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WELCOME BACK, to those who have not been here a while. Please join in the Feast of Fools Event!


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10 hours ago, Nynaeve said:

I'll just be here in case anyone requires some ear boxing. Or boxing of any chosen body part. I'm quite accommodating. 😉 


Nyna! I can't even say how wonderful it is to see you here! *grabs and hugs*

You ok? We worry.

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9 hours ago, HeroAndros said:

I already told them they really should have brought out some better chairs. This kinda stiff wood might work for the youngens around here, or naughty novices, but those of us they dragged from the pensioners quarters are used to better.


Well ok then! Here's one for you:



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Oh! That white cuddler is a bit more snuggly looking than the last one you gave me! :laugh:



*hobbles from her rocking chair to the new cushy white one, snugglebiting her Sourvas on the way* :biggrin:


I can't believe we're all in the same place again! *wipes a Yuletide tear*🎁




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