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The BESTEST parts

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If I just said "Every part" would that be cheap?  ;D


Ummm... Mat going to the Aelfinn, Mat going to the Eelfinn, Rand seeing the past of the Aeil, the battle with Couladin, Galad killing Valda, Dumai's Wells, Perrin crushing the Shaido, Faile's kidnapping, the war with the Seanchan, the Seanchan landing at Ebou Dar, Rand fighting Ba'alzamon in the sky, Mat realizing who Tuon is, Tuon completeing the vows, Shadar Haran marking Alviarin, the birth of Osan'gar and Aran'gar, Perrin meeting Elyas, Nynaeve leaving Lan at World's End, the death of Kadere, the fight between Lanfear and Moiraine, Demandred at Shayol Ghul, Julian talking about torture methods, Nynaeve fighting Mogehiden, Padron Niall's assassination, Rand meeting Mazrim Taim, Pevara and the other Aes Sedai going to the Black Tower, Logain bonding Toveine, Nynaeve healing Logain, the cleansing of Saidin, Mat fighting that gholam, Suain being stripped from Amrylin, the battle with Rahvin and all the other stuff going on at that same time, Egwene being named Amrylin, Elayne bitching out the Aes Sedai and the Kin in ACoS, Rand taking Callandor...


I'll stop there.


Well the Rand/Narg scene got me hooked on WoT after a heck of a time forging through the stuff before it.  But others I loved include:


Perrin and Egwene meeting Elyas.

Moiraine and the Dragkhar. *drool*

Moiraine catching fish by hand in TDR.

Aviendha teaching Rand Aiel customs.

Elayne saving Birgitte by bonding her.

Shaidar Haran in the White Tower.

Anything with Mat and Tylin.





This one is easy, When Mat is leaving The palace and Tuon is there.


So, you do intend to leave. I am afraid I can not allow that "Toy".  No matter how many time i have read that scene, i laugh my butt off.


I loved all the Mat and Tylin scenes, anything with Lan and Nyn, Dumai Wells, the bits where Egwene is a prisoner in the White Tower but doesn't act like it and probably lots more but I can only remember the last few books properly ::)


my top three favorites would be, dumai's well, ingtar's last stand, and mat wupping galad and gawyn... some other great ones though would be, the cleansing, rand before siuan with lan's training, perrin's defense of the two rivers, tuon meeting mat's army and realizing that he is a general, nynaeve rallying the malkier for lan, mat's deal with the seafolk, rand earning the name shadowkiller, moiraine's "death"... and countless others


The whole of TSR... well the parts with Lanfear in it at any rate... ok I guess pretty much the parts without Lanfear in it as well. Oh yeah and any parts with Lanfear before she came back as little miss whipped.


I think all scenes with Rand and the Forsaken are great. Also Dumais Wells as others have listed.


Another scene which is nice is when Aviendha, Brigitte, Elayne and Nynaeve are travelling by boat in Ebou Dar, seen from Aviendhas perspective.


And finally all scenes with Mat... :)


every part with Egwene after she got control over the Salidar sitters, Tuon in KoD, the two AS telling Rand about their Bargain with the Sea Folk, and then snapping at him in PoD, Mat and Birgitte in Ebou Dar umm plus a couple other things. I kinda like the whole series actually  :P


Always thought the battle of Emen's Field was great. And Dumai's Wells would make an awesome scene if they ever make film adaptations, especially when all the wolves come out... that is awesome...


Personaly I think my favorite moment is in book 5 when Rand and the Aiel step out of the gateway and Mat and the rest are killed and Rand becomes Death walking. Thats my favorite moment so far.





Dumai's Wells is the first time you get to really see the Asha'man at work as they were trained (in utter destruction).  Also it is a major victory against the Shaido Aiel.  Not to mention the smackdown of some uppity Aes Sedai.


Not to go against popular opinion, but any part with the Forsaken in council because you get to look back at them and see which plans worked etc. Also Elayne showing up the kin in CoS.


I also love the battle scnes listed and one not mentioned when Rand Logain et al whip 100,000 trollocs.


I really liked Moraine telling about Manetherin, Tuon realizing Mat is a lion, not a toy and has been released on the high plains, and when LAn instructs Rand before he makes such an impressin on Suian.  Also when Matt first demonstrates his battle knowledge telling Lan the best way to take Carrhien from the Shaido.  Remember when Asmodean stared at Matt, dumbfounded.


Dumai's Well, The Battle of Emond's Field when Faile comes to the rescue at the last possible second, Lan whenever he challenges Morainne, any scene with Tuon and Mat, When Nynaeve and Elayne first get dosed with forkroot, Asmo vs Rand, Rand vs the Seanchan, when Mat blows the Horn, Mat whipping on Galad and Gawyn, Perrin at the Blacksmiths, the first time we see the bubbles of evil, When the Stone of Tear falls, the first-sister's ceremony, the rescue of Faile from the Shaido and last but not least the cleansing of Saidin.


I love it all, but I'd have to say that my favorite part of all is when Rand is seeing the past of the Aiel.  I don't know why, but that just gets me.  I also really like Mat's encounters with the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn, Rand's battle with Ba'alzamon, Moiraine's battle with Lanfear, Perrin fighting the Whitecloaks, the battle with the Trollocs at Emond's Field, when Nynaeve goes into the ter'angreal for her testing to be Accepted :D, Egwene's visit to the ter'angreal for her testing to be Accepted :D, when Mat reads Moiraine's letter to Thom, when Rand is dragging Tam to Emond's Field and also when he actually gets there, when Rand is trying to take everyone to Toman Head and accidentally takes a whole month of time, Nynaeve's encounters with Lan before Moiraine's death, and, good heavens, lots more that I can't think of right now.  I like all the individual sword fights, too.

Well, I know someone will say something that jogs my memory, but this is it for now.


Any scene without Perrin whining over his hostage wife. ;D Actually, all of Mat's scenes are great. I especially liked the time he layed hand to butt on an AS in the wagon. "Now that killed the goat." Also, Tuon's POV about Mat was really good.


There's a lot of parts I like.  One I laughed so hard was in the shadow rising when Egwene and Elayne are trying to teach Rand to channel saidin and then they get frustrated when he doesn't DO anything so he uses it to pinch their bottoms and in retaliation they give Rand a big whollop on his own behind.haha. 


Another, in lord of chaos right before the Band and Mat go to Salidar, in Mat's tent Aviendha whips out her belt knife and methodically and calmly starts sharpening it on a stone in a corner, giving Matt the jitters and when his two underlings come strolling in, he states they are off to go tickle some Aes Sedai under the chin, get a "mule" (Egwene), put a snip-nosed girl on the Lion Throne, and then offhand he mentions Aviendha and be careful of her she'll cut your throat in a heartbeat, and probably her own as well in the process.LOL. ;D 


Gotta love it when Mat's in the scene.  He really livens things up and makes things very amusing.


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