be it, like I said before nothing but my death can prove it anyway. To be honest we don't really know anyone's role until they are either lynched or night killed.


It happens. Welcome back to the game that some how isn't feelign like a game!


It's lynching, not actual killing. :P *yeesh*


Sorry about your computer, Lia. You could still be an Obligator, though I guess we'll have to wait to find out.


*shrugs*  You don't have to play a roll to know how the roll works, Min. Still, I have had a few lapses myself after not playing for a long time. And it doesn't look like anyone else agrees with me. Yet. 

In fact, people seem to be oddly uninterested. If Bursius is indeed an Obligator, his associates appear to be willing to let us lynch him. They had the perfect opportunity to go after someone else, but they chose to ignore it. Interesting.

Reading back over Bursius' posts, unless the Obligators were negligent in their tutelage, it's not likely that Bursius is one of them. Too many oddities and too much randomness. Obligators usually coordinate their actions, with one assuming a guiding roll and directing their strategy. Of course, that could have been Jeran, which means the remaining Obligators could be inexperienced and are now basically rudderless. More interesting.

Or perhaps we are being led like sheep by yet another experienced Obligator, forcing us away from Liathiana and toward Bursius? Panda would fit such a description. Easy for him to cast suspicion on Bursius by provoking him. Is Panda guiding us innocents sagely? Or is he manipulating us?  Wheels within wheels.

*sighs*  We're still a mob. [glow=red,2,300]Bursius[/glow]  but I have my doubts now.




post count:


Bur (10) Pandy, Naeann, Minuet, Aubrey, Illiara, Meava, Jade, Dar,Kelly, Loreina

Lianthia (2): Bur

Minuet (1): Loreina




I have to cut this day short people. I'm sorry! I am super busy tonight. I owe you all a good night scene once day starts again.  ;D


Bursius an innocent has been lynched. please send me your night actions. This night will be 48 hours. Night actions due by 9PM Sunday EST.


Yikes!  Another innocent . . . this is just horrible.  :-\


Wow, I am shocked. I really thought we found someone this time. Okay, someone else do the deciding. I keep picking the wrong people. That is if I survive the night.


*Huddles in room and ponders*


Actually, one of them did die, so there may be as few as two left. And none of the lynched innocents had a role, and that's a very good thing. 


Yah, well, I did say it didn't really look like Bursius was gonna turn out to be an Obligator. The activity and the posts were just not backing up our initial suspicions. But the only other alternatives I had any shred of suspicion about were panda, Lia, and Min. Lia could've pleaded computer probs to escape a lynch. But that's not likely, right?  Min's excuse is a valid one, but I've played Mafia with her before. She's...slippery. Her posts are hard to interpret - it's something about the way she phrases things. Even when she's innocent, she looks guilty. Still, she's had too high a profile in this game imo to be an Obligator. Panda, also, has been far too omnipresent in this game to be an Obligator,imo. His actions are not consistent with those of someone hoping to escape suspicion. Yet, he has done some inexplicable stuff.


Well, it will be very interesting to see who the Obligators choose to night kill. 




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