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44 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

I don’t totally understand why there isn’t a physical leash with the a’dam, but because they made that stylistic choice, I don’t understand why the Suldam needs to take the bracelet off when she leaves.  

I don’t think she needs to take it off. I think it’s done as a power play because she knows Egwene will try to take it. It’s a giant middle finger. 


I enjoyed this episode. Like others there are some nitpicking points. 

Why would Ryma stay in Falme to study the a’dam?

How did her warded know the damane noticed?

will they have time to complete this part of her story or does it matter?  The sitter seems poised to fit that role. 

The tree singing was nice fan service but seemed a little out of place to me. I am not sure how non-book readers will take it. There was no build up or reference for viewers. 

How long do they leave Egy there to be trained?  I thought her scenes were well done other than Renna being able to lift her so easily.


I don’t know about Siuan untying a knotted weave to help Moiraine. They cannot see male weaves. How would she go about doing this?  It seems a stretch to me, but I would not rule it out with this adaptation. 

traveling from Cairhien to Falme will take how much time?  Do they do a time jump or fast travel?

3 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

I don’t know much about BDSM but isn’t is sexual in nature?  I don’t get that at all from the Sul’dam and Damane.  

I think the book analogy is that of a wild animal that needs to be broken.

BDSM doesn't need to be sexual, it's more about the power dynamics. Though that final "good girl" likely gave many people pants feelings.

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1 minute ago, Wassup said:


I don’t know about Siuan untying a knotted weave to help Moiraine. They cannot see male weaves. How would she go about doing this?  It seems a stretch to me, but I would not rule it out with this adaptation. 

Could set up an interesting scene if Rand learns how to see the weaves and Siuan has to talk Rand through how to go about untying them. 

4 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

I don’t know much about BDSM but isn’t is sexual in nature?  I don’t get that at all from the Sul’dam and Damane.  

I think the book analogy is that of a wild animal that needs to be broken.


There is generally a sexual component to the Dom/Sub dynamic, yes, but unless a Sub is already subconsciously predisposed to being submissive, there's going to be a period where the Dom has to use both 'the carrot and the stick' (sometimes the stick more than the carrot), which is what was happening here, although, as noted, the Dom/Sub undertones were mixed with the casual cruelty historically imposed upon slaves by their Masters and/or their Masters' Overseers.


7 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

So it leaned into the books? 🤔🤪


Because I didn't care for the books, I don't actually remember that much about them, but the Dom/Sub kink is different from the owner and pet dynamic that comments from others had indicated was present in the books.


7 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

There was that interaction she had with Verin about investigating the supposed "attack" on the girls "caravan" heading to Caemlyn.


I don't remember anything from that conversation indicating that Liandrin was supposed to be heading to Caemlyn.

  • Moderator
11 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:


There is generally a sexual component to the Dom/Sub dynamic, yes, but unless a Sub is already subconsciously predisposed to being submissive, there's going to be a period where the Dom has to use both 'the carrot and the stick' (sometimes the stick more than the carrot), which is what was happening here, although, as noted, the Dom/Sub undertones were mixed with the casual cruelty historically imposed upon slaves by their Masters and/or their Masters' Overseers.



Because I didn't care for the books, I don't actually remember that much about them, but the Dom/Sub kink is different from the owner and pet dynamic that comments from others had indicated was present in the books.



I don't remember anything from that conversation indicating that Liandrin was supposed to be heading to Caemlyn.

There is nothing sexual about the Sul’Dam/Damane relationship. Sul’Dam view themselves as essentially lion tamers and the damane are pets, not sexual objects. 

It would be shameful beyond bearing for a Sul’Dam to be thought to have sexual feelings for a damane. Akin to bestiality. 


UGhhh not the best episode.  Rand to me just acts like an idiot with no real thought to what he does.  He's already making agreements with Lanfear?  Min having to make deals with the Forsaken?  I really hate what they've done with Min.  


They have ruined the whole world of dreams thing, I mean if Lanfear can just capture anyone as soon as they fall asleep.  Seems like lazy writing. 


At this point I'm not even sure why Lan is still in the show.  


All of the Ishy showing up as the burning eyed spooky person in season one seems rather pointless now that he appears as Ishy who openly admits who he is.  


Clearly the Forsaken aren't really feared as both Suroth and Liandrin had no issues talking back to them.  I like giving Liandrin some substance, and her quietly helping Nyn get free was a nice touch.  I think they're pushing too hard with her whole ohh she had a tough life backstory.  Since it really doesn't add a whole lot and with time so limited the scene with Lanfear and her just seems like wasted time.


Still amazes me the difference in quality of the CGI between LOTR and WOT.


I think they're doing a great job showing the breaking of people to make them Damane.


I like Season two better then season one, but IMO it still suffers from a lot of wasted time and some changes that really add nothing.

2 hours ago, nsmallw said:

I loved how Suroth's sycophants were changing as Loial sang and how quickly Suroth put an end to it, when she noticed.

This was powerful, arc it demonstrated so much about who Suroth is, the caste, sycophant and slavery system of the Seanchan while also being great foreshadowing to the role of Loial, and the Ogiers, and pointed out Ingtars flaws. 

2 hours ago, nsmallw said:

Min, I see what they are doing but I really hope she gets a redemption arc this season and they don't drag it out. I want more book Min!


I am not a fan of how involved Ishy is in everything, they appear to be relying on Forsaken interference as a cause of conflict even more than the books did. 
Min needed a better story arc than the books where really until the end she was fairly flat character, that filled in where they needed a non- channeler. I wish they had focused more on her street smarts and less on her viewings as motivators and character flaws/strengths. 

I also do not like how her visions appear to be more realistic and less symbolic, that can have multiple interpretations.


34 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

I don’t think she needs to take it off. I think it’s done as a power play because she knows Egwene will try to take it. It’s a giant middle finger. 

Makes sense.

12 minutes ago, Sabio said:

Clearly the Forsaken aren't really feared as both Suroth and Liandrin had no issues talking back to them. 

Both Suroth and Liandrin are needed at this point, if they lose thier usefulness then the hatchet will fall. 


wait, nobody is speaking of the incredible revelation of this episode!

when ryma asked if liandrin broke the oaths, elayne said "all of them". she lied, she used the power as a weapon outside of self-defence, but the third?

clearly it means liandrin has rediscovered how to craft power-wrought weapons! and she has crafted weapons off scene.

either that, or elayne lied, which means in this version of the story elayne is a darkfriend


47 minutes ago, Sabio said:

UGhhh not the best episode.  Rand to me just acts like an idiot with no real thought to what he does.  He's already making agreements with Lanfear?  Min having to make deals with the Forsaken?  I really hate what they've done with Min.  


They have ruined the whole world of dreams thing, I mean if Lanfear can just capture anyone as soon as they fall asleep.  Seems like lazy writing. 


At this point I'm not even sure why Lan is still in the show.  


All of the Ishy showing up as the burning eyed spooky person in season one seems rather pointless now that he appears as Ishy who openly admits who he is.  


Clearly the Forsaken aren't really feared as both Suroth and Liandrin had no issues talking back to them.  I like giving Liandrin some substance, and her quietly helping Nyn get free was a nice touch.  I think they're pushing too hard with her whole ohh she had a tough life backstory.  Since it really doesn't add a whole lot and with time so limited the scene with Lanfear and her just seems like wasted time.


Still amazes me the difference in quality of the CGI between LOTR and WOT.


I think they're doing a great job showing the breaking of people to make them Damane.


I like Season two better then season one, but IMO it still suffers from a lot of wasted time and some changes that really add nothing.

 Lan broke down like Chunk in the Goonies....




 When I was 8 years old I went to the movies with a fake bag of puke.... ah, when I was 14 I....


they cannot possibly make him any worse than he already is.


Lan was making the very rational decision that Moiraine's plan wasn't working, and therefore he brought Alanna and her warders into the plot because there was no chance to help Rand by continuing to stonewall people who are his natural allies. He's done suffering for Moiraine's mistakes. Seemed like his best move of the season, I'm excited to see him step up in E7.

  • Community Administrator
31 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

wait, nobody is speaking of the incredible revelation of this episode!

when ryma asked if liandrin broke the oaths, elayne said "all of them". she lied, she used the power as a weapon outside of self-defence, but the third?

clearly it means liandrin has rediscovered how to craft power-wrought weapons! and she has crafted weapons off scene.

either that, or elayne lied, which means in this version of the story elayne is a darkfriend


16 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

She hasn’t taken the oaths yet tho. 


To make no weapon with which one person may kill another.

One could go pedantic and argue that in a round about way, Liandrin has made a weapon of the one power, via enslaving Egwene and turning her into a weapon via the Seanchan.



I got to admit, the whole scene where Lan is forced to spill the beans on Rand felt wrong to me. The evidence they have against Lan is flimsy at best yet Alanna was ready to kill him for an answer. Could she even do it with the One Power considering the Oaths, or would the Warders have to do it when she ties him in air? With that amount of evidence, it's basically execution without a trial. That's borderline evil stuff from Alanna & co. After that ordeal Lan should just ditch them asap but they're back together intercepting Rand at the end of the episode. 


I'm not a huge fan of Alanna in general but they made her look really bad in this. 


This episode absolutely f**ked me up! Too many dang emotions. 


The hardest moment was watching Ryma's battle with the Damane. On one hand, it was a brilliant depiction of the restrictions the Aes Sedai have against the Seanchan. She couldn't do any lethal attacks until after her Warder was attacked by the Damane. If she hadn't been bound by the three oaths, they would have been taken out so much sooner. I also appreciated that her attacks where body based, really honed in on how nasty a Yellow sister could be if she used her weaves and knowledge of the body offensively. 


On the other hand, her sacrifice, her emotional reaction to her Warder's death, her leashing, it was almost too much to watch. That scene being overlapped with Egwene's torture was intense. Justice for Ryma! I really really hope she gets unleashed at some point, I got so attached to her for her short scene presence. 


Other thoughts: 

  1. Mat + Rand reunion was cool. Mat failing to meet Rand at the end also strong show of Mat's love and care for his friends. 
  2. Curious to where they are going with Min and loving this deeper depth to her character
  3. Lan, you are letting me down. 
  4. Alanna, just as meddling as in the books it seems 
  5. Nyn & Elayne pairing is continuing to be great and dynamic. Elayne really shining with her control and check on Nyn's impulsiveness and need to run headlong into danger to save folks
  6. I didn't like that they left Nyn to expose them when trying to unlock the A'dam...but I did like the example of Nyn's ability to read Ter'angreal like she did in the books. 
  7. Siuan's "Aura of Swords" was pretty cool visually, not sure how practical of a defense though, and why would she be traveling with such a small company?
  8. Liandrin continues to be such a powerful character. I can't believe I'm so invested in her in the show, when I absolutely HATED the character in the books. 
  9. Renna, you can freaking suck a bag of puke!
  10. Ryma crushing the Sul'dam's body reminded me of the opening scene to X-men Apocalypse. 
  11. I thought the singing bit with Loail was cool...though I'm at odds with how they made it sound. 
  12. Barthanes is being depicted as such a sweet person. Will Tudor always has that "innocent/sweet" presence. If they continue having him being a DF that's going to be such a twist. 


I'm with the "Moraine thinks she is Stilled but that isn't confirmation of the actual fact" camp. I'm still hoping for Siuan to somehow unweave the shield. Still leaves room for other plots we saw in the books. 


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